Ana Maria de Pinho Ferreira Silva Fernandes Martins
Entidades de I&D
FCT - Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
OKEANOS - Instituto de Investigação em Ciências do Mar
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Facebook Mestrado em Estudos Integrados dos Oceanos
Mestrado em Estudos Integrados dos Oceanos
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de 88 Publicações
Discovering the Azores Current/Front System with SeaWiFS imagery
Marine Debris Time and Space Variability in a Remote Island: Faial (Azores, NE Atlantic)
Proceedings amartins 200804
“Sub-lethal effects of plastic ingestion in oceanic stage of Loggerhead Sea Turtles in the North Atlantic”.
Integrase inhibitor as cause of drug induced liver injury
Marine litter footprint in the Azores Islands: A climatological perspective
Application of Matrix Scoring Techniques to evaluate marine debris sources in the remote islands of the Azores Archipelago
How Pre-Commercial Procurement Can Boost Innovation in Earth Observation Applications: The Marine-EO Project
INTO THE MED: Searching for Microplastics from Space to Deep-Sea
Toward the integrated marine debris observing system
Toward the integrated marine debris observing system. Front Mar Sci 6: 447
Towards the integrated marine debris observing system
Coccolithovirus facilitation of carbon export in the North Atlantic
Coccolithovirus facilitation of carbon export in the North Atlantic. Nat Microbiol 3: 537–547
Coccolithovirus infection enhances vertical carbon flux in the North Atlantic
MARINE-EO bridging innovative downstream earth observation and Copernicus enabled services for integrated maritime environment, surveillance, and security.
Fin whale presence and distribution in the pelagos sanctuary: Temporal and spatial variability along 2 fixed-line transects monitored in 2009–2013
Temporal variability of cetaceans in the Azores and its relation with oceanographic features as derived by satellite imagery
7th Drug hypersensitivity meeting: part two
Challenges for sustainable monitoring and evaluation of the EU marine strategy framework directive in the Atlantic offshore waters: The IFADO project
ESICM LIVES 2016: part two: Milan, Italy. 1–5 October 2016
Intracerebral hemorrhage in ICU: is it worth treating?
On the potential of an RST-based analysis of the MODIS-derived chl-a product over Condor seamount and surrounding areas (Azores, NE Atlantic)
A three year study of humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) occurrence in Faial-Pico islands of the Azores and its relation to satellite-derived surface biophysical products
Beach debris in the Azores (NE Atlantic): Faial Island as a first case study
Caracterização e distribuição espacial da comunidade fitoplanctónica do banco submarino Condor (SE do Faial, Açores) : relação com os parâmetros oceanográficos adjacentes
Habitat and water quality variables as predictors of community composition in an Indonesian coral reef: a multi-taxon study in the Spermonde Archipelago
Ocean Observing/Monitoring Systems: Some past and present applications in Azores waters
Ocean Observing/Monitoring Systems: Some past and present applications in Azores waters.
The ocean sampling day consortium
Decoupling physical from biological processes to assess the impact of viruses on a mesoscale algal bloom
Lehahn, Y., I. Koren, D. Schatz, M. Frada, U. Sheyn, E. Boss, S. Efrati, Y. Rudich, M. Trainic, S. Sharoni, C. Laber, G.R., DiTullio, M.J.L. Coolen, A.M. Martins, B.A.S. Van Mooy, K.D. Bidle, and A. Vardi, 2014. Decoupling Physical from Biological Processes to Assess the Impact of Viruses on a Mesoscale Algal Bloom, Current Biology, 24, 1-6,
Temporal and spatial variability of fin whale's (Balaenoptera physalus) distribution in the Pelagos Sanctuary: Northwestern Mediterranean Sea
Bashmachnikov, I, C. M. Loureiro, and A. Martins, 2013. Topographically induced circulation patterns and mixing over Condor seamount, Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, Volume 98, Part A, 15 December 2013, Pages 38-51
Carmo, V, M. Santos, G. M. Menezes, C. Loureiro, P. Lambardi and A. Martins, 2013. Variability of zooplankton communities at Condor Seamount and surrounding areas, Azores (NE Atlantic), Deep-Sea Research Part II, Topical Studies in Oceanography, Volume 98, Part A, 15 December 2013, Pages 63-74,
M. Santos, M.T. Moita, I. Bashmachnikov, G.M. Menezes, V. Carmo, C.M. Loureiro, A. Mendonça, A.F. Silva, and A. Martins, 2013. Phytoplankton variability and oceanographic conditions at Condor seamount, Azores (NE Atlantic), Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, Volume 98, Part A, 15 December 2013
Phytoplankton variability and oceanographic conditions at Condor seamount, Azores (NE Atlantic)
The little-known Fraser’s dolpin Lagenodelphis hosei in the North Atlantic: new records and a review of distribution
Topographically induced circulation patterns and mixing over Condor seamount
Variability of zooplankton communities at Condor seamount and surrounding areas, Azores (NE Atlantic)
Visita à mina de sulfuretos, Aljustrel
Is there a seamount effect on microbial community structure and biomass? The case study of Seine and Sedlo seamounts (northeast Atlantic)
Mapping Condor Seamount Seafloor Environment and Associated Biological Assemblages (Azores, Ne Atlantic)
Mapping the Condor seamount seafloor environment and associated biological assemblages (Azores, NE Atlantic)
A. R. Polónia ; M. Figueiredo ; D. F. R. Cleary ; N. J. de Voogd and A. Martins, 2011. "Sea surface temperature and ocean colour (MODIS/AQUA) space and time variability in Indonesian Sea coral reef systems from 2002 to 2011
Caracterização de comunidades planctónicas no Banco Submarino Condor (sudoeste da ilha do Faial, Açores) : associação dos principais padrões de distribuição com factores ambientais subjacentes
Sea surface temperature and Ocean Colour (MODIS/AQUA) space and time variability in Indonesian Sea coral reef systems from 2002 to 2011
Sea surface temperature and ocean colour (MODIS
The influence of the North Atlantic Oscillation on the abundance of Pagellus bogaraveo of the Azores.
A elevação de Aldeia da Serra (Arraiolo s): um “push up” activo associado à falha de Ciborro e ao lineament o de S. Gregório
A guide to extant coccolithophores (Calcihaptophycidae, Haptophyta) using light microscopy
Evaluation of ocean color and sea surface temperature sensors algorithms using in situ data: a case study of temporal and spatial variability on two northeast Atlantic seamounts
Evaluation of ocean color and sea surface temperature sensors algorithms using in situ data: a case study of temporal and spatial variability on two northeast Atlantic seamounts.
The Trans-Atlantic Slocum Glider Expeditions: A Catalyst for Undergraduate Participation in Ocean Science and Technology
Arístegui, J., A. Mendonça, J.C. Vilas, M. Espino, I. Polo, M.F. Montero, A. Martins. 2009. Plankton metabolic balance at two North Atlantic seamounts. Deep-Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 1 December 2009, Vol. 56 (25), PP. 2646-2655
Bashmachnikov, I., C. Mohn, J.L. Pelegrí, A. Martins, F. Jose, F. Machín, and M.White. 2009. Interaction of Mediterranean water eddies with Sedlo and Seine Seamounts, Subtropical Northeast Atlantic. Deep-Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, Vol 56 (25), 1 December 2009, pp. 2593-2605.
Candidate genes for milk production traits in Portuguese dairy sheep
Historical Ocean Colour and SST inter-annual variability for the Azores region from 2002 to 2008-comparison with in situ data
In situ and remote sensing signature of meddies east of the mid-Atlantic ridge
In situ and remote sensing signature of meddies east of the mid‐Atlantic ridge
Interaction of Mediterranean water eddies with Sedlo and Seine Seamounts, Subtropical Northeast Atlantic
Is invasive fungal infection changing? Epidemiological portrait from a portuguese oncology hospital
MEFEPO South Western Waters RAC Atlas
MEFEPO: South Western Waters Atlas
Plankton metabolic balance at two North Atlantic seamounts
Seasonal variations in lipid composition of the hydrothermal vent mussel Bathymodiolus azoricus from the Menez Gwen vent field
Spatial variability of seabird distribution associated with environmental factors: A case study of marine important bird areas in the Azores
Colaço A; Prieto C; Martins A; Figueiredo M; Lafon V; Monteiro M; Bandarra N, 2008. Seasonal variations in lipid composition of the hydrothermal vent mussel Bathymodiolus azoricus from the Menez Gwen vent field. Marine Environmental Research 67 (3): 146-152. (IP= 2.032)
Colaço, A., C. Prieto, A. Martins, M. Figueiredo, V. Lafon, M. Monteiro and N. Bandarra, 2008. Seasonal variations in lipid composition of the hydrothermal vent mussel Bathymodiolus azoricus from the Menez Gwen vent field. Marine Environmental Research, Advance Access published o n 24 December, 2008.
Physical Processes and Seamount Productivity
Sea surface temperature (SST) and ocean color (OC) pattern relationships on an annual and seasonal basis in the Subtropical NE Atlantic, using satellite (AVHRR and MODIS) data (2002-2006)
Environmental parameters and data from fisheries observers programs help defining Important Bird Areas (IBAs) in the Azores archipelago.
Martins, A.M., A. S. B. Amorim, M. P. Figueiredo, R. J. Souza, A. P. Mendonça, I. L. Bashmachnikov, and D. S. Carvalho, 2007. Sea surface temperature (AVHRR, MODIS) and ocean colour (MODIS) seasonal and interannual variability in the Macaronesian islands of Azores, Madeira, and Canaries, Proc. SPIE Vol. 6743, 67430A (Oct. 10, 2007), 15 pp.
Os montes submarinos: um oásis no meio do oceano?
Sea surface temperature (AVHRR, MODIS) and ocean colour (MODIS) seasonal and interannual variability in the Macaronesian islands of Azores, Madeira, and Canaries
CZCS chlorophyll patterns in the South Atlantic Bight during low vertical stratification conditions
Observation of 3 Meddies from in-situ and altimetry data in the Azores region
Summertime morphodynamics of two beaches presenting different wave Exposure - Faial Island, Azores, Portugal
Sea surface temperature variability in the Subtropical North-East Atlantic
Discovering the Azores Front/Current system with SeaWiFS imagery
SST stationary anomalies in the Azores region
SST variability in the Azores region using AVHRR imagery: Regional to local scale study
Sea surface temperature distribution in the Azores region. Part I: AVHRR imagery and in situ data processing.
Sea surface temperature distribution in the Azores region. Part II: space-time variability and underlying mechanisms.
Sea surface temperature spatio-temporal variability in the Azores using a new technique to remove invalid pixels
The North Atlantic nutrient stream
CZCS-derived pigment data for the southeastern US continental shelf from 1978 to 1986 (October to May). PartIII: Atmospheric correction, pigment time series, and comparison …
2 Projetos de Investigação
MAGAL Constellation - Definindo o pilar de uma constelação futura para monitorização do Oceano e das Alterações Climáticas
Bóia oceanográfica alimentada a energia das ondas para aplicações de longa duração
3 Prestações de Serviço
Avaliação e Monitorização dos Resultados apresentados pelos fornecedores durante a implementação da 2ª fase do Projeto MARINE-EO
Innovation in the Framework of the Atlantic Deep Ocean
Assessoria técnico-científica especializada no âmbito da execução do projeto europeu MARINE-EO
1998/07/06 |
Otro Ciências do Mar Especialização em Programa de Física Fundamental e Aplicada Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Espanha (TESE/DISSERTAÇÃO) "Winter variability of CZCS-derived pigment distributions on the southeastern U. S. continental shelf from 1978 to 1986" |
1989 - 1991 |
Otro M.Sc., Oceanography Especialização em Oceanografia Old Dominion University, Estados Unidos (TESE/DISSERTAÇÃO) "Este curso não tinha a opção de tese para os alunos que seguiam para Doutoramento. Tinha sim, um "Comprehensive Exam" no mesmo dia para as 4 disciplinas base: Advanced Physical, Biological, Chemical e Geological Oceanography." |
1986/10 - 1986/12 |
Licenciatura Biologia Especialização em Científica Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências, Portugal (TESE/DISSERTAÇÃO) "Tese: Macrofauna bentónica da Ria de Alvor: Estudo comparativo de alguns coeficientes de associação (qualitativos) aplicados a bionomia bentónica. 18/20 valores" |
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Facebook Mestrado em Estudos Integrados dos Oceanos
Entidades de I&D
FCT - Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
OKEANOS - Instituto de Investigação em Ciências do Mar
Entidades Parceiras
Air Center (Copromotor)
Entidades Financiadoras
Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia