Legal Characterization
The Gaspar Frutuoso Foundation, created as an initiative of the University of the Azores, is a Public Foundation under Private Law, endowed with legal personality, bodies and its own assets and administrative and financial autonomy, governed by its statutes, internal regulations, the Framework Law on Foundations and other applicable legislation.
The Foundation aims, among others, to promote activities of a scientific, technological, social, cultural, artistic, sporting, economic and environmental nature through the promotion and participation in tenders, programs and projects, as well as well as the development of training, consultancy and dissemination actions.
By deliberation of the General Council of January 12, 2018, the first amendment to the statutes was approved. The amendment was published as Dispatch no. 5034/2018 in the Official Journal of the Portuguese Republic, 2nd Series, no. 97, of May 21, 2018.
This amendment followed a recommendation of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, in order to promote the conformity of paragraph 1 of article 17 of the statutes with paragraph 1 of article 22 of the Regional Legislative Decree no. /2011/A, of May 11, and it resulted in a mandatory weekly meeting of the Board of Directors instead of the monthly meeting foreseen in the statutes published in 2015.