Francisco Cipriano da Cunha Martins
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de 90 Publicações
An Investigation on Types for X10 Clocks
D6. 5a: Abstract Service Machine
Execuçao de Fluxos de Trabalho com Simulaçao de Redes de Sensores
Inferência de anotaçoes para evitar impasses numa linguagem intermédia polimórfica
Specification and Verification of MPI Protocols
Static control of code migration
System interoperability and data linkage in the era of health information management: A bibliometric analysis
Formalizing Model Inference of MicroPython
Shelley: A Framework for Model Checking Call Ordering on Hierarchical Systems
Simplifying Requirements Formalization for Resource-Constrained Mission-Critical Software
A Type Discipline for Message Passing Parallel Programs
A Graph Pattern Based Approach for Automatic Decomposition of IoT Aware Business Processes
Teaching web programming using the MEAN stack
An evaluation of LoRa communication range in urban and forest areas: A case study in brazil and portugal
An infrared-based sensor to measure the filling level of a waste bin
Automatic Decomposition of IoT Aware Business Processes with Data and Control Flow Distribution.
Automatic Decomposition of IoT Aware Business Processes–a Pattern Approach
Automatic decomposition of IoT aware business processes with data and control flow distribution
Headrest: A specification language for RESTful APIs
Dynamic deadlock verification for general barrier synchronisation
Deadlock avoidance in parallel programs with futures: why parallel tasks should not wait for strangers
Deductive verification of MPI protocols
Especificação de interfaces aplicacionais rest
Inferring types for parallel programs
Modelling IoT behaviour within BPMN Business Processes
Using BPMN to model internet of things behavior within business process
A safe-by-design programming language for wireless sensor networks
Behavioral types in programming languages
Decentralising internet of things aware BPMN business processes
Deductive verification of parallel programs using why3
NVL: A coordination language for unmanned vehicle networks
Protocol-based verification of message-passing parallel programs
Towards programmable coordination of unmanned vehicle networks
Cooperari: A tool for cooperative testing of multithreaded Java programs
Homogeneous wireless sensor network programming using MuFFIN
Internet of Things Aware WS-BPEL Business Processes Context Variables and Expected Exceptions.
Internet of things aware WS-BPEL business processes - context variables and expected exceptions
Protocol-based verification of MPI programs
The stream-based service-centred calculus: A foundation for service-oriented programming
Type-based verification of message-passing parallel programs
Concurrent typed intermediate language
Coordinating phased activities while maintaining progress
Especificação e Verificação de Protocolos para Programas MPI
Internet of Things Aware WS-BPEL Business Process.
Internet of things aware WS-BPEL business process
On using Sage to solve constrained optimization problems applying the Lagrange multipliers method
Specification and verification of protocols for MPI programs
Towards deductive verification of MPI programs against session types
Sensor Systems and Software: Third International ICST Conference, S-Cube 2012, Lisbon, Portugal, June 4-5, 2012, Revised Selected Papers
Sensor systems and software
Verification of MPI programs using session types
A middleware framework for the internet of things
Integrating WSN simulation into workflow testing and execution
Safe-by-design programming languages for wireless sensor networks
Types for X10 Clocks
A semantically robust framework for programming wireless sensor networks
Ad-hoc changes in IoT-aware business processes
Automatic generation of WSN simulations: From Callas applications to VisualSense models
Secure Open Networks
Towards the safe programming of wireless sensor networks
Type inference for deadlock detection in a multithreaded polymorphic typed assembly language
Compiling the p-calculus into a Multithreaded Typed Assembly Language
Compiling the< i> π</i>-calculus into a Multithreaded Typed Assembly Language
Programming wireless sensor networks
Behavioural theory at work: Program transformations in a service-centred calculus
Compiling the -calculus into a Multithreaded Typed Assembly Language
Robust Programming for Sensor Networks
Type-based approach to multi-core programming
A formal model for programming wireless sensor networks
A process calculus approach to sensor network programming
Bisimulations in SSCC
Bisimulations in SSCC. DI
Disciplining orchestration and conversation in service-oriented computing
The Automotive Case Study in the Sensoria Core Calculi
A calculus for sensor networks
A multithreaded typed assembly language
Controlling security policies in a distributed environment
SCC: A service centered calculus
1 A TyCO-calculus based model
An instance of the MIKADO migration model
Computing with idiotypic networks
History-based access control for distributed processes
Miko: Mikado koncurrent objects
Type Systems for Open Networks
Typing migration control in lsdπ.
The impact of linearity information on the performance of TyCO
TyCO+ Linear channels
Computation with the immune system
The TyCO programming language—compiler and virtual machine
0 Projetos de Investigação
Não existem projetos
1 Prestação de Serviço
2006/01/13 |
Doutoramento Doutoramento em Informática Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências, Portugal (TESE/DISSERTAÇÃO) "Controlling Security Policies in a Distributed Environment" |
1995 |
Licenciatura Matemática/Informática Universidade dos Açores, Portugal |
Áreas de Conhecimento
Francisco Cipriano da Cunha Martins. Concluiu o(a) Doutoramento em Doutoramento em Informática em 2006/01/13 pelo(a) Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências, Doutoramento em Informática em 2006/01/13 pelo(a) Universidade de Lisboa e Licenciatura em Matemática/Informática em 1995 pelo(a) Universidade dos Açores. É Professor Auxiliar no(a) Universidade dos Açores. Publicou 11 artigos em revistas especializadas. Possui 2 capítulo(s) de livros e 7 livro(s).