Afonso Costa Lucas Prestes
prestes, afonso costa lucas | prestes, afonso | prestes acl | afonso prestes
Afonso Prestes is currently based at the Faculty of Science and Tecnology in the University of Azores, Portugal, with a research contract on the project MIMAR+ - Seguimiento, control y mitigación de proliferaciones de organismos marinos asociadas a perturbaciones humanas y cambio climático en la Región Macaronésica¿, MAC2/4.6d/249 (Açores, Madeira, Canárias, Cabo Verde, Mauritânia), with the aim to understand the impact of marine invasions associated to anthropogenic influence and climate changes.
R&D Entities
CIBIO-A - Centro de Investigação em Biodiversidade e Recursos Genéticos
Perfis Externos
Áreas de Conhecimento
Financing Entities
Direção Regional da Ciência e da Tecnologia
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of 91 Publicações
Marine assemblages on natural and coastal defence structures
E Cacabelos, GM Martins, R Thompson, ACL Prestes, JMN Azevedo, ...
Qualidade de
AI Neto, V Brotas, JMN Azevedo, RF Patarra, NMV Álvaro, C Gameiro, ...
Águas, 0
Sea Bed Mapping and Subtidal Communities Identification In Azorean MPAs
NV Álvaro, ACL Prestes, AI Neto
Marine algal (seaweed) flora of Faial Island, Azores
D Milla-Figueras, AI Neto, F Tempera, I Moreu, ACL Prestes, R Resendes, ...
Biodiversity Data Journal 12, e119875, 2024
Patterns of distribution of mollusc fauna associated with Halopteris scoparia (Linnaeus) Sauvageau: a baseline study in the Azores archipelago helps …
SP Avila, AC Costa, P Madeira, J Brum, ACL Prestes, J Faria, GM Martins
Frontiers in Marine Science 11, 1361068, 2024
The effect of naturally acidified CO2 seep seawater on mollusc assemblages of the macroalga Halopteris scoparia
Marine Environmental Research
Ciência Vitae
Arrival and proliferation of the invasive seaweed Rugulopteryx okamurae in NE Atlantic islands
J Faria, ACL Prestes, I Moreu, GM Martins, AI Neto, E Cacabelos
Botanica Marina 65 (1), 45-50, 2022
Comparing herbivore consumption rates of macroalgae in Azores rockpools
Santos L
Ciência Vitae
Dramatic changes in the structure of shallow-water marine benthic communities following the invasion by Rugulopteryx okamurae (Dictyotales, Ochrophyta) in Azores (NE Atlantic)
Faria, João; Prestes, Afonso C
Marine Pollution Bulletin
Impacte da alga invasora Asparagopsis armata nas comunidades litorais dos Açores
New records of marine macroalgae for the Azores
Neto, Ana Isabel de Melo Azevedo; Cacabelos, Eva; Afonso C
Botanica Marina
Macroalgae niche modelling: a two-step approach using remote sensing and in situ observations of a native and an invasive Asparagopsis
Casas, Enrique; Fernandez, Marc; Gil, Artur; Yesson, Chris; Prestes, Afonso Costa Lucas; Moreu-Badia, Ignacio; Neto, Ana Isabel de Melo Azevedo
Biological Invasions
Marine algal flora of Flores and Corvo Islands, Azores
Marine algal flora of Santa Maria Island, Azores
Marine algal flora of São Miguel Island, Azores
Azevedo Neto, A
Biodiversity Data Journal
Predicting the ecological impact of a recent range expansion in the structure of intertidal biofilms
Martins, Gustavo M
Marine Environmental Research
A guide for good harvesting practices of macroalgae in Azores (NE Atlantic) : The project ASPAZOR and the case study of Asparagopsis spp.
Faria, João; Navas Noguera, Daniel; Prestes, Afonso L
Ciência Vitae
A guide for good harvesting practices of macroalgae in Azores (NE Atlantic): The project ASPAZOR and the case study of Asparagopsis spp.
J Faria, D Navas Noguera, AL Prestes, E Cacabelos, I Moreu, GM Martins, ...
A guide for good harvesting practices of macroalgae in Azores (NE Atlantic …, 2020
Frondose and turf-dominated marine habitats support distinct trophic pathways: evidence from 15N and 13C stable isotope analyses.
Hipólito, Cláudia; Neto, Raul ; Costa, Tarso; Dionisio, Maria Ana; Prestes, Afonso Costa Lucas; Azevedo, José M
Archipelago - Life and Marine Sciences
Ciência Vitae
Frondose and turf-dominated marine habitats support distinct trophic pathways: evidence from ¹5N and ¹³C stable isotope analyses
Frondose and turf-dominated marine habitats support distinct trophic pathways: evidence from ¹⁵N and ¹³C stable isotope analyses
C Hipólito, R Neto, T Costa, MA Dionísio, AL Prestes, J Azevedo, ...
Arquipelago. Life and Marine Sciences 37, 37-44, 2020
Guia de boas práticas para a apanha de algas nos Açores : O projeto ASPAZOR e o caso-estudo de Asparagopsis spp.
Faria, João; Navas Noguera, Daniel; Prestes, Afonso L
Ciência Vitae
Guia de boas práticas para a apanha de algas nos Açores: O projeto ASPAZOR e o caso-estudo de Asparagopsis spp.
J Faria, D Navas Noguera, AL Prestes, E Cacabelos, I Moreu, GM Martins, ...
Guia de boas práticas para a apanha de algas nos Açores: O projeto ASPAZOR e …, 2020
Limited effects of marine protected areas on the distribution of invasive species, despite positive effects on diversity in shallow-water marine communities
Prestes, Afonso Costa Lucas; Cacabelos, Eva; Martins, Gustavo M
Biological Invasions
Marine algal (seaweed) flora of Formigas Islets, Azores
AI Neto, ACL Prestes, JMN Azevedo, R Resendes, NV Álvaro, RMN Neto, ...
Universidade dos Açores, via GBIF https://doi. org/10.15468/jy5aes, 2020
Marine algal (seaweed) flora of Pico Island, Azores
AI Neto, ACL Prestes, NV Álvaro, R Resendes, RMA Neto, I Tittley, ...
Universidade dos Açores via GBIF https://doi. org/10.15468/cxyw2a, 2020
Marine algal (seaweed) flora of Terceira Island, Azores
AIA Neto, ACL Prestes, NV Álvaro, R Resendes, RMA Neto, I Moreu
Biodiversity Data Journal 8, 2020
Marine algal flora of Formigas Islets, Azores
Azevedo Neto, A
Biodiversity Data Journal
Marine algal flora of Graciosa Island, Azores
Azevedo Neto, A
Biodiversity Data Journal
Marine algal flora of Pico Island, Azores
The Azorean edible abalone Haliotis tuberculata, an alternative heavy metal-free marine resource?
Torres, Paulo; Rodrigues, Armindo; Prestes, Afonso L
Patchiness in habitat distribution can enhance biological diversity of coastal engineering structures
Cacabelos, E
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems
Patterns of distribution of the invasive alga Asparagopsis armata Harvey: A multi-scaled approach
Patterns of distribution of the invasive alga Asparagopsis armata Harvey: a multi-scaled approach.
GM Martins, E Cacabelos, J Faria, N Alvaro, ACL Prestes, AI Neto
Aquatic Invasions 14 (4), 2019
The non indigenous macroalgae’s hide-and-seek play
MI Parente, AZ Botelho, J Micael, R Torres, D Milla-Figueras, D Gabriel, ...
Xth International Conference on Marine BioInvasions, 130, 2018
Impacte para o ecossistema e benefícios socioeconómicos da alga exótica Asparagopsis armata nos Açores
Temporal stability in macroalgal assemblage standing stock despite high species turnover
Prestes, Afonso C
Marine Ecology Progress Series
Desenvolvimento de metodologias para a recuperação e melhoria de gestão de ecossistemas aquáticos no âmbito da implementação da Diretiva Quadro da Água. Relatório de Progresso 2 – RP2
Gonçalves, Vitor; Pedro M
Ciência Vitae
Differences in the structure and functioning of two communities: Frondose and turf-forming macroalgal dominated habitats
Martins, Gustavo M
Marine Environmental Research
Factors limiting the establishment of canopy-forming algae on artificial structures
Eva Cacabelos; Gustavo M
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science
Improving the monitoring of fish communities in Azorean freshwater lakes
Gonçalves, Vítor; Prestes, Afonso Costa Lucas; Dallaire, A; Gea, Guilhermo; Riva, Julie; Pacheco, Dina; Matias, Miguel; et al
Island Biology
Ciência Vitae | Google Scholar
Material type and roughness influence structure of inter-tidal communities on coastal defenses
Material type and roughness influence structure of inter‐tidal communities on coastal defenses
E Cacabelos, GM Martins, R Thompson, ACL Prestes, JMN Azevedo, ...
Marine Ecology 37 (4), 801-812, 2016
Desenvolvimento de metodologias para a recuperação e melhoria de gestão de ecossistemas aquáticos no âmbito da implementação da Diretiva Quadro da Água. Relatório de Progresso 1 – RP1
Goncalves, Vitor; Pedro M
Ciência Vitae
Marine assemblages on natural shores and coastal defence structures
Prestes, Afonso Costa Lucas
Ciência Vitae
Changes in plant community composition along an altitudinal gradient on a coastal protected area in the Azores: a Bayesian analysis
Prestes, Afonso Costa Lucas
Silva Lusitana
Ciência Vitae
Changes in plant community composition along an altitudinal gradient on a coastal protected area in the Azores: a Bayesian analysis.
A Prestes, B Magalhães, E Xavier, L Silva
Silva Lusitana 22, 2014
Invasion success and development of benthic assemblages: Effect of timing, duration of submersion and substrate type
Vaz-Pinto, F
Marine Environmental Research
Variação temporal da abundância de Osmundea pinnatifida (Hudson) Stackhouse e o seu impacto na comunidade algal
Avaliação do Stock de Abalones: uma pesca sustentável
Effects of coastal orientation and depth on the distribution of subtidal benthic assemblages
Effects of density versus size on grazing by a key exploited herbivore
Indices to monitor coastal ecological quality of rocky shores based on seaweed communities: simplification for wide geographical use
Wallenstein, Francisco M
Revista de Gestão Costeira Integrada
Population structure in high shore littorinids: contrast between riprap and rocky shores
GM Martins, AL Prestes, AI Neto
World Congress of Malacology, 363-364, 2013
Can islets be considered repositories of neighbouring coastal biodiversity?
I Moniz, AL Prestes, EM Nogueira, J Azevedo, NV Álvaro, AI Neto
International Symposium FloraMac 2012, 82-82, 2012
Spatial patterns of distribution of non-indigenous marine species in urban coastal areas: the influence of vessel traffic activity.
O Torrontegi, GM Martins, AL Prestes, NV Álvaro, AI Neto
International Symposium FloraMac2012, 114-114, 2012
An index based on seaweed communities to monitor coastal ecological quality in Macaronesia.
F Wallenstein, AI Neto, RF Patarra, AL Prestes, NV Álvaro, A Rodrigues, ...
5th European Phycological Congress, 118-119, 2011
Integrating biological data with substrate and bathymetric information in MPAs in of oceanic islands
Prestes, Afonso Costa Lucas; Álvaro, Nuno; Prestes, Afonso; Dal Molin, Juliana; Neto, Ana Isabel; Álvaro, Nuno V
Ciência Vitae | Google Scholar
MPA Management in the Azores: Integrating Biological Depth and Geological Data
Prestes, Afonso Costa Lucas; Álvaro, Nuno; Wallenstein, Francisco; Prestes, Afonso; Dal Molin, Juliana; Neto, Ana Isabel; Álvaro, Nuno V
Ciência Vitae
MPA management in the Azores: integrating biological, depth and geological data.
NV Álvaro, F Wallenstein, AL Prestes, J Dal Molin, AI Neto
5th European Phycological Congress, 118-118, 2011
Ecological quality of Azorean coastal waters.
AI Neto, RF Patarra, V Brotas, NV Álvaro, C Gameiro, AA Silva, T Diniz, ...
International Conference on Coastal Conservation and Management in the …, 2010
Ecological quality of Azorean coastal waters: Macrophytes and Phytoplankton evaluation
Neto AI; Patarra, R
International Symposium FloraMac2010
Ciência Vitae
Ecological quality of Azorean coastal waters: macrophytes and phytoplankton evaluation.
RF Patarra, V Brotas, NV Álvaro, C Gameiro, AA Silva, T Diniz, AL Prestes, ...
International Symposium FloraMac 2010, 53-53, 2010
Sea bed mapping and subtidal communities identification in Azorean MPAs – Preliminary results providing tools for marine resources conservation
Prestes, Afonso Costa Lucas; Álvaro, Nuno; Prestes, Afonso; Neto, Ana Isabel; Álvaro, Nuno V
Ciência Vitae
Sea bed mapping and subtidal communities identification in Azorean MPAs–Preliminary results providing tools for marine resources conservation.
NV Álvaro, AL Prestes, AI Neto
International Meeting on Marine Resources 2010, 83-83, 2010
The effect of natural vs artificial substrata on the development of benthonic assemblages inside marinas
Prestes, Afonso Costa Lucas; Torrontegi, Olalla; Garcia, Sabrina; Prestes, Afonso; Patarra, Rita; Garcia, Ana; Rosas-Alquicira, Edgar; et al
Ciência Vitae
The effect of natural vs. artificial substrata on the development of benthonic assemblages inside marinas
Torrontegui O; Martins GM; Garcia SA; Prestes ACL; Patarra, R
International Symposium FloraMac2010
Ciência Vitae
The effect of natural vs. artificial substrata on the development of benthonic assemblages inside marinas.
Biomanipulation of Furnas Lake, Azores: effects of repeated fish removal
Bio, Ana; Couto, Ana; Costa, Rui; Prestes, Afonso; Vieira, Natividade; Valente, Alexandre; Azevedo, Jose; Jones, J
International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Vol 30, Pt 8, Proceedings
CAMAG/OR I- Caracterização das Massas de Água Costeiras das Ilhas de Santa Maria e São Miguel. Segundo Relatório - Enquadramento e Metodologias de trabalho
Ciência Vitae
CAMAG/SJG - Caracterização das Águas de Transição da Ilha de São Jorge . Segundo Relatório
Ciência Vitae
CAMAG/TER -Caracterização das Massas de Água Costeiras da Ilha Terceira. Segundo Relatório - Enquadramento e Metodologias de trabalho
Ciência Vitae
Qualidade de águas costeiras da ilha Terceira (Açores) e proposta de monitorização
Neto AI; Brotas V; Azevedo JMN; Patarra, R
Ciência Vitae
Qualidade de águas costeiras do Grupo Oriental do arquipélago dos Açores e proposta de monitorização
AI Neto, V Brotas, JMN Azevedo, RF Patarra, NMV Álvaro, C Gameiro, ...
Departamento de Biologia, Universidade dos Açores. iii, 2009
Aquaculture of the clam (Tapes decussatus) on a closed system.
NM Pereira, AC Rebelo, TM Lourenço, A Amaral, AL Prestes, J Azevedo, ...
43rd European Marine Biology Symposium, 108-108, 2008
Aquaculture of the clam Tapes decussatus on a closed system
Prestes, Afonso Costa Lucas; Pereira, Nuno; Rebelo, Ana Cristina; Lourenço, Tânia; Amaral, André; Prestes, Afonso; Azevedo, José; et al
Ciência Vitae
Caracterização das Massas de Água Costeiras das Ilhas de Santa Maria e São Miguel - Enquadramento e Metodologias de trabalho
Neto AI; Brotas V; Azevedo JMN; Patarra, R
Ciência Vitae
Caracterização das Águas de Transição da Ilha de São Jorge - Enquadramento e metodologias de trabalho
Neto AI; Brotas V; Azevedo JMN; Patarra, R
Ciência Vitae
Characterization of transitional waters in the Azorean archipelago
Prestes ACL; Patarra, R
43rd European Marine Biology Symposium
Ciência Vitae
Characterization of transitional waters in the Azorean archipelago.
Coastal water characterization in the Azorean archipelago
Patarra, R
43rd European Marine Biology Symposium
Ciência Vitae
Coastal water characterization in the Azorean archipelago.
Costal water characterization in the Azorean archipelago
Prestes, Afonso Costa Lucas
Ciência Vitae
Distribution and population structure of Helicolenus dactylopterus (Delaroche, 1809) in the central Mediterranean (southern Tyrrhenian Sea)
Effects of fish removal in the Furnas Lake, Azores
A Bio, A Couto, R Costa, AL Prestes, N Vieira, A Valente, J Azevedo
Universidade dos Açores, 2008
Effects of fish removal in the Furnas Lake, Azores
Bio, Ana; Couto, Ana; Costa, Rui; Prestes, Afonso; Vieira, Natividade; Valente, Alexandre; Azevedo, Jose; et al
Arquiélago - Life and Marine Sciences
Biologia de Peixes Dulçaquícolas dos Açores
Prestes, Afonso Costa Lucas
Ciência Vitae
Propostas para a Gestão da Pesca Desportiva na Ilha de São Miguel, Açores.
Prestes, Afonso Costa Lucas
Ciência Vitae
Água Limpa e Água Turva: O Papel das Carpas (Teleostei, Cyprinus carpio) no agravamento da Eutrofização da Lagoa das Furnas (Açores)
Prestes, Afonso Costa Lucas
Ciência Vitae
1 Research Project
0 Services Provisions
Não existem prestações de serviço
2022 |
Doutoramento Biologia Especialização em Sem especialidade Universidade dos Açores Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Portugal (TESE/DISSERTAÇÃO) "Impacte da alga invasora Asparagopsis armata nas comunidades litorais dos Açores" |
2014 |
Mestrado Pré-Bolonha Biodiversidade e Biotecnologia Vegetal Especialização em Sem especialização Universidade dos Açores, Portugal (TESE/DISSERTAÇÃO) "Variação temporal da abundância de Osmundea pinnatifida (Hudson) Stackhouse e o seu impacto na comunidade algal" |
1998 - 2006 |
Licenciatura Biologia Especialização em Marinho Universidade dos Açores Departamento de Biologia, Portugal |
Áreas de Conhecimento
Afonso Prestes is currently based at the Faculty of Science and Tecnology in the University of Azores, Portugal, with a research contract on the project MIMAR+ - Seguimiento, control y mitigación de proliferaciones de organismos marinos asociadas a perturbaciones humanas y cambio climático en la Región Macaronésica¿, MAC2/4.6d/249 (Açores, Madeira, Canárias, Cabo Verde, Mauritânia), with the aim to understand the impact of marine invasions associated to anthropogenic influence and climate changes. He is an associated member of Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes (cE3c) and Azorean Biodiversity Group (ABG). He holds a degree in Biology, specialization in Marine Biology (University of Azores), a MRes in Vegetal Biodiversity and Biotechnology (University of Azores) and a PhD in Biology (University os Azores) whit the thesis "Impact of the invasive Asparagopsis armata in subtidal algal communities in the Azores". He has been involved in 9 research projects and has conducted research on macroalgae taxonomy, subtidal benthic communities, and the ecosystem impacts of invasive macroalgae. He has a total of 27 papers in international peer reviewed journals, 18 of them in the last 5 years. His research interests lie in the fields of marine ecology, invasive macroalgae and the impact of climate change in marine organisms and ecosystems.
R&D Entities
CIBIO-A - Centro de Investigação em Biodiversidade e Recursos Genéticos
Financing Entities