Vittorio Zanon
zanon, vittorio | v. zanon
Vittorio Zanon (VZ) graduated in Earth Sciences at the University of Rome in 1995, with a thesis in experimental petrology, on the calibration of geothermometers for Etnean lavas. He completed his PhD in Petrology and Mineralogy at the University of Florence in 2001, with a work on fluid and melt inclusions on the Aeolian Islands (Italy).
Entidades de I&D
IVAR - Instituto de Investigação em Vulcanologia e Avaliação de Riscos
Perfis Externos
Entidades Financiadoras
Caixa de Crédito Agrícola Mútuo dos Açores, C.R.L.
Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia
Partilhar este perfil:
de 53 Publicações
Toward a near real-time magma ascent monitoring by combined fluid inclusion barometry and ongoing seismicity
Vittorio Zanon; Luca D’Auria; Federica Schiavi; Klaudia Cyrzan; Matthew J
Science Advances
Weathering pulses during glacial-interglacial transitions: Insights from well-dated paleosols in the Azores volcanic province (Central North Atlantic)
A CO2-rich basanitic magma source for Fogo Volcano (Cape Verde Archipelago) inferred from volatile contents in silicate melt inclusions.
Exceptional eruptive CO2 emissions from intra-plate alkaline magmatism in the Canary volcanic archipelago
Mike Burton; Alessandro Aiuppa; Patrick Allard; María Asensio-Ramos; Ana Pardo Cofrades; Alessandro La Spina; Emma J
Communications Earth & Environment
Temporal evolution of the Fogo Volcano magma storage system (Cape Verde Archipelago): a fluid inclusions perspective
Francesco Maria Lo Forte; Alessandro Aiuppa; Silvio G
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research
The crust-mantle transition beneath the Azores region (central-north Atlantic Ocean)
Vittorio Zanon; Rita Silva; Catarina Goulart
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology
CO2-rich emissions from alkalic magmatism in the Canary Islands, Spain
Mike Burton; Alessandro Aiuppa; María Asensio-Ramos; Alessandro La Spina; Patrick Allard; Emma Liu; Vittorio Zanon; et al
New Inferences on Magma Dynamics in Melilitite-Carbonatite Volcanoes: The Case Study of Mt. Vulture (Southern Italy)
Oxidized mantle sources of HIMU- and EM-type Ocean Island Basalts
Radon signature of CO2 flux constrains the depth of degassing: Furnas volcano (Azores, Portugal) versus Syabru-Bensi (Nepal Himalayas)
Frédéric Girault; Fátima Viveiros; Catarina Silva; Sandeep Thapa; Joana E
Scientific Reports
The contribution of hydrothermal mineral alteration analysis and gas geothermometry for understanding high-temperature geothermal fields – The case of Ribeira Grande geothermal field, Azores
The magma ascent path during the 2021 eruption of Cumbre Vieja (La Palma Island, Canary archipelago) highlighted by fluid inclusions and seismicity
Vittorio Zanon; Klaudia Cyrzan; Luca D'Auria; Matt Pankhurst; Fátima Rodríguez; Beverley Coldwell; Alba Martín-Lorenzo
The shaping of a volcanic ridge in a tectonically active setting: The Pico-Faial Ridge in the Azores Triple Junction
"The shaping of a volcanic ridge in a tectonically active setting: The Pico-Faial Ridge in the Azores Triple Junction"
Ciência Vitae
Deep CO2 emitted at Furnas do Enxofre geothermal area (Terceira Island, Azores archipelago). An approach for determining CO2 sources and total emissions using carbon isotopic data
"Deep CO2 emitted at Furnas do Enxofre geothermal area (Terceira Island, Azores archipelago)
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research
Magma water content of Pico Volcano (Azores Islands, Portugal): a clinopyroxene perspective
"Magma water content of Pico Volcano (Azores Islands, Portugal): a clinopyroxene perspective"
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology
Sulfide mantle source heterogeneity recorded in basaltic lavas from the Azores
The fumarolic CO2 output from Pico do Fogo volcano (Cape Verde)
"The fumarolic CO2 output from Pico do Fogo volcano (Cape Verde)"
Italian Journal of Geosciences
A multi-methodological re-evaluation of the volcanic events during the 1580¿CE and 1808 eruptions at São Jorge Island (Azores Archipelago, Portugal)
Discovery of moissanite in a peralkaline syenite from the Azores Islands
Sabrina Nazzareni; Fabrizio Nestola; Vittorio Zanon; Luca Bindi; Enrico Scricciolo; Maurizio Petrelli; Marco Zanatta; Gino Mariotto; Gabriele Giuli
Eruptive Activity on the Western Flank of Piton de la Fournaise (La Réunion Island, Indian Ocean): Insights on Magma Transfer, Storage and Evolution at an Oceanic Volcanic Island
"Eruptive Activity on the Western Flank of Piton de la Fournaise (La Réunion Island, Indian Ocean): Insights on Magma Transfer, Storage and Evolution at an Oceanic Volcanic Island"
Journal of Petrology
Unravelling the magma feeding system of a young basaltic oceanic volcano
Zanon, Vittorio; Pimentel, Adriano; Auxerre, Marion; Marchini, Greta; Stuart, Finlay M
Hg and CO 2 emissions from soil diffuse degassing and fumaroles at Furnas Volcano (São Miguel Island, Azores): Gas flux and thermal energy output
Magmatic processes revealed by anorthoclase textures and trace element modeling: The case of the Lajes Ignimbrite eruption (Terceira Island, Azores)
Claudia D'Oriano; Patrizia Landi; Adriano Pimentel; Vittorio Zanon
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research
Comment on “The insular shelves of the Faial-Pico Ridge (Azores archipelago): A morphological record of its evolution” by Quartau et al.
Rocking around a volcanic island shelf: Pliocene Rhodolith beds from Malbusca, Santa Maria Island (Azores, NE Atlantic)
Soil radon measurements as a potential tracer of tectonic and volcanic activity
Stress-induced comenditic trachyte effusion triggered by trachybasalt intrusion: multidisciplinary study of the AD 1761 eruption at Terceira Island (Azores)
Chapter 5 The magmatism of the Azores islands
Conditions for mafic magma storage beneath fissure zones at oceanic islands. The case of São Miguel Island (Azores archipelago)
Zanon, V
Ciência Vitae
Exploring lava-flow hazards at Pico Island, Azores Archipelago (Portugal)
Impact of effusive eruptions from the Eguas-Carvão fissure system, São Miguel Island, Azores Archipelago (Portugal)
Palaeoecology, taphonomy, and preservation of a lower Pliocene shell bed (coquina) from a volcanic oceanic island (Santa Maria Island, Azores)
Special Collection: Glasses, Melts, and Fluids, as Tools for Understanding Volcanic Processes and Hazards. Spatio-temporal constraints on magma storage and ascent conditions in a transtensional tectonic setting: The case of the Terceira Island (Azores)
The magmatism of the Azores islands
Zanon, V
Ciência Vitae
Is the 'azores hotspot'awetspot? Insights from the geochemistry of fluid and melt inclusions in olivine of pico basalts
Depositional processes on oceanic island shelves - Evidence from storm-generated Neogene deposits from the mid-North Atlantic
Magma storage and ascent conditions beneath Pico and Faial islands (Azores archipelago): A study on fluid inclusions
Volcanism from fissure zones and the Caldeira central volcano of Faial Island, Azores archipelago: Geochemical processes in multiple feeding systems
Late Miocene marine ostracods from Santa Maria island, Azores (NE Atlantic): Systematics, palaeoecology and palaeobiogeography
Lava balloons-peculiar products of basaltic submarine eruptions
Spatial distribution of soil radon as a tool to recognize active faulting on an active volcano: The example of Mt. Etna (Italy)
GIS-based method for the environmental vulnerability assessment to volcanic ashfall at Etna Volcano
Growth and evolution of an emergent tuff cone: Considerations from structural geology, geomorphology and facies analysis of São Roque volcano, São Miguel (Azores)
Interpretation of data from the monitoring thermal camera of Stromboli volcano (Aeolian Islands, Italy)
Impact of lightning on organic matter-rich soils: Influence of soil grain size and organic matter content on underground fires
The exceptional activity and growth of the Southeast Crater, Mount Etna (Italy), between 1996 and 2001
Geology and volcanology of San Venanzo volcanic field (Umbria, Central Italy)
Petrologic monitoring of glasses in the pyroclastites erupted in February 2004 by the Stromboli Volcano, Aeolian Islands, Southern Italy
Evidence of crustal melting events below the island of Salina (Aeolian arc, southern Italy)
Evolution of the volcanic plumbing system of Alicudi (Aeolian Islands - Italy): Evidence from fluid and melt inclusions in quartz xenoliths
Plinian activity during the early eruptive history of the Sabatini Volcanic District, Central Italy
Silica-rich Melts in Quartz Xenoliths from Vulcano Island and their bearing on processes of Crustal Anatexis and Crust-Magma Interaction beneath the Aeolian Arc, Southern Italy
Magmatic feeding system and crustal magma accumulation beneath Vulcano Island (Italy): Evidence from CO2 fluid inclusions in quartz xenoliths
4 Projetos de Investigação
Caixa de Crédito Agrícola Mútuo dos Açores, C.R.L.
Prémio de Mérito Científico 2024
Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia
From MAGma to the Atmosphere - uma contribuição para desenvolver a próxima geração de sensores geoquímicos para a monitorização em tempo real do movimento do magma em profundidade
Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia
Reservatórios Magmáticos nas Ilhas Oceânicas
Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia
PLUSYS- Sistemas de Alimentação dos Vulcões Açorianos: Traçando a Evolução e a Desgaseificação do Magma desde a Fonte Mantélica aos Reservatórios Superficiais
0 Prestações de Serviço
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2001/03 |
Otro mineralogia e petrologia Università degli Studi di Firenze Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Itália (TESE/DISSERTAÇÃO) "Inclusioni fluide e vetrose negli xenoliti di quarzo delle isole Eolie." |
1998 |
Otro Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aids Università degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza Facoltà di Medicina e Psicologia, Itália (TESE/DISSERTAÇÃO) "n/a" |
1995 |
Otro Geosciences Università degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Itália (TESE/DISSERTAÇÃO) "La calibrazione sperimentale di un geotermometro chimico nel quadro composizionale delle eruzioni recenti ed attuali del Mt. Etna" |
Vittorio Zanon (VZ) graduated in Earth Sciences at the University of Rome in 1995, with a thesis in experimental petrology, on the calibration of geothermometers for Etnean lavas. He completed his PhD in Petrology and Mineralogy at the University of Florence in 2001, with a work on fluid and melt inclusions on the Aeolian Islands (Italy). From 2006 to 2015 he was a Post-Doc researcher at the Centro de Vulcanologia e Avaliação de Riscos Geológicos, the institution responsible for the monitoring activities of natural phenomena at the Azores Islands. He qualified as Associate Professor (Italy) and Maître de Conférénces (France) in 2017 and 2020, respectively. He published 53 articles and book chapters on ISI journals mainly related to petrological and geochemical aspects of volcanism; 16 of them as corresponding author. His H-index is 20 and the total citation number is 1060. His research is focused in the fields of petrology and geochemistry of volcanic rocks with the aim of understanding the internal structure of volcanoes and how they work. More in general he is interested in the comprehension of the relationships existing between basaltic magmatism and geodynamics. The knowledge of the melting and storage conditions of basaltic melts, magma underplating and lithosphere thickening is fundamental to formulate a correct model to explain magmatism in areas where different tectonic systems may interact and determine the eruption of different varieties of mafic magmas. The main method he uses involves a study at the micro-scale of the fingerprints of the deep process left in the mafic phases (fluid and melt inclusions geochemistry), without however neglecting the multi-scale observation of deposits in the field, to understand the spatial and temporal variation of the eruptive dynamics.
Entidades de I&D
IVAR - Instituto de Investigação em Vulcanologia e Avaliação de Riscos
Entidades Financiadoras