FGF Christmas Cards 2024

Cooperation protocol for awarding the Merit Award for Entry to Higher Education at UAc

Financial cooperation protocol between FGF and UAc

Scientific Merit Award 2024

MacaroNight 2024 – European Researchers’ Night

GRA visits the “European North Atlantic – Atmospheric Radiation Measurement” ENA-ARM stat…

Around a volcanic crater

Science Festival in the UAc Garden

Cooperation Protocol for the attribution of the Entrance Merit Award to Higher Education …

Launch of the “Gaspar Frutuoso- Naturalista” catalog

Launch of the book “Around Saudades da Terra”

International Biodiversity Day at EBI in Lagoa

Presentation of the prototype of the educational game "The world of Gaspar Frutuoso"

Cooperation Protocol between the Gaspar Frutuoso Foundation and the Horta City Council

Matela- an Island of Biodiversity

Dissemination of the pedagogical manual “The World of Gaspar Frutuoso”

FGF distinguished by the Municipal Council of Ponta Delgada

promotion of the book "The World of Gaspar Frutuoso”

Exhibition "The Foundation's Fruitful Journey"

FGF 25th Anniversary Ceremony

Scientific Merit Award from the University of the Azores

Delivery of certificates to students from Lagoa Secondary School (ESL) who participated i…

Donation of two vehicles to UAc/FGF

Happy Holidays, a Holy Christmas and a Prosperous Year 2024

Cooperation Protocol between the Autonomous Region of the Azores and the Gaspar Frutuoso …

Cooperation Protocols between the Gaspar Frutuoso Foundation and the five Municipal Chamb…

Cooperation Protocol between Caixa de Crédito Agrícola Mútuo dos Açores and Fundação Gasp…

SeaThings project awarded by the Atlantic Project Award

PubhD Açores returns at Macaronight 2023!

1st Pedagogical Manual "The World of Gaspar Frutuoso"

The World of Gaspar Frutuoso

Symbolic session for the formal execution of the Cooperation Protocol between the School …

The book “Practical Guide to Marine Fauna and Flora of the Azores”,

The book "Origin, present and future of the Gaspar Frutuoso Foundation"

Gaspar Frutuoso Foundation fulfilling its mission!

Study for the creation of a new tea from the Azores with a strong impact on reducing the …

UAc students bring together medicine, biotechnology and biomedical engineering at Azores …

Interview with the President of the FGF Board of Directors to the newspaper Correio dos A…

Registration open for the Summer School in Marine Robotics

Gaspar Frutuoso Foundation signs protocol with the Regional Secretariat for Agriculture a…

Endangered marine species receive national support

Azores approve EUR 2.2 million to study deep-sea habitats

Fibrenamics in Innovative Project to Protect the ...

Dean of UAc present at the opening session of the Infrasound Technology Workshop