João Manuel dos Anjos Gonçalves
joão manuel gonçalves | gonçalves j. | gonçalves j.m. | joao m. gonçalves
Entidades de I&D
FCT - Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
OKEANOS - Instituto de Investigação em Ciências do Mar
Perfis Externos
Entidades Financiadoras
Direção Regional da Ciência e da Tecnologia
Direção Regional dos Assuntos do Mar
Fundo Regional da Ciência e Tecnologia
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de 96 Publicações
C Oliveira, M Wahlberg, MA Silva, M Johnson, R Antunes, ...
Relatório do cruzeiro CHACAÇO (NI Arquipélago, verão de 2011), para a prospeção do Caranguejo da fundura (Chaceon affinis) em torno da ilha do Faial, Açores.
M De Girolamo, J Gonçalves, S Porto, C Nunes, M Inácio, M Pinho, ...
Satellite telemetry as a tool to help defining the International Whaling Commission whale management areas
R Prieto, MA Silva, I Cascão, MJ Cruz, CIB Oliveira, G Waring, J Vaz, ...
The whalewatching activity in the Azores archipelago
C Oliveira, J Gonçalves, M Silva, R Prieto, S Magalhães, RS Santos
Computational study of a dorsolumbar complete burst fracture and its fixation methods
R Moura, D Fidalgo, D Oliveira, AR Reis, B Areias, L Sousa, ...
Engineering Computations 41 (6), 1381-1398, 2024
Global genomics of the man-o’-war (Physalia) reveals biodiversity at the ocean surface
SH Church, RB Abedon, N Ahuja, CJ Anthony, DA Ramirez, LM Rojas, ...
bioRxiv, 2024.07. 10.602499, 2024
Quasi-Optimum Detection of MIMO-SVD Signals with Strong Nonlinear Distortion Effects
J Gonçalves, MT Nogueira, D Dinis, J Guerreiro, R Dinis
2024 IEEE 99th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2024-Spring), 1-6, 2024
DNA Barcoding of Moon Jellyfish (Cnidaria, Scyphozoa, Ulmaridae, Aurelia): Two Cryptic Species from the Azores (NE Atlantic, Macaronesia), and Evaluation of …
CJ Moura, BI Magalhães, JM Gonçalves
Diversity 15 (3), 323, 2023
Methodological Approach for the Definition of Urban Tourist Patterns Through Data Mining
JM Gonçalves, MC Ferreira, TG Dias, MJA Gonçalves
Advances in Tourism, Technology and Systems: Selected Papers from ICOTTS …, 2023
Insight into the cryptic diversity and phylogeography of the peculiar fried egg jellyfish Phacellophora (Cnidaria, Scyphozoa, Ulmaridae)
CJ Moura, N Ropa, BI Magalhães, JM Gonçalves
PeerJ 10, e13125, 2022
A utilização de sistemas de transferência em circuito fechado na preparação de medicamentos citotóxicos
Estimates of biomass and potential yield for the deep-water red crab, Chaceon affinis and the toothed rock crab, Cancer bellianus (Decapoda: Brachyura) off the Azores (Mid …
R Santos
Arquipelago-Life and Marine Sciences 1 (37), 2020
Extraction of underwater sands in the Azores: need for economy and ecological impacts
M Silva, S Blasco, JM Gonçalves
27th APDR Congress Sustainable Management of the Sea for Sustainable …, 2020
Fondos de arena: Una fauna todavía poco conocida.
Ocorrence of marine gelatinous organisms and their economic impact in tourism and fisheries
CJ Moura, BI Magalhães, JM Gonçalves
27th APDR Congress Sustainable Management of the Sea for Sustainable …, 2020
Biological and ecological aspects of the deep‐water red crab populations inhabiting isolated seamounts to the west of the Azores (Mid‐Atlantic Ridge)
R Santos, M Pinho, O Melo, J Gonçalves, A Leocádio, A Aranha, ...
Fisheries Oceanography 28 (6), 723-734, 2019
Deep-sea seven-arm octopus hijacks jellyfish in shallow waters
R Rosa, JT Kelly, VM Lopes, JR Paula, J Gonçalves, R Calado, ...
Marine Biodiversity 49, 495-499, 2019
MISTIC SEAS II: Designing and implementing pilot monitoring programmes for cetaceans in Macaronesian waters
The Value of a Deep-Sea Collection of the Azores (NE Atlantic Ocean): Marine invertebrate biodiversity in an era of global environmental change
Í Sampaio, T Morato, F Porteiro, C Gutiérrez-Zárate, G Taranto, C Pham, ...
Biodiversity Information Science and Standards, 2019
A PCR-RFLP method for stock assignment in the endemic Macaronesian gastropod, Patella candei d’Orbigny, and its potential for future conservation strategies
GP Carreira, NJ McKeown, PW Shaw, JMA Gonçalves
Fisheries research 199, 8-11, 2018
Relatório técnico das metodologias a utilizar nas futuras campanhas de monitorização dos fundos marinhos arenosos subtidais dos Açores
Congruent molecular and morphological diversity of Macaronesian limpets: insights into eco-evolutionary forces and tools for conservation
GP Carreira, PW Shaw, JM Gonçalves, NJ McKeown
Frontiers in Marine Science 4, 75, 2017
First record of the cubera snapper, Lutjanus cyanopterus (Actinopterygii: Perciformes: Lutjanidae), from the Azores (NE Atlantic) and possible extension range for the West Atlantic
P Ribeiro, JM Gonçalves, G Chavan, R Fricke, AM García-Mederos, ...
Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria 47 (3)), 259-263, 2017
First record of the cubera snapper, Lutjanus cyanopterus (Actinopterygii: Perciformes: Lutjanidae...
JM Gonçalves, R Fricke, VM Tuset, JP Barreiros
Polvo-malhado (Callistoctopus macropus): um ilustre desconhecido!
JM Gonçalves
Portugala (Boletim do Instituto Português de Malacologia) 20 (2017), 14-16, 2017
The role of Malcolm Clarke (1930–2013) in the Azores as a scientist and educationist
JN Gomes-Pereira, R Prieto, V Neves, J Xavier, C Pham, J Gonçalves, ...
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 97 (4 …, 2017
Cephalopod identification keys to Histioteuthidae, Cranchiidae and Octopodiformes of the Azores, with an updated check-list
JN Gomes-Pereira, JM Gonçalves, MR Clarke
Arquipélago-Life and Marine Sciences 33, 1-12, 2016
Sperm whale codas may encode individuality as well as clan identity
C Oliveira, M Wahlberg, MA Silva, M Johnson, R Antunes, ...
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 139 (5), 2860-2869, 2016
BANGEMAC: el BARCODING de la Biodiversidad Marina Centro-Atlántica
MN González Henríquez, J Quinteiro, M Rey-Méndez, P Manent, ...
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (USC), 2015
Bancomac y Bangemac: bancos de la biodiversidad marina centro-atlántica
MN González Henríquez, J Quinteiro, M Rey Méndez, P Manent, ...
Fondo Editorial. Universidad católica de Oriente (UCO), 2015
Hijacking, hitchhiking and burglary behaviors of pelagic octopuses
R Rosa, JT Kelly, M Norman, VM Lopes, JR Paula, JM Gonçalves, ...
Cephalopod International Advisory Council Conference, 2015
Sei whale movements and behaviour in the North Atlantic inferred from satellite telemetry
R Prieto, MA Silva, GT Waring, JMA Gonçalves
Endangered Species Research 26 (2), 103-113, 2014
Biotope identification in deep rocky reefs offshore Portimão and Sagres.
JM Gonçalves, J Boavida, F Oliveira, CML Afonso, D Mata-Chacón, ...
Sede Central IEO, 2013
Diversidad genética del camarón soldado, Plesionika edwardsii (Brandt, 1851), en la región macaronésica: resultados preliminares Proyecto BANGEN (Programa PCT-MAC)
P Manent, J Quinteiro, P Clemente, J Rodríguez-Castro, L Pérez-Dieguez, ...
Diversidad genética del cangrejo moro, Grapsus ads-censionis (Osbeck, 1765), en la región macaronésica: resultados preliminares Proyecto BANGEN (Programa PCT-MAC)
P Manent, J Quinteiro, P Clemente, J Rodríguez-Castro, L Pérez-Dieguez, ...
Foro Iberoamericano de los Recursos Marinos y la Acuicultura, 331-337, 2013
MeshAtlantic interaction with stakeholders.
B Méndes, V Henriques, J Populus, I Galparsoro, JL Sanz-Alonso, ...
Sede Central IEO, 2013
Predicting Coral Gardens habitats in the Southwest coast of Portugal
L Bentes, P Monteiro, F Oliveira, C Afonso, D Mata-Chacón, ...
Sede Central IEO, 2013
MESH Atlantic Project: First advances in collation of historical data and maps
JL Sanz-Alonso, D Mata-Chacón, J Populus, R Freitas, I Galparsoro, ...
Sede Central IEO, 2012
MESH Atlantic: Mapping European Seabed Habitats in the Atlantic Area for a better management.
I Galparsoro, J Populus, P Fossecave, R Freitas, JM Gonçalves, ...
Sede Central IEO, 2012
Mapping Condor seamount seafloor environment and associated biological assemblages (Azores, NE Atlantic)
F Tempera, E Giacomello, NC Mitchell, AS Campos, AB Henriques, ...
Seafloor Geomorphology As Benthic Habitat, 807-818, 2012
Spatial synchronies in the seasonal occurrence of larvae of oysters (Crassostrea gigas) and mussels (Mytilus edulis/galloprovincialis) in European coastal waters
CJM Philippart, A Amaral, R Asmus, J Van Bleijswijk, J Bremner, ...
Estuarine, coastal and shelf science 108, 52-63, 2012
The economic evaluation of estuarine dolphin (Sotalia guianensis) watching tourism in the Cananéia region, south-eastern Brazil
GF Filla, CIB Oliveira, JM Gonçalves, ELA Monteiro-Filho
International Journal of Green Economics 6 (1), 95-116, 2012
The forgotten whale: a bibliometric analysis and literature review of the North Atlantic sei whale Balaenoptera borealis
R Prieto, D Janiger, MA Silva, GT Waring, JM Goncalves
Mammal Review 42 (3), 235, 2012
3.6. Mobile megafauna
M De Girolamo, E Isidro, J Gonçalves, MR Pinho
CONDOR Observatory for long-term study and monitoring of Azorean seamount …, 2011
First field observation of naturally-laid eggs of Loligo forbesi (Cephalopoda: Myopsida), through a remotely operated vehicle in the Azores
GP Carreira, CK Pham, F Tempera, JMA Gonçalves, FM Porteiro
Marine Biodiversity Records 4, e63, 2011
Fishery and biology of Cancer bellianus off the Azores: Considerations for management
The importance of oceanic fronts in the Labrador Sea to North Atlantic sei whales (Balaenoptera borealis). Clues from satellite telemetry
R Prieto, MA Silva, I Cascão, MJ Cruz, CIB Oliveira, G Waring, ...
Proceedings from “Arctic Frontiers, 24-29, 2010
Acoustic characterization of whale watching boats in the Azores.
C Oliveira, J Gonçalves, MJ Cruz, MA Silva, R Prieto, M Lammers, ...
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 125 (4_Supplement), 2519-2519, 2009
Catching Octopus vulgaris with traps in the Azores: first trials employing Japanese baited pots in the Atlantic
GP Carreira, JM Gonçalves
Marine biodiversity records 2, e114, 2009
First description of spawning in a deep water loliginid squid, Loligo forbesi (Cephalopoda: Myopsida)
CK Pham, GP Carreira, FM Porteiro, JM Gonçalves, F Cardigos, ...
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 89 (1 …, 2009
Scientific literature on cetaceans in the Azores region: an historical overview
JN Pereira, JM Gonçalves
The Azorean Loligo forbesi (Cephalopoda: Loliginidae) in captivity: transport, handling, maintenance, tagging and survival
JM Gonçalves, FM Porteiro, F Cardigos, HR Martins, CK Pham
Marine Biodiversity Records 2, e120, 2009
Abundance and biology of deep-water red crab Chaceon affinis from Voador and Gigante seamounts off the Azores
MR Pinho, O Melo, JM Gonçalves, AM Leocádio, A Aranha, G Menezes, ...
ASC 2008-Theme session C, 2008
Distribution and Biology of the shrimp Plesionika edwardsii (Brandt, 1851) off the Azores
O Melo, MR Pinho, A Aranha, J Gonçalves, G Menezes, E Isidro
ASC 2008-Theme session C, 2008
A social–economicperspective of the whale watching activity in the Azores
C Oliveira, G Filla, J Gonçalves, MA Silva, R Prieto, S Magalhaes, ...
Scientific Committee of theInternational Whaling Commission: SC/59/WW8, 2007
Varamientos y capturas de mamiferos marinos an las costas espanolas y portuguesas del Atlantico durante 1996
GGCPV Pérez, C., A. López, J.I. Díaz, M. Sequeira, M.A. Silva, R. Herrera, J ...
Biodatos Básicos, Suppl. Revista de Biología Universidade de Oviedo 6, 70 pp., 2007
Non-indigenous marine species of the Azores
F Cardigos, F Tempera, S Ávila, J Gonçalves, A Colaço, RS Santos
Helgoland Marine Research 60, 160-169, 2006
Recent observations of coldwater coral communities on the “Condor de Terra” seamount, Azores
A Braga-Henriques, F Cardigos, G Menezes, O Ocaña, FM Porteiro, ...
Program and Book of Abstracts of the 41st European Marine Biology Symposium …, 2006
AB Bolten, KA Bjorndal, M Santos, R Ferreira, HR Martins, J Goncalves
Book of Abstracts, 236, 2006
Occurrence and distribution of cetaceans in the waters around the Azores (Portugal), Summer and Autumn 1999–2000.
MA Silva, R Prieto, S Magalhães, R Cabecinhas, A Cruz, JM Gonçalves
Aquatic Mammals 29, 77-83, 2003
Allozyme variation in Octopus vulgaris (Cephalopoda: Octopodida) in the NE Atlantic: Preliminary results (abst)
Exploitation of octopus in the Azores (NE Atlantic): current status and experimental fishery (abst.)
Geographic Variation of the Common Octopus (Octopus vulgaris Cuvier, 1797) in the NE Atlantic
Interactions between cetaceans and the tuna fishery in the Azores
MA Silva, R Feio, R Prieto, JM Gonçalves, RS Santos
Marine Mammal Science 18 (4), 893-901, 2002
Short-term reactions of sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) to whale-watching vessels in the Azores
S Magalhães, R Prieto, MA Silva, J Gonçalves, M Afonso-Dias, RS Santos
Aquatic Mammals 28 (3), 267-274, 2002
Biology and abundance of Cancer bellianus (Decapoda, Brachyura) around the Azores
MR Pinho, JM Gonçalves, HR Martins
ICES Journal of Marine Science 58 (4), 896-903, 2001
Composición, tasa de captura y estudio de la selectividad mediante tres métodos de vida larga en Algarve (sur de Portugal)
Comunidades Biológicas dos Sítios de Interesse Comunitário do Canal Faial‑Pico
F Tempera, P Afonso, T Morato, R Prieto, M Silva, A Cruz, J Gonçalves, ...
Arquivos do DOP. Série de Relatório Internos 5, 2001
New records and notes on little known shrimps (Crustacea, Decapoda) from Azorean waters.
U d'Acoz, MR Pinho, O Melo, JM Gonçalves, HR Martins
Universidade dos Açores, 2001
Some aspects of the biology of the deep-water crab, Chaceon affinis (Milne-Edwards and Bouvier, 1894) off the Azores
MR Pinho, JM Gonçalves, HR Martins, GM Menezes
Fisheries Research 51 (2-3), 283-295, 2001
Checklist of the shallow-water marine molluscs of the Azores: 2-São Miguel Island.
SP Ávila, J Azevedo, JM Gonçalves, J Fontes, F Cardigos
Sociedade Afonso Chaves, 2000
LS Sónia Mendes, J Gonçalves, RS Santos
European Research on Cetaceans: Proceedings of the... Annual Conference of …, 2000
Comparison of fluorescent bands during staining of statoliths of the squid Loligo forbesi (Cephalopoda: Loliginidae)
S Estacio, J Gonçalves, F Porteiro, JP Andrade
Journal of molluscan studies 65, 374-377, 1999
Impact of whale watching vessels on sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) activities in waters south of Pico and Faial islands, Azores
S Magalhães, R Prieto, MA Silva, J Gonçalves
European Research on Cetaceans 13, 124-127, 1999
RNA concentration and the RNA to protein ratio in cephalopod tissues: sources of variation and relationship with growth rate
GJ Pierce, LN Key, PR Boyle, KJ Siegert, JM Goncalves, FM Porteiro, ...
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 237 (2), 185-201, 1999
Checklist of the shallow-water marine molluscs of the Azores: 1-Pico, Faial, Flores and Corvo
SP Avila, J Azevedo, JM Gonçalves, J Fontes, F Cardigos
Sociedade Afonso Chaves, 1998
Roteiro para o turismo sub-aquático dos Açores-Relatório de Progresso
F Cardigos, RS Santos, JM Gonçalves, JP Barreiros, C Rodrigues
Arquivos do DOP, Série Estudos, nº5/97, 1997
Stranding and by-catch of cetaceans in the Northeastern Atlantic during 1996
C Perez, A Lopez, M Sequeira, M Silva, R Herrera, J Goncalves, P Valdes, ...
ASC 1997-Q, 1997
Cetaceans stranded in the Azores during 1992-1996
JM Gonçalves, JP Barreiros, J Azevedo, R Norberto
ARQUIPÉLAGO. Ciências Biológicas e Marinhas= Life and Marine Sciences 14, 57-65, 1996
D. João de Castro Bank
RS Santos, J Gonçalves, F Cardigos
Report to the European Community under contract INTAS project 94 592, 1-5, 1996
Environmental characterization of" Santo Cristo" coastal lagoon (S. Jorge, Azores)
Marine Research: The role of the Department of Oceanography and Fisheries of the University of the Azores
RS Santos, J Gonçalves, E Isidro
Higher Education Policy 8, 25-28, 1995
The Azorean adult squid Loligo forbesi (Cephalopoda: Loliginidae) in captivity: transport, handling, maintenance, tagging and survival
J Gonçalves, F Porteiro, F Cardigos, H Martins
International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES)/Mariculture …, 1995
The Azorean squid Loligo forbesi (Cephalopoda: Loliginidae) in captivity: feeding and growth
FM Porteiro, JM Goncalves, F Cardigos, P Martins, HR Martins
International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (CM Papers and Reports), 1995
Despojos alimentares encontrados em abrigos de polvo comum (Octopus vulgaris)(Mollusca: Cephalopoda) do Faial (Açores): dados preliminares.
JM Gonçalves, HR Martins
Universidade dos Açores, 1994
Lucky Strike
JM Gonçalves
outras fontes hidrotermais, escorrências frias e relatório de participação …, 1994
New information on the ecology of deep-sea vent communities in the azores triple junction area: preliminery results of the Diva 2 cruise (May 31-July 4, 1994)
D Desbruyeres, AM Alayse, E Antoine, G Barbier, F Barriga, M Biscoito, ...
InterRidge News 3 (2), 18-19, 1994
Relatório da campanha no 14-94 do NI" Arquipélago": ensaio preliminar de pesca de profundidade com armadilhas dirigidas a crustáceos e peixes
Octopus vulgaris Cuvier, 1797 (polvo-comum): sinopse da biologia e exploração
JM Gonçalves
Provas de Aptidao Pedagógica e Cientıfica Universidade dos Açores. Horta, 1993
Two new records of Ziphiidae (Cetacea) for the Azores with an updated checklist of cetacean species
F Reiner, JM Gonçalves, RS Santos
ARQUIPÉLAGO. Ciências Biológicas e Marinhas= Life and Marine Sciences, 113-118, 1993
Additions to the Octopoda (Mollusca: Cephalopoda) fauna of Madeira
Inter-and intra-specific variation of mercury levels in muscle of cephalopods from the Azores
L Monteiro, FM Porteiro, JM Gonçalves
Arquipélago-Life and Earth Sciences 10, 13-22, 1992
Marine mammals stranded in the Azores during 1990-91
JM Gonçalves, L Galhardo, JMM Brum
Arquipélago-Life and Earth Sciences 10, 113-118, 1992
Biology and exploitation of Octopus vulgaris Cuvier, 1797 (Mollusca: Cephalopoda) in the Azores
The octopoda (Mollusca: Cephalopoda) of the Azores
JM Goncalves
Arquipélago. Life and earth sciences 9, 75-81, 1991
Sei whales (Balaenoptera borealis) encountered in the Azores: a new record for the region
J Gordon, L Steiner, JM Gonçalves
Arquipélago-Life and Earth Sciences 8, 97-98, 1990
5 Projetos de Investigação
Direção Regional da Ciência e da Tecnologia
• Direção Regional da Ciência e da Tecnologia
Apoio ao funcionamento e gestão dos centros de I&D regionais
Direção Regional da Ciência e da Tecnologia
Apoio ao funcionamento e gestão dos centros de I&D regionais OKEANOS 2019
Direção Regional da Ciência e da Tecnologia
• PO Açores 2020 - FEDER
Aguas-VivAz: Impacto das águas-vivas e outros invertebrados gelatinosos na ecologia e economia do mar (turismo e pescas) dos Açores
Direção Regional da Ciência e da Tecnologia
Apoio ao funcionamento e gestão dos centros de I&D regionais OKEANOS 2018
Direção Regional da Ciência e da Tecnologia
Apoio ao funcionamento do Centro Okeanos
2 Prestações de Serviço
Direção Regional dos Assuntos do Mar
Métodos de Monitorização Marinha necessários para aplicar a abordagem baseada no ecossistema ao ordenamento do Espaço Marítimo e da atividade 2.3.2 - campanhas de Monitorização Marinha do projeto PLASMAR
Fundo Regional da Ciência e Tecnologia
MISTIC-SEAS II/Aves Marinhas
O investigador não tem uma biografia criada