It is incumbent upon the Foundation, namely:
- Foster, support and carry out scientific research and experimental and technological development activities, in close liaison with higher education institutions, research institutions and companies, and encourage cooperation between these and other national or foreign entities;
- Foster, support and carry out training and scientific and technological dissemination actions;
- To grant scholarships, prizes and subsidies to support science and technology and professional training activities, promoting merit and excellence, as well as other subsidies of social interest;
- Streamline projects and actions of academic interest, in order to increase the quality of teaching, research and services, as well as ensure good practices and promote the preservation of the environment and the safety of people and goods;
- Stimulate patronage in the scientific, technological, social, environmental, cultural and sporting domains, among others, aiming to implement programs, projects and actions that fall within the Foundation's objectives.
- Promote sponsorship in the scientific, technological, social, environmental, cultural and sports fields, among others, with a view to implementing programs, projects and actions that fit the Foundation's objectives.
In the pursuit of its objectives, the Foundation may acquire movable or immovable property, enter into contracts and establish agreements and protocols with public or private entities, national or foreign, as well as join bodies that bring together institutions that pursue purposes similar to its own, in any scientific and technological areas.