Patrícia Gomes Antunes Madeira
Entidades de I&D
CIBIO-A - Centro de Investigação em Biodiversidade e Recursos Genéticos
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de 75 Publicações
Patterns of distribution of mollusc fauna associated with Halopteris scoparia (Linnaeus) Sauvageau: a baseline study in the Azores archipelago helps …
Population dynamics of Ervilia castanea (Montagu, 1803) hints at evolutionary processes shaping north-east Atlantic insular sandy habitats
The razor clam Solen marginatus Pulteney, 1799: A new anthropogenic marine introduction in the Azores Archipelago
O trilho marítimo da Rota dos Fósseis
On the Geological and Palaeontological Heritage of the Azores Archipelago and the Urgent need to Review the Geosites of the Azores UNESCO Geopark: A Comment on Lima & Meneses …
Os fósseis de Santa Maria (Açores). 3. O trilho marítimo da Rota dos Fósseis
Vascular plant taxa in natural and production forests and in exotic woodlands on the islands of São Miguel, Terceira, and Pico (Azores)
Vascular plant taxa occurrences in exotic woodland and in natural and production forests on the Islands of São Miguel, Terceira and Pico (Azores)
Big data
Os fósseis de Santa Maria (Açores). 2. Pedra-que- pica: uma história com 5 milhões de anos
Os fósseis de Santa Maria (Açores). 2. Pedra-que-pica: uma história com 5 milhões de anos
Range expansion of tropical shallow-water marine molluscs in the NE Atlantic during the last interglacial (MIS 5e): Causes, consequences and utility of ecostratigraphic …
Reply to the comment by Meco et al. on “Range expansion of tropical shallow-water marine molluscs in the NE Atlantic during the last interglacial (MIS 5e): Causes, consequences …
Diverse bioerosion structures in lower Pliocene deposits from a volcanic oceanic island: Baía de Nossa Senhora section, Santa Maria Island, Azores (central North Atlantic)
Untangling the origin of the newcomer Phorcus sauciatus (Mollusca: Gastropoda) in a remote Atlantic archipelago
Last Interglacial fossiliferous sequences from Santiago Island (Cabo Verde Archipelago): the palaeoecology of the Nossa Senhora da Luz section, a rare example of a protected …
Pliocene and Late Pleistocene actinopterygian fishes from Santa Maria Island, Azores (NE Atlantic Ocean): palaeoecological and palaeobiogeographical implications
Pliocene and late Pleistocene (MIS 5e) decapod crustaceans from Santa Maria Island (Azores Archipelago: Central Atlantic): systematics, palaeoecology and palaeobiogeography
Echinoderm Biodiversity and Biogeography in Oceanic Islands: the Azores as a case study
Restructuring of the ‘Macaronesia’ biogeographic unit: a marine multi-taxon biogeographical approach
Restructuring of the ‘Macaronesia’biogeographic unit: A marine multi-taxon biogeographical approach
Restructuring of the ‘Macaronesia’biogeographic unit: a marine multi-taxon biogeographical approach. Sci Rep 9: 15792
The Echinoderm Fauna of the Azores (NE Atlantic Ocean)
Controls in benthic and pelagic Biodiversity of the Azores BIODIAZ, Cruise No. M150, 27.08.2018 - 02.10.2018, Cádiz (Spain)
First record of the Mediterranean asteroid Sclerasterias richardi (Perrier in Milne-Edwards 1882) in the Azores Archipelago (NE Atlantic Ocean)
Global change impacts on large-scale biogeographic patterns of marine organisms on Atlantic oceanic islands
Modern rhodoliths from the insular shelf of Pico in the Azores (Northeast Atlantic Ocean)
Non-destructive tissue sampling and the use of PCR-RFLPs in two edible sea cucumbers from the north-eastern Atlantic, Holothuria mammata Grube, 1840 and H. sanctori Delle Chiaje, 1823 (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea)
Non-destructive tissue sampling and the use of PCR-RFLPs in two edible sea cucumbers from the north-eastern Atlantic, Holothuria mammata Grube, 1840 and H. sanctori Delle …
Echinocyamus pusillus (Echinodermata; Echinoidea): a new record from the Pleistocene of Santa Maria Island (Azores, NE Atlantic).
Methods of evaluation of geosites: Santa Maria Island geosites as a case-study
Biodiversity and biogeographical patterns of the Pleistocene and Holocene littoral gastropod fauna from the Azores
Biodiversity and biogeography of recent and fossil echinoderms from the Azores
Marine island biogeography: Testing large-scale biogeographic patterns of marine organisms in oceanic islands (Atlantic Ocean)
Origem, vetores de introdução e condições ambientais que facilitam a introdução de espécies não indígenas nos Açores
The role of sea-level changes in oceanic island’s biodiversity: The MIS 5e in the Azores
A review of the MIS 5e highstand deposits from Santa Maria Island (Azores, NE Atlantic): palaeobiodiversity, palaeoecology and palaeobiogeography
Fossil Mysticeti from the Pleistocene of Santa Maria Island, Azores (Northeast Atlantic Ocean), and the prevalence of fossil cetaceans on oceanic islands
Palaeoecology, taphonomy, and preservation of a lower Pliocene shell bed (coquina) from a volcanic oceanic island (Santa Maria Island, Azores)
Phorcus sauciatus (Koch, 1845) (Gastropoda: Trochidae) in Santa Maria, Azores archipelago: the onset of a biological invasion
Phorcus sauciatus(Koch, 1845) (Gastropoda: Trochidae) in Santa Maria, Azores archipelago: the onset of a biological invasion
The Palaeontological Heritage of Santa Maria Island (Azores: NE Atlantic): a Re-evaluation of Geosites in GeoPark Azores and Their Use in Geotourism
A late Miocene storm-induced sheel bed (coquina) from the central-North Atlantic: taphonomy, palaeoecology and palaeo-environmental reconstruction
A late Miocene storm-induced shell bed (coquina) from the central-North Atlantic: taphonomy, palaeoecology and palaeo-environmental reconstruction
Palaeontological heritage and palaeodiversity of Santa Maria Island: the Palaeopark Santa Maria (Azores: NE Atlantic)
Lajes do Pico “À Ban Baxe Muro”
Lajes do Pico “À ban-baxe-muro”
Species distributions: virtual or real – the case of Arbaciella elegans (Echinoidea: Arbaciidae)
Species distributions: virtual or real–the case of Arbaciella elegans (Echinoidea: Arbaciidae)
The Azorean fossil echinoid fauna: ‘state of the art’ and future perspectives
The fossil echinoids of Santa Maria Island, Azores (Northern Atlantic Ocean)
Echinoids from the Late Miocene-Early Pliocene & Pleistocene of Santa Maria Island, Azores
New data on the Miocene marine Ostracods from the Azores
Os fósseis de Santa Maria (Açores): a jazida da Prainha.
Palaeobiogeographic challenges in the middle of the Atlantic – MPB working group
The fossil echinoid fauna of Santa Maria Island, Azores (Northern Atlantic Ocean)
Illustrated checklist of the infralittoral molluscs off Vila Franca do Campo
Palaeoecology of the Pleistocene (MIS 5.5) outcrops of Santa Maria Island (Azores) in a complex oceanic tectonic setting
A biogeographical paradox and the palaeobigeographical importance of the Azorean Marine fossils.
Local disappearance of bivalves in the Azores during the last glaciation
ORIGINAL ARTICLE: Mass extinctions in the Azores during the last glaciation: fact or myth?
Patterns of diversity of the Rissoidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda) in the Atlantic and the Mediterranean region
The MPB-Marine PalaeoBiogeography working group and the study of Santa Maria fossils: an updated overview.
A importância (biogeográfica) dos fósseis de Santa Maria (Açores, Portugal)
Luria lurida (Gastropoda), a new record for the Pleistocene of Santa Maria, Azores
Luria lurida (mollusca: gastropoda), a new record for the Pleistocene of Santa Maria (Azores, Portugal)
Mass extinctions in the Azores during the last glaciation: fact or myth?
The coastal zone management plan of Santa Maria as a chance for fossiliferous outcrops management
The marine fossils from Santa Maria Island. An Historical overview
Jazidas Fósseis. In: Calado, H., J. Porteiro, M. Pereira & A.Z. Botelho (Coordenação Científica). Plano de ordenamento da Orla Costeira – Santa Maria. Fase I – Caracterização e Diagnóstico. LITOSOST: Gestão Sustentável do Desenvolvimento Social, Económico e ecológico das Áreas Litorais da Macaronésia
The MPB - Marine Palaeobiogeography Working Group of the University of the Azores: research and aims
Estudo Morfológico de duas espécies de peixes costeiros com cuidado parental dos Açores, Apogon (Apogon) imberbis (Linnaeus, 1758) (TELEOSTEI, APOGONIDAE) e “Abudefduf” luridus (Cuvier, 1830) (TELEOSTEI, POMACENTRIDAE)
Biótopos intertidais da Ilha de São Miguel - Açores
4 Projetos de Investigação
Os fósseis de Santa Maria (Açores). 3. O Trilho marítimo da “Rota dos fósseis”
1º International Workshop "Palaeontology in Atlantic Islands - Cabo Verde
18th International Workshop "Palaeontology in Atlantic Islands" (18PAI)
2º Workshop "Ciência nas zonas costeiras: A pltaforma das Lajes do Pico e a Fajã da Caldeira de Santo Cristo (São Jorge)
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Entidades de I&D
CIBIO-A - Centro de Investigação em Biodiversidade e Recursos Genéticos
Entidades Financiadoras