Andrea Zita Costa Botelho
Entidades de I&D
FCT - Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
CIBIO-A - Centro de Investigação em Biodiversidade e Recursos Genéticos
Perfis Externos
Áreas de Conhecimento
Entidades Financiadoras
Direção Regional da Ciência, Inovação e Desenvolvimento
Direção Regional da Ciência e da Tecnologia
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de 117 Publicações
Effects of climate change on marine coastal ecosystems – A review to guide research and management
The potential of coasteering as a coastal touristic product: the case of the Azores
Chapter 1. Diversity and trends of marine ecosystems in the tropical Atlantic (colaboration)
Coastal seascapes for marine wildlife tourism in Atlantic islands: stakeholders’ perceptions
Developing Productivity and Susceptibility Attributes towards a rapid management-risk assessment of macroalgae
Diversity and trends of marine ecosystems in the tropical Atlantic
ENGOs' involvement in the MSP process in Cabo Verde
Ecotourism in Marine Protected Areas as a tool to valuate natural capital and enhance good marine governance: A review
Environmental coastal research: a systematic review for Azores and Cabo Verde, two peripherical Macaronesian archipelagos
Evaluating the combined effect of climate and anthropogenic stressors on marine coastal ecosystems: Insights from a systematic review of cumulative impact assessment approaches
Finding marine macroalgae DNA: a systematic review of metabarcoding methods
Human-mediated connectivity in the Atlantic as derived from maritime traffic arriving at Azorean marinas
Implementation of a post-graduation course in ecotourism and nature guides, at the University of the Azores
Monitoring non-indigenous species on a remote island: shipping ports vs. marine protected areas
Recursos naturais e o papel da formação no desenvolvimento do ecoturismo nos Açores
Spatial and temporal distribution of non-indigenous marine species in the harbour of Ponta Delgada
Where is Ocean Literacy in Azorean Schools?
An approach to Seascape assessment: touristic, conservation and education perspectives
Canyoning: an Emerging Nature Tourism Activity with Great Potential in the Azores
Community Engagement with Tourism Management in Small Atlantic Islands
Impacts of invasive species on epifauna and epiphytes communities
Learning Objects in the Educational Context: The Perspective of Teachers in the Azores
A viagem de Phorcus sauciatus (Mollusca: Gastropoda) para o remoto arquipélago dos Açores
Combined effects of global and local stressors on mangroves, salt marshes and seagrass beds
Cumulative Impacts Assessment (CIA) on marine and coastal ecosystems: A review and future directions for integrated management of marine and coastal ecosystems
Cumulative Impacts Assessment (CIA) on marine and coastal ecosystems: key outputs from the scientometric and systematic reviews
Desenvolvimento de um curso de pós-graduação conjunto em ecoturismo e guias de natureza : o projeto NATOUR
Divers’ perceptions about the quality of scuba diving in São Miguel island, Azores
Marine algal flora of Flores and Corvo Islands, Azores
Marine algal flora of São Miguel Island, Azores
Re-Mar: Repository of Marine Learning Objects
Recommending Metadata Contents for Learning Objects Through Linked Data
Sea-links provided by Seathings project: Marine science, Informatics and Ocean Literacy
Seascape value assessment of coastal and underwater diving spots
Seascapes in the Azores: from tourist perception to site evaluation
Untangling the origin of the newcomer Phorcus sauciatus (Mollusca: Gastropoda) in a remote Atlantic archipelago
Coastal marine protected areas; stakeholders’ perceptions
Free rides to diving sites: the risk of marine non-indigenous species dispersal
Landscape valuation: see the sea with different eyes (Valorizar a paisagem: ver o mar com outros olhos)
Marine algal flora of Graciosa Island, Azores
Marine algal flora of Santa Maria Island, Azores
SEA-THINGS: A project to improve the ocean literacy in the Azores 2020
Tourist perceptions: evaluation of diving sites
Valorizar a paisagem : ver o mar com outros olhos
Blue Azores – The best kept secret in the Atlantic
Coastal and marine seascapes in the Azores; value for tourism - SCAPETOUR project
Non-indigenous species refined national baseline inventories: A synthesis in the context of the European Union's Marine Strategy Framework Directive
Report on tropical Atlantic marine ecosystem dynamics in the last decades. WP2 Paddle Project
Risk evaluation and prioritisation of non-indigenous macroalgal species: a preliminary tool
The OBAA Standard for Developing Repositories of Learning Objects: the Case of Ocean Literacy in Azores
Aquaculture and marine protected areas: identification of possible coexistence areas in Macaronesia
First report of the invasive macroalga Acrothamnion preissii (Rhodophyta, Ceramiales) in the Atlantic Ocean
Hicth-hiking with diving-boats: the risk of NIS dispersal in islands
Hitch-hiking with diving-boats: the risk of NIS dispersal in islands
Marine NIS Azorean Monitoring Program
Portuguese national report In ICES 2018
SEASTOUR - Suitable SEAScapes planning for TOURistic purposes
The non-indigenous macroalgae’s hide-and-seek play
LocAqua - Site selection modelling for Aquaculture in Azores
Marine Protected Areas – Planning and Management". Trabalho apresentado em 14th International Workshop “PALAEONTOLOGY IN ATLANTIC ISLANDS
PIMA - Program for the implementation of the Marine Strategy Directive - Marine Invasive species in the Azores. Final Report
Site selection modelling for aquaculture in Azores – LocAqua
Development of a biodiversity indicator as a tool for marine environment management
LocAqua project - Site selection modelling for aquaculture in Azores
MONIZEC: Marine Strategy Directive implementation program – Biodiversity of the litoral environments, Azores (BALA Program).
PIMA – Program for the implementation of the Marine Strategy Directive - Marine Invasive species in the Azores - report
PIMA – Program for the implementation of the Marine Strategy Directive - Marine Invasive species in the Azores. Plan of action
PIMA – Program for the implementation of the Marine Strategy Directive. Origin, vectors of introduction and environmental conditions that facilitate the introduction of non-indigenous species in the Azores
Phase V - LocAqua - Site selection modelling for marine aquaculture in Azores - Final report
Phorcus sauciatus(Koch, 1845) (Gastropoda: Trochidae) in Santa Maria, Azores archipelago: the onset of a biological invasion
The Palaeontological Heritage of Santa Maria Island (Azores: NE Atlantic): a Re-evaluation of Geosites in GeoPark Azores and Their Use in Geotourism
Workshop LocAqua - Site selection modelling for marine aquaculture in Azores. Public participation report
A proposal of Marine Spatial Planning as a dynamic management tool for Marine Protected Areas
Marine Spatial Planning – MPA Caloura-VFC. Methodological proposal for the Azores MPAs
Calling for enthusiasm in MPA management – active participation and involvement of stakeholders in the evaluation of São Miguel MPAs
Devising sensu from chaos - getting a MPA management plan from a myriad of sectorial planning measures
How many littoral marine molluscs are there in the Azores?
Marine Spatial Planning in Marine Protected Areas : Caloura - Vila Franca islet Resources Management Protected Area - Case study
Marine Spatial Planning in Marine Protected Areas: Resource Management Protected Area - Caloura - Vila Franca do Campo case study
Biodiversity, Conservation and Marine Spatial Planning
Biodiversity trail – Biodiversity guide - Caldeira do Santo Cristo trail – Fajã dos Cubres
Conservation status of coastal and marine environments of the Azores islands
GIS-based marine biodiversity mapping for assessment of coastal and marine priority areas for conservation
Santa Maria island marine biodiversity - inventory contribute
Azores Coastal and Marine conservation areas: biodiversity valuation
Coastal and Marine Priority Areas for conservation based on biodiversity valuation: Azores case study
First approach to Marine Spatial Planning in Azores archipelago
Instruments Integration for Spatial Planning. Extrapolation to Small Islands: Azores Archipelago
Outcome of public participation in small islands – coastal management plans
Phase IV – Coastal Zone Management Plan of Santa Maria, Graciosa, Flores and Corvo islands (projecto LITOSOST)
Management challenges on Public Maritime Domain in small islands – Azores archipelago case study
The specificity of the Azores coastal management – Public maritime domain
Coastal Management Plans in Portugal: What is changing?
Ecological Status and Integrated Management of Azores Bathing Areas
GIS bathing areas of Pico island (Azores)
Report “Strategy for Coastal Zone Integrated Management”. (Collaboration Working group MAOTDR)).
Touristic Public Financing Systems and Land Use Impacts
Coastal Management in Azores. Indicators checklist for monitoring program
Environmental monitoring indicators proposal - Coastal Zone Management Azores Autonomous Region
Environmental monitoring indicators proposal - Coastal Zone Management in Azores Autonomous Region
Geographic information system from Graciosa island coastal area
Monitoring as a management tool for coastal conservation in Azores
Monitoring in coastal conservation in Azores
Sete Cidades lake watershead plan
Territorial state report – Azores - REOTA 2003
Coastal Management Plans – Methodological Aspects
Environmental Impact Assessment of nautical recreation and passengers terminal in Ponta Delgada
Management plans of lagoons watershed - Azores
Population dynamics of the most common intertidal hermit crab in the shores of São Miguel (Açores), Clibanarius erythropus (Decapoda, Diogenidae)
Territorial state report – Azores - REOTA 2001
Biology and populational structure of hermit crabs (Crustacea, Decapoda, Anomura) from São Miguel coast
Biology and populational structure of hermit crabs (Crustacea, Decapoda, Anomura) from São Miguel coasts
Shell occupancy of the intertidal hermit crab Clibanarius erythropus (Decapoda, Diogenidae) on São Miguel (Azores)
Technical report: Water Regional Plan - Açores - PRAA
Population dynamics of the hermit crab Clibanarius erythropus (Decapoda, Diogenidae) in the intertidal shores of São Miguel, Azores, Portugal
Shell Preferences of the intertidal hermit crab Clibanarius erythropus (Decapoda, Diogenida) on São Miguel shores, Açores, Portugal
Shell Preferences of the intertidal hermit crab Clibanarius erythropus (Decapoda, Diogenida) on São Miguel shores, Açores, Portugal.
4 Projetos de Investigação
WAVES 24 - 2nd Workshop on Advanced Vehicles for Exploration of the Seas
WAVES - Workshop on Advanced Vehicles for Exploration of the Seas
Promoção das paisagens costeiras e marinhas para a diversificação de produtos turísticos
Seascape International Symposium 2018
0 Prestações de Serviço
Não existem prestações de serviço
2017/09/01 - 2020/08/30 |
Otro Pos Doc - SEASTOUR – Suitable SEAScapes planning for TOURistic purposes Research center of Biodiversty and Genetic Resources, Portugal |
2015 - 2015 |
Otro SOPHIA - Knowledge for the marine environment management Direção-Geral de Recursos Naturais, Segurança e Serviços Marítimos, Portugal |
2008 - 2013 |
Doutoramento Marine Sciences Universidade dos Açores, Portugal (TESE/DISSERTAÇÃO) "Marine Spatial Planning in Marine Protected Areas: Resources Manegement Protected Area of Caloura - Vila Franca do Campo islet case study" |
2003 - 2005 |
Mestrado Pré-Bolonha Nature Conservation and Management - Master Universidade dos Açores, Portugal (TESE/DISSERTAÇÃO) "Proposal for environmental monitoring indicators for Coastal Management Plans in the Autonomous Region of the Azores" |
1993 - 2000 |
Licenciatura Biology Universidade dos Açores, Portugal (TESE/DISSERTAÇÃO) " Biology and population structure of hermit crabs (Crustacea, Decapoda, Anomura) São Miguel coast" |
Áreas de Conhecimento
Andrea Zita Costa Botelho. Completed the PhD in Marine Sciences in 2013 by University of the Azores, Master in Nature Conservation and Management in 2005 by University of the Azores and Degree in Biology in 2000 by the University of the Azores. She is Auxiliary Researcher in University of the Azores. Published 13 articles in journals. Has 2 section(s) of books and 1 book(s). Organized 25 event(s). Participated in 54 event(s). Supervised 1 MSc dissertation(s) e co-supervised 2. Co-supervised 1 work(s) of course completion of LSc/BSc. Participates and/or participated as PhD Student Fellow in 1 project(s), Post-doc Fellow in 1 project(s), Principal investigator in 1 project(s) and Researcher in 10 project(s). Works in the area(s) of Natural sciences with emphasis on Biological Sciences, Social Sciences with emphasis on Economic and Social Geography, Natural sciences with emphasis on Earth and Environmental Sciences and Natural sciences with emphasis on Biological Sciences with emphasis on Marine Biology. In their professional activities interacted with 203 collaborator(s) co-authorship of scientific papers. In his curriculum Ciência Vitae the most frequent terms in the context of scientific, technological and artistic-cultural output are: Management; Planning; Coastal Management; Coastal Planning Geographic Information System (GIS)); Ecology; Biodiversity; Geology; Geodiversity; Biological Valuation; Ecosystem Based Management; Marine Spatial Planning; Maritime Spatial Planning; Marine Protected Areas; Protected Areas; Conservation; Tourism; Ocean literacy; NIS; Invasive species; Aquaculture; Modelling; Genetic; Meiofauna; Monitoring; Ecosystem services; Ecosystems; Fisheries; Stakeholders; Public participation; Impacts; Risk evaluation; Sustainable development; Sustainability.