Martin Souto Souto
martin souto souto | martin souto | m. souto | souto, m.
Entidades de I&D
CIBIO-A - Centro de Investigação em Biodiversidade e Recursos Genéticos
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Entidades Financiadoras
Direção Regional da Ciência e da Tecnologia
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de 80 Publicações
Coleoptera, Latriidae. Fauna Ibérica, vol. 42
Souto, Martin
Coleoptera, Latriidae. Fauna Ibérica, vol. 42
Ciência Vitae
Coleoptera, Monotomidae, Cryptophagidae, Fauna Ibérica Vol. 35
Souto, Martin
Coleoptera, Monotomidae, Cryptophagidae, Fauna Ibérica Vol. 35
Ciência Vitae
Mollusca: Solenogastres, Caudofoveata & Monoplacophora. Fauna Ibérica, vol. 38
Souto, Martin
Mollusca: Solenogastres, Caudofoveata & Monoplacophora. Fauna Ibérica, vol. 38
Ciência Vitae
Pannariaceae. Flora Liquenológica Ibérica Vol. 6. Sociedad Española de Liquenología (SEL)
Souto, Martin
Pannariaceae. Flora Liquenológica Ibérica Vol. 6. Sociedad Española de Liquenología (SEL)
Ciência Vitae
Aquatic NIS in the Azores at the blinking of two decades of research and monitoring
Costa, Ana Cristina; Botelho, A
NeoBiota 13th International Conference on Biological Invasions
Ciência Vitae
Caracterização Hidromorfológica das Massas de Água Interiores Superficiais na Região Autónoma dos Açores. Relatório da monitorização do 2º ano
Gonçalves, Vítor; Helena Sousa Marques; Balibrea, Ana; Noemie Taymans; Lidia Vilaverde; Souto, Martin; Pedro M
Ciência Vitae
Checklist of Basidiomycota and New Records from the Azores Archipelago
Souto, Martin; Raposeiro, Pedro Miguel; Balibrea, Ana; Gonçalves, Vítor
Checklist of Basidiomycota and new records from Azores arquipelago
Souto, M
Diversity, Microbial Diversity on Islands, Special Issue.
Ciência Vitae
Chironomid-based palaeotemperature and precipitation oxygen isotope estimates for the North Atlantic region (Azores archipelago)
Pedro M
Spring Seminar BioIsle, Seminário – Biodiversidade e Ilhas
Ciência Vitae
Diversity of Pteridophyta spores in Azores Lake sediments
Souto, Martin; Pedro M
Spring Seminar BioIsle, Seminário – Biodiversidade e Ilhas
Ciência Vitae
Late Holocene climate dynamics in the Azores archipelago
Monitorização das Massas de Água Interiores e de Transição da Região Hidrográfica dos Açores. Life19 IPC/PT/000004 - LIFE IP CLIMAZ. Relatório da 3ª Campanha do ano 1 (R3/Ano1)
Gonçalves, Vítor; Pedro M
Ciência Vitae
Monitorização das Massas de Água Interiores e de Transição da Região Hidrográfica dos Açores. Life19 IPC/PT/000004 - LIFE IP CLIMAZ. Relatório da 4ª Campanha do ano 1 (R4/Ano1)
Gonçalves, Vítor; Pedro M
Ciência Vitae
Paleoecological study of the Caiado peatland (Pico Island)
Felix Pina Castillo; Souto, Martin; Gonçalves, Vítor; Pedro M
Spring Seminar BioIsle, Seminário – Biodiversidade e Ilhas
Ciência Vitae
Technical Report on Carbon Storage and Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the Sierra del Escudo, Burgos
Pérez Haase, A
Ciência Vitae
A comparative study of larval Odonata data within permanent ponds across Hungary
Fehlinger, L
6th European Congress on Odonatology (ECOO 2022)
Ciência Vitae
Diversity of Desmidiales in freshwater systems of the Azores archipelago
Lorente, B
Ciência Vitae
Diversity of Testate Amoebae in the Azores archipelago and their use as a paleoenvironmental indicator
Martin Souto; Pedro M
Spring Seminar BioIsle, Seminário – Biodiversidade e Ilhas
Ciência Vitae
Evolution of lakes to peatlands in Azores Islands, a multiproxy palaeoecological analysis
Souto, Martin; Santos, Sofia; Pedro M
XXI Conference of the Iberian Association of Limnology
Ciência Vitae
Increasing the knowledge of the Macaronesian mycoflora: new records of basidiomycetes from Azores
Souto, Martin; Pedro M
Ciência Vitae
Reconstruction of past vegetation using plant macrofossils in sediments from Lake Prata (São Miguel)
Santos, Sofia; Souto, Martin; Gonçalves, Vítor; Pedro M
Spring Seminar ¿BIOISLE
Ciência Vitae
Reply to Elias et al.: Multiproxy evidence of widespread landscape disturbance in multiple Azorean lakes before the Portuguese arrival
Study of peatland formations in the Suído Norte sector, Galicia. Guiding Criteria.
Pontevedra Pombal, X
Ciência Vitae
Climate change facilitated the early colonization of the Azores Archipelago during medieval times
Distribution of testate amoebae in bryophyte communities in São Miguel Island (Azores Archipelago)
Souto, Martin; Gonçalves, Vítor; Pontevedra-Pombal, Xabier; Raposeiro, Pedro
Biodiversity Data Journal
EUROPONDS - paneuropean insights into the ecological role of ponds: early career freshwater biologists shedding light on often overlooked small water bodies.
Fehlinger, L
12th Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences (SEFS-12) Dublin, Ireland
Ciência Vitae
Ecological assessment of a renaturalised pond in the quarries of Alpedrete
Fehlinger, L
12th Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences (SEFS-12) Dublin, Ireland
Ciência Vitae
Espécies aquáticas de água doce não indígenas presentes nos Açores
Costa, Ana Cristina; Balibrea, Ana; Pedro M
Spring Seminar Webinar–BIOISLE
Ciência Vitae
First human impacts and responses of aquatic ecosystems responses on remote oceanic islands: The Azores archipelago as a case study.
Raposeiro, P
12th Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences (SEFS-12)
Ciência Vitae
Identification of Peatland habitats in Galicia. Department of soil science and agricultural chemistry & Department of geography.".
Pontevedra-Pombal X, Souto M
Ciência Vitae
Macrofósseis vegetais em sedimentos lacustres, um novo modelo paleobotânico de estudo nos Açores
Souto, Martin; Gonçalves, Vítor; Pedro M
Spring Seminar Webinar - BIOISLE
Ciência Vitae
Non-indigenous and Invasive Freshwater Species on the Atlantic Islands of the Azores Archipelago
Paleoenvironmental interpretation in the testate amoebae assemblages in a sedimentary record Azores
Souto, M
12th Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences (SEFS-12) Dublin, Ireland
Ciência Vitae
Reconstrução da vegetação passada usando macrofósseis de plantas em sedimentos da lagoa de São Brás (São Miguel)
Santos, Sofia; Souto, Martin; Gonçalves, Vítor; Pedro M
Spring Seminar Webinar–BIOISLE
Ciência Vitae
Registo climático do final do Holoceno nos Açores através de isótopos de oxigénio de quironomídeos lacustres
Ritter, Catarina; Gonçalves, Vítor; Souto, Martin; Abbott, Mark; Pedro M
Spring Seminar Webinar–BIOISLE
Ciência Vitae
Resposta dos sistemas lacustres açorianos aos impactos humanos, uma perspectiva paleolimnológica
Pedro M
Spring Seminar Webinar–BIOISLE
Ciência Vitae
Use of fossil NPPs on the Azores to reconstruct past environmental changes
Souto, M
12th Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences (SEFS-12)
Ciência Vitae
3rd European FreshProject EUROPONDS
Fehlinger, L
IX simposio de investigación en ciencias experimentales
Ciência Vitae
Changes in the tecameba population coupled to the evolution of the Doniños coastal lake (NW Iberian Peninsula).
Pontevedra-Pombal, X
Ciência Vitae
Contribution of GIS and geochemical proxies to improving habitat identification and delimitation for the Natura 2000 network: The case of Coastal lagoons in Galicia (NW Iberian Peninsula)
Alejandro Gómez-Pazo, Augusto Pérez-Alberti , Pedro Fraga-Santiago , Martin Souto , X
Applied Sciences
Ciência Vitae
Evidence of early settlement of the Azores archipelago using a high-resolution paleolimnological approach.
Raposeiro, P
Ciência Vitae
High-resolution patterns of palaeoenvironmental changes during the Little Ice Age and the Medieval Climate Anomaly in the north-western Iberian Peninsula
Non-pollen palynomorphs preserved in sedimentary archive of Caldeirao Lake, Azores. Fungi and algal remains as paleoecological indicators
Souto, M
Limnologia 2020
Ciência Vitae
Non-pollen palynomorphs preserved in sedimentary archives of Lake Caldeirão, Azores: Fungal and algal remains as paleoecological indicators
Souto, Martin; Gonçalves, Vítor; Ritter, Catarina; Pla-Rabes, Sergi; Ricther, Nora; Saez, Alberto; Bao, Roberto; et al
XX Congress of the Iberian Association of Limnology (AIL-2020) / III Iberoamerican Congress of Limnology
Ciência Vitae
Paleoecological changes in thecamoebian populations coupled to the evolution of the Doniños coastal lake (NW Iberian Peninsula)
Pontevedra-Pombal, Xabier; Carballeira, Rafael; Guinarte, R; Castro, Daniel; Souto, Martin; Hernández, Armand; Pedro M
XX Congress of the Iberian Association of Limnology (AIL-2020) / III Iberoamerican Congress of Limnology
Ciência Vitae
Records of testate amoebae in São Miguel island (Azores Archipelago). Occurrence dataset. Version 1.7. Universidade dos Açores via
Souto, Martin; Gonçalves, Vitor; Pontevdra-Pombal, X; Pedro M
Records of testate amoebae in São Miguel island (Azores Archipelago). Occurrence dataset. Version 1.7. Universidade dos Açores via
The drastic loss of Laurisilva forest after human arrival. Corvo Island as a case study
Souto, M
Ciência Vitae
The drastic loss of Laurisilva forest after human arrival: A case study from Corvo Island
Souto, Martin; Gonçalves, Vítor; Ritter, Catarina; Pla-Rabes, Sergi; Ricther, Nora; Saez, Alberto; Bao, Roberto; et al
XX Congress of the Iberian Association of Limnology (AIL-2020) / III Iberoamerican Congress of Limnology
Ciência Vitae
Catastrophic vs. gradual ecological change in a coastal back-barrier perched lake as a function of climate-forced barrier breaching in the last 2,700 yr
Bao, R
AGU Fall Meeting, CA. EEUU
Ciência Vitae
Description of procedures to estimate the pressures and threats that affect or may affect the conservation status of each type of herbaceous ecosystem with a peatland component (mesoeutrophic mires).".
García-Rodeja E, Pontevedra-Pombal X, Souto M, Silva-Sánchez N, Martínez-Cortizas A
Ciência Vitae
Establishment of a specific typology of herbaceous ecosystems with a peatland component.".
Martínez-Cortizas A, Silva-Sánchez N, Pontevedra-Pombal X, Souto M, García-Rodeja E
Ciência Vitae
Fungi remains from different microhabitat of a raised bog and their potential as non-pollen palynomorphs
Souto, M
International Workshop on Phytoliths and Non-Pollen Palynomorphs – Barcelona
Ciência Vitae
The Use of Plant Macrofossils for Paleoenvironmental Reconstructions in Southern European Peatlands
Técnicas de ilustración científica en Historia Natural. As coleccións malacolóxicas da USC como modelo de estudo.
10,000 years of climate control over carbon accumulation in an Iberian bog (southwestern Europe).
Pontevedra-Pombal, X
Geoscience Frontiers
Ciência Vitae
Origin and evolution of the blanket bog of Zalama (Montes de Ordunte, Northern Iberian Peninsula)
Pontevedra-Pombal, X
Inventary, value and restoration of peatlands: recent contributions
Ciência Vitae
Palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of peatlands in the North of the Iberian Peninsula through the analysis of plant macrofossils and the degree of peat humification.
Presencia de Cyperus papyrus L. (Cyperaceae) en la bioregión atlántica de la Península Ibérica
Carballeira, R
Ciência Vitae
Characterisation of Holocene plant macrofossils from North Spanish ombrotrofic mires: bryophytes.
Iberian acid peatlands: types, origin and general trends of development
Identification, classification and localisation of types of peatland habitats corresponding to Group 71 (acid sphagnum mires) of Annex I to Directive 92/43/EEC present in Galicia: network extension areas. final report.".
Pontevedra-Pombal, X
Ciência Vitae
Presencia de Dolomedes fimbriatus (Clerck, 1758) (Araneae, Pisauridae) en Galicia (España)
Carballeira, R
Revista Ibérica de Aracnología
Ciência Vitae
8000 years of vegetation history in the northern Iberian Peninsula inferred from the palaeoenvironmental study of the Zalama ombrotrophic bog (Basque-Cantabrian Mountains, Spain)
Characterisation of Holocene plant macrofossils from North Spanish ombrotro-fic mires: vascular plants
Os últimos carballos do Banquete de Conxo
Martínez, X
Ciência Vitae
Climate change records between the mid- and late Holocene in a peat bog from Serra do Xistral (SW Europe) using plant macrofossils and peat humification analyses
Liverworts ofSphagnum magellanicumBrid. raised bogs from Tierra del Fuego National Park, Ushuaia Argentina
Souto, Martin; Castro, Daniel; Pancotto, Veronica; Isabel Fraga, M
Journal of Bryology
Early pastoral activity in the Eastern Cantabrian Mountains. Palaeoenvironmental Approach
Pérez-Díaz, S
XVII Congreso mundial UISPP
Ciência Vitae
Reconstrucción paleoambiental de los últimos 8.000 años de la turbera de Zalama (Sierra de Ordunte, País Vasco)
Souto M
Retos y oportunidades en la Ciencia del Suelo
Ciência Vitae
Analysis of macrofossils in an Ombric Histosol of the Serra do Xistral, Galicia: contributions to the interpretation of environmental changes in the last 5,000 years.
Castro, D
V Congresso Ibérico da Ciencia do Solo 2012
Ciência Vitae
Bryophytic flora of Sphagnum magellanicum Brid. mires from Tierra del Fuego National Park (Ushuaia, Argentina)
Souto, M
IMCG Field Symposium 2010
Ciência Vitae
Guia verde de Santiago de Compostela
Fraga, M
Ciência Vitae
Phytolithic analysis of a peat bog at Cumbres Cabaleiros, Spain
Fernandez Pepi, M
XIV Simposio Argentino de Paleobotánica y Palinologia
Ciência Vitae
The gardens of the South Campus of Santiago de Compostela: our natural heritage
Quintela-Sabarís C
3rd Galician Forum of Environmental Educators
Ciência Vitae
Assessing the impact of wind farms on the plant diversity of blanket bogs in the Xistral Mountains (NW Spain)
Green routes of the USC. A trip around the world with trees
Mountain mires of Galicia : (serras do Xistral, Toxiza and Ancares): post symposium excursion field guide,
García-Rodeja, E
Mountain mires of Galicia : (serras do Xistral, Toxiza and Ancares): post symposium excursion field guide,
Ciência Vitae
Wind farms on Peatlands of serras septentrionais (Galicia, NW Spain) : symposium excursion field guide.".
García-Rodeja, E
Ciência Vitae
Influence of soil and climatic condition on metal accumulation of Cistus ladanifer
Quintela-Sabarís C
COST Action 859, Phytotechnologies to promote sustainable land use management and improve food safety. 1º scientific meeting of WG1: Root to shoot translocation of pollutants and nutrients
Ciência Vitae
Patent application and DUS (distinctness, homogeneity and stability) examination for Liquidambar styraciflua L. cultivars. ‘Petit Ball’ e ‘Compostela’, UPOV".
Souto, M
Ciência Vitae
1 Projeto de Investigação
0 Prestações de Serviço
Não existem prestações de serviço
2014 - 2018/07/10 |
Otro 2018 Especialização em Botanica Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Espanha (TESE/DISSERTAÇÃO) "Reconstrucción paleoambiental de turberas del Norte de la Península Ibérica mediante análisis de macrofósiles vegetales y grado de humificación de la turba." |
2007 - 2008 |
Otro Biodiversidade e Conservación do Medio Natural Especialização em Botanic Universidade de Santiago de Compostela - Campus Vida, Espanha |
2000 - 2006 |
Licenciatura 2006 Especialização em Botanica Universidade de Santiago de Compostela - Campus Vida, Espanha |
O investigador não tem uma biografia criada
Entidades de I&D
CIBIO-A - Centro de Investigação em Biodiversidade e Recursos Genéticos
Entidades Financiadoras