Isabel Maria Amorim do Rosário
Entidades de I&D
GBA-cE3c - Grupo de Biodiversidade dos Açores
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Entidades Financiadoras
Direção Regional da Ciência, Inovação e Desenvolvimento
Direção Regional da Ciência e da Tecnologia
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de 243 Publicações
A singularidade de Maria Ramos
Arthropod traits as proxies for abundance trends in the Azorean Islands
Assessing nature exposure: a study on the reliability and validity of a Portuguese version of the nature exposure scale
Author Correction: The European Reference Genome Atlas: piloting a decentralised approach to equitable biodiversity genomics
Backcasting for Youths: Hypothetical and Critical Thinking in the Context of Sustainable Development Education
Caving Analog Systems as Promising New Environments 1 for Geoengineering Research and Space Exploration: The 5Gs Approach
Diversity and Conservation of Arthropods and Bryophytes in the Volcanic Caves of the Azores
Perspectives and pitfalls in preserving subterranean biodiversity through protected areas
Pseudo-escorpião-cavernícola, Pseudoblothrus oromii Mahnert, 1990
Safeguarding the future of subterranean biodiversity in Europe
Spiders traits unraveil abundance trends and threat levels in the Azorean islands
Stability in the Face of Global Decline: A 20-Year Study of Arthropods in an Oceanic Archipelago
The BALA project: A pioneering monitoring of Azorean forest invertebrates over two decades (1999–2022)
The DarCo project: A cost-effective plan to incorporate subterranean ecosystems in post-2020 biodiversity and climate change agendas
The Field Guide audio series: mobile learning using place-based and inquiry-led approaches to promote adolescents’ interest in nature
Unearthing European bat roosts – An expert-curated, comprehensive database for conservation and management
“Although I was alone, I always felt accompanied”: the experiences of adolescent girls walking in a forest
A cigarrinha-das-raízes-cavernícola da ilha do Pico: Cixius azopicavus Hoch, 1991
Building a Portuguese Coalition for Biodiversity Genomics
Color Sketches: Research on Azorean Biodiversity (Traços a Cores : Investigação sobre a biodiversidade dos Açores); project website contents, 11 webpages.
Festa do Bioblitz Açores 2023: tantas espécies que vivem no Jardim!
Festa do Bioblitz Açores: a diversidade dos artrópodes do Jardim Duque da Terceira
Fichas de Espécies /Species Fact Sheets
Fichas de Espécies-Mamíferos/Mammals
How genomics can help biodiversity conservation
Nest predation of Cory's shearwater Calonectris borealis (Aves, Procellariiformes) by introduced mammals on Terceira Island, Azores
Relatório final do projeto de ciência cidadã" Traços a Cores-Investigação sobre a biodiversidade dos Açores"(FRCT M3. 4. B/CIÊNCIA CIDADÃ/041/2019)
Relatório final do projeto de difusão científica e tecnológica" Fala Ciência? Comunicar ciência nos Açores
Summarizing traits to predict extinction and invasiveness of Northern Macaronesian arthropods: The MACRISK Project
The European Reference Genome Atlas: piloting a decentralised approach to equitable biodiversity genomics
The MACRISK Project
Uncovering arthropod abundance patterns in oceanic islands: Insights from the MACRISK
A multidisciplinary study of Iberian Chalcolithic dogs
Ask a Scientist: using place-based mobile learning to promote adolescents’ interest in nature
Assessing place authenticity: a systematic literature review
Cultural probes for environmental education: Designing learning materials to engage children and teenagers with local biodiversity
Fichas dos habitantes dos ecossistemas subterrâneos dos Açores" – a pulga-do-mar cavernícola da Gruta das Agulhas Macarorchestia martini.
Field Guide - Ask the scientist, a 16 episodes podcast series
Field Guide - Leaflet
Guia de atividades pedagógicas: à (re)descoberta da Natureza
How Azorean pupils solve the ecological dilemma between exotic and native species?
Nature exposure scale: Psychometric properties, reliability and validity evidence from Azores
SLAM Project - Long Term Ecological Study of the Impacts of Climate Change in the natural forest of Azores: IV - The spiders of Terceira and Pico Islands (2019-2021) and general diversity patterns after ten years of sampling
SLAM Project - Long Term Ecological Study of the Impacts of Climate Change in the natural forests of Azores: V - New records of terrestrial arthropods after ten years of SLAM sampling
SLAM Project-Long Term Ecological Study of the Impacts of Climate Change in the natural forest of Azores: IV-The spiders of Terceira and Pico Islands (2019-2021) and general …
The Field Guide Series: Creating a youth-led and place-based podcast to promote interest in nature
The era of reference genomes in conservation genomics
A conservation roadmap for the subterranean biome
Habitat filtering and inferred dispersal ability condition across-scale species turnover and rarity in Macaronesian island spider assemblages
Habitat filtering and inferred dispersal ability condition across‐scale species turnover and rarity in Macaronesian island spider assemblages
Macaronesia as a Fruitful Arena for Ecology, Evolution, and Conservation Biology
Teachers’ perspectives and practices on biodiversity web portals as an opportunity to reconnect education with nature
The Field Guide App: Connecting Island Communities to Local Conservation Through Mobile Interaction
UAc Fala Ciência Fora de Portas "Fake News: Em que acreditar na era das fake news? A ciência no combate à informação falsa". Universidade dos Açores, American Corners Portugal
We must talk about Iberia! An overview of ancient domestic animals through DNA analysis
What Is Most Desirable for Nature? An Analysis of Azorean Pupils’ Biodiversity Perspectives When Deciding on Ecological Scenarios
Building a Robust, Densely-Sampled Spider Tree of Life for Ecosystem Research
Fala Ciência? Comunicar Ciência nos Açores
Fundamental research questions in subterranean biology
Modelling the distribution of Mustela nivalis and M. putorius in the Azores archipelago based on native and introduced ranges
O que é mais desejável para a natureza?”: uma análise das perspetivas de jovens açorianos na seleção de cenários ecológicos
Um guia digital para a Natureza : promover a floresta dos Açores com aprendizagem baseada no lugar
Um guia digital para a Natureza: promover a floresta dos Açores com aprendizagem baseada no lugar
Wildlife inventory from camera-trapping surveys in the Azores (Pico and Terceira islands)
Aranha-cavernícola-do-Algar do Carvão Turinyphia cavernicola
Cientista por um dia! Bioblitz na Terceira
Crescendo na obscuridade: briófitos da Ilha Terceira em ambientes cavernícolas
Dispersal ability shapes the strength of diversity-environment relationships in spider communities on oceanic islands
Fichas de Espécies / Species fact sheets
Fichas dos habitantes dos ecossistemas subterrâneos dos Açores: Aranha-cavernícola-do-Algar do Carvão Turinyphia cavernicola.
Final Report Project FCT- PTDC/BIABIC/0054/2014, MACDIV - Macaronesian Islands as a testing ground to assess biodiversity drivers at multiple scales (2016-2019)
From forest to driest: The multi-scale role of habitat heterogeneity in shaping spider communities on oceanic islands
Growing in the dark: bryophytes from Terceira Island (Azores) at cave entrances
Guia Prático da Fauna Terrestre dos Açores / Field Guide of Azorean Terrestrial Fauna
Mamíferos / Mammals
Multi-scale effects of habitat heterogeneity on spider communities of oceanic islands
Predicting the spatial distribution of an introduced carnivore, Mustela putorius furo, in the Azores
Science Communication activities at the Duque da Terceira at Angra do Heroísmo, Terceira islands, Azores
Species conservation profiles of cave-dwelling arthropods from Azores, Portugal
Standardised inventories of spiders (Arachnida, Araneae) of Macaronesia I: The native forests of the Azores (Pico and Terceira islands)
The curious case of the Mesolithic Iberian dogs: an archaeogenetic study
The role of habitat heterogeneity in the alpha and beta taxonomic diversity of Macaronesian spider communities
Community structure of woody plants on islands along a bioclimatic gradient
Fichas dos habitantes dos ecossistemas subterrâneos dos Açores: o escaravelho cavernícola da Terceira Trechus terceiranus
Functional traits of indigenous and exotic ground-dwelling arthropods show contrasting responses to land-use change in an oceanic island, Terceira, Azores
Functional traits of indigenous and exotic ground‐dwelling arthropods show contrasting responses to land‐use change in an oceanic island, Terceira, Azores
Fóruns Participativos sobre Envelhecimento Positivo: a perspectiva das pessoas idosas
Global Island Monitoring Scheme (GIMS): a proposal for the long-term coordinated survey and monitoring of native island forest biota
O escaravelho cavernícola da ilha Terceira Trechus terceiranus
Potential spatial distribution and habitat selection of an introduced carnivore, Mustela nivalis, in the Azores
Red List of Azorean endemic cave adapted arthropods: an ecological and conservation overview
Species conservation profile of moths (Insecta, Lepidoptera) from Azores, Portugal
The Azores
The IUCN Red List MAIISG Group - 83 Azorean arthropod species assessments.
Trechus picoensis
Children’s preferences for less diverse greenspaces do not disprove biophilia
Conservation status of the forest beetles (Insecta, Coleoptera) from Azores, Portugal
Cryptic diversity in the Azorean beetle genus Tarphius Erichson, 1845 (Coleoptera: Zopheridae): An integrative taxonomic approach with description of four new species
Dispersal ability determines the scaling properties of species abundance distributions: a case study using arthropods from the Azores
Investigating predictors of pro-environmental behaviors: tips for interventions towards the conservation of biodiversity in the Azores
Mapping alien plant species in Terceira Island (Azores): A collaborative effort between researchers and citizens
New insights into the genetic composition and phylogenetic relationship of wolves and dogs in the Iberian Peninsula
Oceanic island biogeography through the lens of the General Dynamic Model: assessment and prospect
Red List of Azorean Endemic Insects: ecological and conservation overview
The IUCN Red List MAIISG Group - 35 Azorean arthropod species assessments
Usos dos jardins açorianos: um estudo preliminar em Angra do Heroísmo para o Projeto “GreenGardens – Azores”
A review of the subterranean biology research performed in the Azores
Bonds to places: Suggestions for risk communication in the Azores
Bugs and Society I: Raising Awareness About Endemic Biodiversity
Bugs and Society II: Testing Two Communication Strategies for Public Engagement in the Azores
Conference program and abstracts of the 2nd International Conference on Island Evolution, Ecology and Conservation: Island Biology 2016
Digitizing the Azorean bryophyte, vascular plant and arthropod’ collections: The Azores Bioportal initiative
Diversity of uses in public gardens: A preliminary study in Angra do Heroísmo for the "Green Gardens - Azores" project
Does nature play a central role for place identity in the Azores?
Escarabajos Armadura: Entre éxito evolutivo y amenaza ecológica en la Macaronesia
Escarabajos armadura. Entre êxito evolutivo y amenaza ecológica en la Macaronesia.
Evidence for multiple founding lineages and genetic admixture in the evolution of species within an oceanic island weevil (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) super-radiation
Evidence for multiple founding lineages and genetic admixture in the evolution of species within an oceanic island weevil (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) super‐radiation
Feral cat in the Azores islands: Habitat preferences and biological interactions
Island Biology 2016 : Conference program and abstracts : International Conference on Island Evolution, Ecology and Conservation
Island Biology 2016: Conference program and abstracts: International Conference on Island Evolution, Ecology and Conservation
Molecular insights into the Iberian wolf presence and predation in the Alvão (Portugal)
Molecular insights into the Iberian wolf presence and predation in the Alvão region (Portugal)
New records and detailed distribution and abundance of selected arthropod species collected between 1999 and 2011 in Azorean native forests
On the phylogenetic diversity of Azorean beetles
Place identity and biodiversity conservation in the Azores
Promover o património natural: A exposição Açorianos há milhões de anos
Promover o património natural: a exposição “Açorianos há milhões de anos”
Wolf species assignment of non-invasive samples: additional introgression insights
Wolves and dogs: traditional molecular tools reveal new variants and new markers for the Iberian Canis populations
Catálogo das cavidades vulcânicas dos Açores (Algares vulcânicos e grutas lávicas, e de erosão marinha)/Catalogue of the Azorean volcanic caves (Volcanic pits, lava tube and sea-erosion caves).
Cave microbial community composition in oceanic islands: disentangling the effect of different colored mats in diversity patterns of Azorean lava caves
Comparative phylogeography of endemic Azorean arthropods
Filtered out toward opposing trajectories: contrasting functional patterns between indigenous and exotic arthropod assemblages under land-use changes in an oceanic island
Resultados do World Café: Estratégias para a Conservação da Natureza nos Açores. Conservação da Natureza nos Açores: Informar a estratégia para o Horizonte 2015-2020 a partir de resultados de investigação.
The Azorean Biodiversity Portal – PORBIOTA: E-Infrastructure for small islands bryophyte conservation
The Azorean Biodiversity Portal –PORBIOTA: E-Infrastructure for small islands bryophyte conservation
The Azorean Biodiversity Portal- PORBIOTA-, a key e-infrastructure for the integrated management of terrestrial and marine biodiversity of the Azores
Valoração das cavidades vulcânicas dos Açores para conservação da sua fauna troglóbia
Comparison of Bacterial Diversity in Azorean and Hawai'ian Lava Cave Microbial Mats
Global patterns of diversification on oceanic islands
Locais do inóspito: Ideias de jovens açorianos sobre grutas
Multi-scale environmental and landscape effects on the local diversity of ground beetle assemblages (Coleoptera: Carabidae) of Madeira Island Laurisilva
Spatial distribution of Madeira Island Laurisilva endemic spiders (Arachnida: Araneae)
The Azorean Biodiversity Portal, a key e-infrastructure for the integrated management of terrestrial and marine biodiversity in Azores
Were Azorean islands colonized by cave adapted beetles?
A New Species of Tarphius Erichson, 1845 (Coleoptera: Zopheridae) from North Africa and Notes on an Iberian Species
Bichos e outras criaturas das profundezas – habitats subterrâneos dos Açores
Biodiversidade dos artrópodes dos Açores
Chama-lhe nomes! As redes sociais na divulgação [científica] de informação taxonómica
Contornar "um erro de Deus": complementaridade artístico-científica na desmistificação e incorporação social de um património natural único
Contornar" um erro de Deus": complementaridade artístico-científica na desmistificação e incorporação social de um património natural único
Estudo dos impactos nos ecossistemas e no homem das mudanças globais em ilhas: os Açores como caso de estudo" (Understanding ecosystem and human dimensions of global changes on islands: the Azores as a case study)
Exploring cave microbial biodiversity in the Azores: a metagenomic and metabolic approach to natural product discovery
Final Report FCT- PTDC/BIA-BEC/100182/2008 – “Predicting extinctions on islands: a multi-scale assessment” (2010-2013)
Insetos pela cidade: uma intervenção urbana em etnoentomologia
Os mal-amados: contributos para a compreensão das atitudes dos jovens face aos insectos e à conservação da natureza
Perspectives and progress of ecology and conservation science in the Azores: the possible contribution of Artificial Intelligence
Spatial Factors Play a Major Role as Determinants of Endemic Ground Beetle Beta Diversity of Madeira Island Laurisilva
Speciation beyond expectation: the evolution of Laparocerus (Curculionidae) in the Canary Islands
De marginal a bem patrimonial: processos de divulgação científica na exposição "Tesouros de seis patas"
De marginal a bem patrimonial: processos de divulgação científica na exposição" Tesouros de seis patas"
Diversification of Hipparchia butterflies of the Macaronesian archipelagos: insights from a multigene molecular phylogenetic analysis
Diversificação de borboletas do género Hipparchia (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) nas ilhas da Macaronésia. Diversification of Hipparchia butterflies (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) in …
Diversificação de escaravelhos do género Tarphius (Coleoptera: Zopheridae) nas ilhas da Macaronésia. Diversification of Tarphius beetles (Coleoptera: Zopheridae) in the …
Final Report FCT - PTDC/BIA-BEC/104571/2008 – “What can the Macaronesian islands teach us about speciation? A case study of Tarphius beetles and Hipparchia butterflies” (2010-2012).
Macroecological patterns on islands: the Azorean arthropods as a case study
New data on the spatial distribution of endemic ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) from Madeira Island
Non-invasive monitoring of canids at North of Douro River in Portugal
O lugar dos insetos na nova Arca de Noé
O que é que as ilhas da Macaronésia nos podem ensinar sobre especiação? Estudo de Tharphius (Coleoptera) e Hipparchia (Lepidoptera) de vários arquipélagos da Macaronésia …
Paternal lineage diversity of modern wolves and dogs in Iberia
Phylogeography and molecular phylogeny of Macaronesian island Tarphius (Coleoptera: Zopheridae): why are there so few species in the Azores?
Reconciling gene trees with species trees in an island radiation of zopherid beetles
Resolving the Azorean knot: a response to Carine & Schaefer (2010)
Species assignment in feral attacks: a forensic issue
Synonymy of Orthomus susanae Serrano & Borges, 2009 with Orthomus annae (Donabauer, 2008) (Coleoptera: Carabidae)
Temporal change in arthropod forest assemblages in the Azores: contrasting response in predators and herbivores
Trechus beetles of the Azores: speciation down below
Volcanic caves: priorities for conserving the Azorean endemic troglobiont species
Why are there so many Laparocerus (Curculionidae) species in the Canary Islands?
1st progress report FCT - PTDC/BIA-BEC/104571/2008 – “What can the Macaronesian islands teach us about speciation? A case study of Tarphius beetles and Hipparchia butterflies” (2010-2012).
Briófitos das cavidades vulcânicas dos Açores
Diversification on Macaronesian archipelagoes: Molecular phylogenies of beetles and butterflies of the Azores, Madeira and the Canary Islands
Diversification on Macaronesian archipelagos: Molecular phylogenies of beetles and butterflies of the Azores, Madeira and the Canary Islands
Ecossistemas Naturais dos Açores - Ecossistemas terrestres cavernícolas. Exposição on-line (Natural Ecosystems of the Azores - Cave terrestrial ecosystems, on-line exhibit), Centro de Ciência de Angra do Heroísmo
Final Report - Scientific Component of the Project "Understanding Underground Biodiversity: Studies of Azorean Lava Tubes. (PTDC/AMB/70801/2006)
Grutas dos Açores: refugios de biodiversidade (Azorean caves: biodiversity refugia)
Patterns of colonization and species distribution for Azorean Arthropods: Evolution, diversity, rarity and extinction
Planning the conservation of Azorean caves based on its arthropod fauna
A research on zooarchaeogenetics - tracing back animal domestication and breeding in Iberia
Biodiversity and endemicity patterns of beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae, Staphylinidae and Curculionidae) associated to Madeiran Laurisilva habitats
Christian improvement of Portuguese cattle following the "reconquista" - evidence based on osteometry and molecular sexing
Extinction debt on oceanic Islands
Tracing back animal domestication in Iberia: clues from zooarchaeology and ancient DNA
Tracing back animal domestication in Iberia:clues from zooarchaeology and ancient DNA
Using taxonomically unbiased criteria to prioritize resource allocation for oceanic island species conservation
A new species of Orthomus Chaudoir, 1838 (Coleoptera: Carabidae) from Madeira island (Macaronesia) and notes on related species
Azores - a natural portrait / Açores - um retrato natural
Catastrophic extinction debt on oceanic islands
Comparing patterns of diversity and abundance of ground-beetles in the Laurisilva of Azores and Madeira archipelagos
Isolation and characterization of 11 tetranucleotide microsatellite loci in the Egyptian mongoose (Herpestes ichneumon)
Molecular structure in peripheral dog breeds: Portuguese native breeds as a case study
New species
Diversity and abundance patterns of ground-beetles in the Madeiran Laurisilva: the contribution of environmental and spatial variables
Ficha de espécies: Trechus isabelae Borges & Serrano, 2007
Ficha de espécies: Trechus jorgensis Oromí & Borges, 1991
Ficha de espécies: Trechus oromii Borges, Serrano & Oromí, 2004
Understanding Underground biodiversity in the Azores–a perspective
Understanding underground biodiversity in the Azores - a perspective
Biodiversity patterns of cavernicolous ground-beetles and their conservation status in the Azores, with the description of a new species: Trechus isabelae n. sp (Coleoptera : Carabidae : Trechinae)
Biodiversity patterns of cavernicolous ground-beetles and their conservation status in the Azores, with the description of a new species: Trechus isabelae n. sp (Coleoptera …
Multidisciplinary approach to evaluate adequacy of protected areas in the Azores to preserve current levels of biodiversity
Species diversity, endemism and biogeography of the beetles of the Madeiran islands
GESPEA Field Work (2003-2006)
GESPEA-Field Work 2003-2006
Inventariação da fauna de artrópodes das Grutas de São Vicente - ilha da Madeira
Isolation of polymorphic tetranucleotide microsatellite markers for the large-billed scrubwren (Sericornis magnirostris)
Isolation of polymorphic tetranucleotide microsatellite markers for the large‐billed scrubwren (Sericornis magnirostris)
List of arthropods (Arthropoda)
Ranking protected areas in the Azores using standardised sampling of soil epigean arthropods
New species of cave-dwelling beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Trechinae) from the Azores
Relatório Final de Caracterização Ecológica de Artrópodes do Projecto Geotérmico da Ilha Terceira
Reservas Florestais dos Açores: Cartografia e Inventariação dos Artrópodes Endémicos dos Açores (Análise Final Global e Recomendações)
Lista das espécies de artrópodes por área protegida dos Açores
Reservas Florestais dos Açores: Cartografia e Inventariação dos Artrópodes Endémicos dos Açores (Relatório do 4º ano)(Projecto: 17.01-080203, 1999–2004)
Valorização de Sítios de Interesse Comunitário (SIC) para conservação usando artrópodes
BALA – Biodiversity of the arthropods from the Laurisilva of the Azores
Reservas Florestais dos Açores: Cartografia e Inventariação dos Artrópodes Endémicos dos Açores (Relatório do 3º ano) Projecto: 17.01-080203, 1999–2004)
Mitochondrial DNA phylogeography and population history of the grey wolf Canis lupus
Reservas Florestais dos Açores: Cartografia e Inventariação dos Artrópodes Endémicos dos Açores (Relatório do 2º ano) (Projecto: 17.01-080203, 1999–2004)
A origem do cão
Estudo preliminar sobre a variabilidade genética das populações de Toupeira-de-àgua, Galemys pyrenaicus -Análise de ADN mitocondrial
Preliminary results on the mitochondrial genetic variability of Galemys pyrenaicus
Man and his dog [1] (multiple letters)
Man and his dog-Reply
Multiple and ancient origins of the domestic dog
Consequências genéticas do declínio do lobo em Portugal: implicações conservacionistas
Serão os lobos os únicos responsáveis por ataques aos animais domésticos?
Contribution to the knowledge of the mycological flora of Fojo dos Morcegos cave (Serra da Arrábida, Portugal).
EU needs groundwater ecosystems guidelines
5 Projetos de Investigação
Mais viver, mais aprender: os bichos como nunca os vi
Fala Ciência? Comunicar Ciência nos Açores - 5ª Edição
Fala Ciência? Comunicar Ciência nos Açores - 4ª edição
Traços a Cores - Investigação sobre a biodiversidade dos Açores
Fala Ciência - Comunicar Ciência nos Açores, 3ª edição
0 Prestações de Serviço
Não existem prestações de serviço
2005/12/05 |
Otro Ph.D. in Biology Especialização em Evolutionary Biology; Conservation Genetics University of California, Los Angeles, Estados Unidos (TESE/DISSERTAÇÃO) "Colonization and diversification on oceanic islands: forest Tarphius and cave-dwelling Trechus beetles of the Azores" |
2001 |
Otro Candidate in Philosophy, Biology Especialização em Biologia Evolutiva; Conservation Genetics University of California Los Angeles, Estados Unidos (TESE/DISSERTAÇÃO) "n/a" |
1994 |
Licenciatura Biologia, ramo Científico, variante Zoologia Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências, Portugal (TESE/DISSERTAÇÃO) "n/a" |
Áreas de Conhecimento
Entidades de I&D
GBA-cE3c - Grupo de Biodiversidade dos Açores
Entidades Financiadoras