
FGF Christmas Cards 2024
FGF Christmas Cards 2024
On January 9th, certificates were delivered to students from Escola Básica 1,2,3/ JI de Furnas who participated in the FGF 2024 Christmas Cards initiative, which has been taking place since 2020. < br />
In the 2024 edition, seven students were awarded prizes, six from FGF and one from Escola Básica 1,2,3/JI, and a ceremony was held where students from 6th 1 and 7th 1 were present. FGF therefore decided to recognize these students for their commitment, dedication and creativity, awarding a certificate and a voucher for school supplies.

Cooperation protocol for awarding the Merit Award for Entry to Higher Education at UAc
Cooperation protocol for awarding the Merit Award for Entry to Higher Education at UAc
On December 17th, the Gaspar Frutuoso Foundation and the Ponta Delgada City Council renewed the Cooperation Protocol for the award of the Entrance Merit Award to Higher Education at the University of the Azores. The prize, worth €1000.00 (one thousand euros), will be awarded for the second consecutive year to the best student in the municipality of Ponta Delgada who has chosen the University of the Azores as his first option in his application for higher education.
The first edition of the Merit Awards for Entrance to Higher Education at the University of the Azores took place on March 4, 2024, during the ceremony commemorating the 25th anniversary of the Gaspar Frutuoso Foundation, with five students residing in the municipalities of Ponta Delgada, Lagoa, Povoação, Ribeira Grande and Vila Franca do Campo. To date, the Gaspar Frutuoso Foundation has a partnership with these five municipalities on São Miguel Island, with the municipalities of Praia da Vitória and Angra do Heroísmo, on Terceira Island and with Câmara da Horta, on Faial Island, these three last to be awarded for the first time in 2025.

Financial cooperation protocol between FGF and UAc
Financial cooperation protocol between FGF and UAc
The Gaspar Frutuoso Foundation (FGF) signed a financial cooperation protocol with the University of the Azores (UAc), in the amount of €347,538.00 (three hundred and forty-seven thousand, five hundred and thirty-eight euros), which aims to object of the granting of financial support, as a subsidy, by the FGF to UAc, for the construction of university residences in Ponta Delgada, Angra do Heroísmo and Horta, within the scope of the National Student Accommodation Program at Affordable Costs (PNAES) , supported by the Recovery and Resilience Plan (PRR).
The signature in question will reinforce the existing offer by another 270 new beds: 120 in Ponta Delgada, 100 in Angra do Heroísmo and 50 in Horta. With a total budget of 18 million euros, the project will be co-financed within the scope of the National Accommodation Program for Higher Education (PNAES), supported by the Recovery and Resilience Plan (PRR), which was contracted with the ERASMUS+ Agency, through of program contracts no. 25_02/CO2-I06/2023 (Ponta Delgada), no. 31_02/CO2-I06/2023 (Angra do Heroísmo) and no. 32_02/CO2-I06/2023 (Horta).
At the end of the ceremony, the magnificent Rector of UAc, Susana Mira Leal, highlighted the strategic importance of this project for the development of the University of the Azores, both from the point of view of its attractiveness and with regard to improving well-being of students, researchers and teachers boosting teaching and research in the Azores.

Scientific Merit Award 2024
Scientific Merit Award 2024
On October 4th, as part of the celebrations of the Gaspar Frutuoso Foundation (FGF), the UAc Scientific Merit Award took place at Amphitheater VIII of the University of the Azores (UAc).
The UAc Scientific Merit Award - 2024 is awarded by the FGF and Caixa de Crédito Agrícola (CCA) , and the article Toward a near real-time magma ascent monitoring by combined fluid inclusion barometry and ongoing seismicity by Vittorio Zanon, Luca D'Auria, was distinguished by the jury. Federica Schiavi, Klaudia Cyrzan and Matthew J. Pankhurst, as the best work published by UAc in the last six years in the area of Natural and Exact Sciences
This ceremony was attended by the Rector of the UAc, Susana Mira Leal, the president of the FGF Board of Directors, José Noronha Rodrigues and the administrator of the CCA, Ana Cordeiro.
José Noronha Rodrigues also highlighted the reinforcement of this protocol, with an increase in the monetary value to €5,000 having been agreed with Caixa de Crédito Agricola. He also announced the holding of the 2nd edition of this award in 2025, with emphasis on the area of Engineering Sciences and Technologies. Applications for the UAc Scientific Merit Award - 2025 will take place from January 6th to 18th, 2025.

MacaroNight 2024 – European Researchers’ Night
MacaroNight 2024 – European Researchers’ Night
The Gaspar Frutuoso Foundation (FGF) participated for the third consecutive year in the MacaroNight 2024 initiative – European Night of Researchers, which this year had the theme “Science for global challenges”.
The FGF at this event with three activities: The “Artistic Herbarium”, in which the imagination of young people was appealed to in planning a herbarium, the activity “Fossilizes Gaspar’s plants” which consisted of tracing leaves and small branches of native plants dos Açores about modeling paste and the activity “From the Magnifying Glass to the Leaf!” in which children, young people and adults were invited to visualize, through a magnifying glass, various details of leaves, fruits and seeds of plants native to the Azores. In this last activity, we had the help of two researchers from CIBIO-Açores, Martín Souto and Félix Pina Castillo, two interns, under the Eurodysseia program, also associated with this Research Center, Noelia Valero and Marta Serrano and also a student from the 2nd year of the Degree in Biology (University of the Azores), Alexandre Pereira.
On the 25th and 26th of September, 1026 students, from primary to secondary education, were at the Pavilhão do Mar, as well as 75 teachers who accompanied them. At the European Researchers' Night, on September 27th, 1585 children, young people and adults participated in this initiative, with, according to the organization, a record number of participants in this initiative.

GRA visits the “European North Atlantic – Atmospheric Radiation Measurement” ENA-ARM stat…
GRA visits the “European North Atlantic – Atmospheric Radiation Measurement” ENA-ARM station
The President of the Government of the Azores, José Manuel Bolieiro, accompanied by the Consul of the United States of America in the Azores, Margaret C. Campbell, visited the “European North Atlantic – Atmospheric Radiation Measurement” ENA station on September 12th. -ARM, located on Graciosa island.
"This installation is a prestige for the island of Graciosa, for the Azores and for the world, in terms of important scientific knowledge for an increasingly deeper understanding of the atmospheric column", highlighted José Manuel Boleiro.
And he added: "we are making a contribution to atmospheric knowledge and knowledge of the effects of climate change."
ENA-ARM is an international platform for advanced climate studies in the Atlantic, aimed at understanding ocean/atmosphere interactions, in particular the study of the microphysical mechanisms of the formation and influence of marine clouds on the current climate, as well as, with special relevance, its influence on the future climate.
The station develops studies to improve global climate models and stands out for the "innovative nature" of the technologies and instruments that equip the infrastructure, allowing the testing of pioneering equipment for studying new atmospheric models, corresponding to the most recent technology at the service of atmospheric and climate sciences and an effective data calibration and validation structure that is available to the international scientific community.
This project is the result of an international program promoted by the United States Department of Energy, through the Los Alamos National Laboratory, and has the support of the Government of the Azores, in a strategic infrastructure with more than 10 years of continuous operation, on the island Graceful.
The official also recalled that this is an infrastructure that has the capacity to "promote the scientific and technological capacity installed in the Azores" in these areas, which give the Region, from a geostrategic point of view, a national, European and global distinction.
Margaret C. Campbell highlighted this partnership, between the United States of America, the Government of the Azores and the University of the Azores, as being "important and representative" of the collaboration between the American government and the Portuguese government, through the Azores, in several areas, especially in the technological and scientific area.
The visit was also attended by the Mayor of Santa Cruz da Graciosa, António Manuel Reis, professor and university researcher Brito de Azevedo, and members of the United States of America Department of Energy Juarez Viegas Silva and Heath Powers.
© Government of the Azores | Photos: MM

Around a volcanic crater
Around a volcanic crater
On September 4th, the Gaspar Frutuoso Foundation carried out a walk "Around a Volcanic Crater" taking place in the Furnas lagoon. This initiative was included in the program "Ciência Viva no Verão- 2024.
The walk "Around a Volcanic Crater" was attended by 43 people, who had the opportunity to visit the Furnas Environmental Interpretation Center.
Throughout the walk, three researchers from the University of the Azores, Vitor Gonçalves, Martim Souto and Adriano Pimentel, accompanied all participants, addressing issues related to the volcanic crater of Lagoa das Furnas, depending on their areas of research, these being biology, geology and botany. .

Science Festival in the UAc Garden
Science Festival in the UAc Garden
On the 2nd of August, in a partnership between the Fundação Gaspar Frutuoso (FGF) and Expolab- Centro de Ciência, the Science Festival was held, which is part of the "Ciência Viva no Verão- 2024" initiative, for the first time in the Garden of the University of the Azores (UAc) - Ponta Delgada campus.
The Festival was attended by some UAc research centers, including CIBIO, CHAM-Açores, CBA, IS2E, CIVISA/IVAR with different themes and activities, from biology to robotics, botany and volcanology. Apiário das Margaridas, Museu Calos Machado, OASA, OMIC, OVGA and SPEA also participated. The University of the Azores also participated in this event with guided tours of the Rectory and its Library and Archives.
Between 4pm and 8pm, the University garden was filled with participants, with more than two hundred adults, young people and children.

Cooperation Protocol for the attribution of the Entrance Merit Award to Higher Education …
Cooperation Protocol for the attribution of the Entrance Merit Award to Higher Education at UAc
On the 29th of July, the Gaspar Frutuoso Foundation and the Municipal Council of Praia da Vitória signed a Cooperation Protocol for the award of the Entrance Merit Award to Higher Education at the University of the Azores. This prize, worth €1000.00 (one thousand euros), will be awarded to the best student in the municipality of Praia da Vitória, who chose this institution as their first option when applying for higher education.
Considering the essential role of the University of the Azores in the training and qualification of Azoreans and the importance of public and private partnerships to achieve educational success, the Gaspar Frutuoso Foundation now has the collaboration of seven Municipal Councils in the Autonomous Region of the Azores, five of them in the island of S. Miguel, namely, Municipal Council of Ponta Delgada, Lagoa, Povoação, Ribeira Grande and Vila Franca do Campo, one on the island of Faial being the Municipal Council of Horta and now on Terceira Island, with the Municipal Council of Praia of Vitória.

Launch of the “Gaspar Frutuoso- Naturalista” catalog
Launch of the “Gaspar Frutuoso- Naturalista” catalog
As part of the celebrations of the 25th anniversary of the Fundação Gaspar Frutuoso (FGF), on July 4th, the Carlos Machado Museum (MCM) launched the catalog “Gaspar Frutuoso- Naturalista” in the entrance hall of the Aula Magna of the University of Azores, with FGF making the publication of the aforementioned catalog possible.
This edition is the result of the temporary exhibition that was open between 26/08/2022 and 30/09/2023, at the Núcleo de Arte Sacra, following the celebrations of the 500th anniversary of the birth of Gaspar Frutuoso.
The members of the FGF Board of Directors (CD) were present, with the President of the CD, José Noronha Rodrigues, speaking, who valued the dedication and commitment of the MCM team and the added value for the FGF in financially supporting this type project.
The Regional Secretary for Education, Culture and Sports, Sofia Ribeiro, was also present and, representing the Magnificent Rector of the University of the Azores, the Vice-Rector for Students, Welfare and Institutional Communication, Adolfo Fialho.

Launch of the book “Around Saudades da Terra”
Launch of the book “Around Saudades da Terra”
On the 4th of June, the Public Library and Regional Archive of Ponta Delgada (BPARPD) launched the book “Around Saudades da Terra: The seven departures of a manuscript”, which is the result of research, investigation and treatment of data carried out by Dr. Odília Gameiro (Head of Archive Division), Dr. Catarina Pereira (Head of Library and Documentation Division), Dr. Graça Viveiros (Library Division), Dr. Pedro Medeiros (Archive Division), Prof Doctor Carlos Riley and the Director of BPARPD, Dr. Iva Matos Cogumbreiro, with all the graphic design being carried out by Designer Vanessa Branco.
The book is the result of the documentary exhibition that was on display at BPARPD between 07/07/2022 and 10/31/2022, as part of the celebrations of the 5th centenary of the birth of Gaspar Frutuoso. Therefore, the Gaspar Frutuoso Foundation (FGF) joined this project, making the publication of this monograph possible.
The members of the FGF Board of Directors (CD) were present, with the President of the CD, Prof. Doctor José Noronha Rodrigues, who praised the dedication and commitment of BPARPD and the added value for the FGF in financially supporting this cultural and scientific dissemination project, which began during the mandate of the previous President of the CD, Prof. Doctor Paulo Meneses.
Representing the Magnificent Rector of the University of the Azores, was the Pro-Rector for Cooperation, Internationalization and Distance Learning, the Prof. Doctor Maria Amélia da Fonseca.

International Biodiversity Day at EBI in Lagoa
International Biodiversity Day at EBI in Lagoa
Last Tuesday, May 21st, at the invitation of Escola Básica Integrada de Lagoa, the Gaspar Frutuoso Foundation participated in International Biodiversity Day.
The activity "A-Bater Invasoras", created by FGF, was part of the set of activities carried out on this day by the school itself. The FGF was also present at the raising of the "Blue School" Flag.

Presentation of the prototype of the educational game "The world of Gaspar Frutuoso"
Presentation of the prototype of the educational game "The world of Gaspar Frutuoso"
As part of the 25th Anniversary of the Gaspar Frutuoso Foundation (FGF), a partnership was established between this institution and Escola Secundária da Lagoa (ESL). The challenge was launched by FGF to secondary school students through the ESL STEAM & GAMES Club, to create an educational game, based on the Manual O Mundo de Gaspar Frutuoso, launched by FGF in August 2023.
The presentation of the game prototype took place in the hall of the amphitheaters of the University of the Azores (UAc) on May 3rd and was attended and participated by 23 students from the STEAM & GAMES Club and Professors Paula Silva, Alexandre Oliveira. After the presentation and testing of the game, the students visited the Foundation's Fruitful Route exhibition and learned about UAc's training offer, through the Vice-Rector for Students, Welfare and Institutional Communication, Prof. Doctor Adolfo Fialho.

Cooperation Protocol between the Gaspar Frutuoso Foundation and the Horta City Council
Cooperation Protocol between the Gaspar Frutuoso Foundation and the Horta City Council
On the 29th of April, the Gaspar Frutuoso Foundation (FGF) and the Horta City Council signed a Cooperation Protocol for the award of the Entrance Merit Award to Higher Education at the University of the Azores. This prize, worth €1000.00 (one thousand euros), will be awarded to the best student in the municipality of Horta, who chose this institution as their first option when applying for higher education.
Considering the essential role of the University of the Azores in the training and qualification of Azoreans and the importance of public and private partnerships to achieve educational success, the Gaspar Frutuoso Foundation now has the collaboration of six Municipal Councils in the Autonomous Region of the Azores, five of them in the island of S. Miguel, namely, Municipal Council of Ponta Delgada, Lagoa, Povoação, Ribeira Grande and Vila Franca do Campo, and one on the island of Faial, this being the Municipal Council of Horta.

Matela- an Island of Biodiversity
Matela- an Island of Biodiversity
The “MATELA – An Island of Biodiversity” project provides for a set of conservation and environmental restoration measures for the Protected Area for the Management of Habitats or Species of Matela, located on Terceira Island. The aim of this project is to: - Update the state of knowledge of Matela's biodiversity, obtaining new data and comparing it with historical data. - Monitor the status of biodiversity for various biological groups during the duration of the project and prepare scheme for the future. - Carry out environmental restoration of the area. - Apply for a trail to the responsible entities. - Formalize the process of integrating Matela into the Network of Biodiversity Stations, the first station in the Autonomous Region of the Azores. - Create environmental education instruments. - Create a Laboratory for long-term research ("Living Lab"). The project is the result of a partnership between the Azores Biodiversity Group (GBA-cE3c; promoter and leader of the initiative), the Gaspar Frutuoso Foundation, FP (which will be in charge of financial management); the Angra do Heroísmo City Council; the “Os Montanheiros” Group; and also the VIRIDIA Association.

Dissemination of the pedagogical manual “The World of Gaspar Frutuoso”
Dissemination of the pedagogical manual “The World of Gaspar Frutuoso”
As part of the celebrations of the 25th anniversary of our Foundation, we kicked off the month of April with the publication of the pedagogical manual “The World of Gaspar Frutuoso” which took place in the hall of the amphitheaters of the University of the Azores.
The announcement was attended by more than four dozen people and was announced by the Vice-President of the Board of Directors, Dr. Carla Ramalho.
This book was designed to be a pedagogical tool aimed at teachers in the 2nd and 3rd cycles of Basic Education and is intended to make Gaspar Frutuoso's journey known, as well as facilitate teaching and learning about his work " Saudades da Terra”, in the context of current and future educational communities.

FGF distinguished by the Municipal Council of Ponta Delgada
FGF distinguished by the Municipal Council of Ponta Delgada
At the ceremony commemorating the 478th anniversary of the city of Ponta Delgada, the President of the Municipality, Pedro Nascimento Cabral, distinguished the Gaspar Frutuoso Foundation with the Municipal Recognition Diploma, which was represented by the president of the Board of Directors, Prof Doutor José Noronha Rodrigues.
This ceremony also featured the intervention of Professor Doctor Vasco Garcia, founder of FGF, alluding to the evolution and future of Ponta Delgada.

promotion of the book "The World of Gaspar Frutuoso”
promotion of the book "The World of Gaspar Frutuoso”
As part of the celebrations of its 25th anniversary, the Gaspar Frutuoso Foundation will hold a promotional session for the book "O Mundo de Gaspar Frutuoso", an educational book for teachers in the 2nd and 3rd cycles of Basic Education, on April 4th at 4pm, in the hall of the Aula Magna of the University of the Azores.
Registrations can be made by filling out the following form.

Exhibition "The Foundation's Fruitful Journey"
Exhibition "The Foundation's Fruitful Journey"
As part of the celebrations of the 25th anniversary of the Gaspar Frutuoso Foundation, we invite the school community to visit the exhibition The Foundation's Frutuoso Route, between March 4th and April 5th.
This exhibition aims to raise awareness of the Gaspar Frutuoso Foundation, its Mission and journey over these 25 years, as well as the partnerships established with other entities in the field of culture, namely with the Public Library and Regional Archive of Ponta Delgada, through an excerpt from the Documentary Exhibition Around Saudades da Terra and with the Carlos Machado Museum, through a small sample from the exhibition Gaspar Frutuoso, Naturalista.
During the visit, activities will be carried out from the book O mundo de Gaspar Frutuoso - a pedagogical book for teachers of the 2nd and 3rd cycles of basic education, which aim to make the life and work of Gaspar Frutuoso known, in a didactic and adapted to students from these study cycles or others at a lower level. At the end of the visit there will be a surprise for everyone!
Registrations can be made by filling out the following form

FGF 25th Anniversary Ceremony
FGF 25th Anniversary Ceremony
On March 4th, the Gaspar Frutuoso Foundation (FGF) celebrated its 25th anniversary, with a ceremony that took place in the Aula Magna of the University of the Azores and with the inauguration of the exhibition The Foundation's Frutuoso Route, on view in the Exhibition Room of the same Aula Magna, until April 5, 2024.
Doctor Flávio Tiago, Regional Director of Science and Technology, was present, representing the President of the Regional Government of the Azores, the Mayor of Ponta Delgada, Dr. Pedro Nascimento Cabral, the President of the Chamber of Ribeira Grande, Dr. Alexandre Gaudêncio , from the Municipal Council of Vila Franca do Campo, Mrs. Councilor Conceição Quental, from the Municipal Council of Lagoa, Mrs. Councilor Albertina Oliveira, from the Povoação Municipal Council, Mr. Councilor Rui Melo and from the Nordeste Municipal Council, Mrs. Councilor Sara Sousa, the last to represent the Mayors
During the ceremony, its founder, Professor Doctor Vasco Manuel Verdasca da Garcia, 3rd Rector of the University of the Azores, between 1995 and 2003, was honored.
The Scientific Merit Award to UAc Researchers was presented by Professor Vítor Gonçalves and two merit awards were presented. The Ana Neto Prize, worth €1,000, distinguishes the student with the highest final average of the UAc Biology Degree and was awarded by the Vice-President of the FGF Board of Directors, Dr. Carla Ramalho to the graduate Nádia Maria Pereira Coelho and the Merit Award for Entry to Higher Education at UAc, worth €1,000, following a protocol signed between the FGF and the Municipal Councils of Ponta Delgada, Ribeira Grande, Vila Franca do Campo, Lagoa and Povoação. The Awards were presented by the President of the FGF Board of Directors, Prof. Doctor José Noronha Rodrigues and the Mayors, or in their absence, their representatives. The distinguished students were Ana Rita Ferreira Bessa, Leonor Teixeira da Cunha Martins, Beatriz Rego Baptista, João Pedro Machado Correia and Beatriz de Fátima Medeiros Mendonça.
The Magnificent Rector of the University of the Azores, Professor Susana Mira Leal, in her speech highlighted the Foundation's journey and its importance for the University, the university community and in general.
During the ceremony, two musical moments took place, provided by the young and talented pianist Luís Martins, a student at the Ponta Delgada Regional Conservatory, and by Tuna Académica from the University of the Azores.

Scientific Merit Award from the University of the Azores
Scientific Merit Award from the University of the Azores
As part of the protocol established between the Fundação Gaspar Frutuoso (FGF) and Caixa de Crédito Agrícola, a competition is open for the award of the Scientific Merit Award from the University of the Azores. This Prize aims to reward scientific research activity and encourage the practice of international publication of recognized quality and impact. For more information see:

Delivery of certificates to students from Lagoa Secondary School (ESL) who participated i…
Delivery of certificates to students from Lagoa Secondary School (ESL) who participated in the Gaspar Frutuoso Foundation challenge
On January 11th, certificates were handed out to students from Lagoa Secondary School (ESL) who participated in the Gaspar Frutuoso Foundation challenge, to build, assemble and program robots to make FGF 2023 Christmas cards .
The ceremony was attended by the ESL executive board, and on behalf of the president, the vice-president of the school, Dr. Luís Sousa and by the ESL STEAM & GAMES Club, teachers Paula Silva and Marlene Furtado.
4 postcards were selected, 3 by Fundação Gaspar Frutuoso and 1 by Escola Secundária da Lagoa, with prizes being awarded to 13 students, considering that some of the “creative works” were created by several hands.
All students received a certificate and an individual gift from FGF and the school's STEAM GAMES Club was donated 250 euros to purchase more robotic equipment for the classroom.

Donation of two vehicles to UAc/FGF
Donation of two vehicles to UAc/FGF
The “law of return” says that everything we do, good or bad, comes back to us at some point. UAc has been an excellent partner of FGF and today we decided to repay/thank this partnership with the donation of two vehicles to UAc/FGF.

Happy Holidays, a Holy Christmas and a Prosperous Year 2024
Happy Holidays, a Holy Christmas and a Prosperous Year 2024
Happy Holidays, a Holy Christmas and a Prosperous Year 2024, best wishes from the entire Gaspar Frutuoso Foundation team 🌲

Cooperation Protocol between the Autonomous Region of the Azores and the Gaspar Frutuoso …
Cooperation Protocol between the Autonomous Region of the Azores and the Gaspar Frutuoso Foundation
On December 6, 2023, a Cooperation Protocol was signed between the Autonomous Region of the Azores and the Gaspar Frutuoso Foundation, for the development of a project entitled “Phytosanitary improvement of traditional grape varieties of the Azores”, which It will last 3 years and will have a global financial contribution to be granted by the Autonomous Region of the Azores of €65,800.00. This provision of services will be led by Doctor Duarte Mendonça, assistant researcher at the Azores Biotechnology Center, with the following objectives: a) revitalize and enhance traditional Azorean vine varieties, which are currently in poor phytosanitary condition, using biotechnological tools; b) Produce propagation material of high phytosanitary quality from varieties duly genetically identified for replanting new vineyards.
This provision of services is of vital importance for the Autonomous Region of the Azores, as it allows regional wine production to be valued, enhances regional genetic resources, avoiding their replacement by varieties from abroad (national or international), as well as making it possible to bridge the lack of propagation material for traditional grape varieties that complies with national and European community health standards.

Cooperation Protocols between the Gaspar Frutuoso Foundation and the five Municipal Chamb…
Cooperation Protocols between the Gaspar Frutuoso Foundation and the five Municipal Chambers of the island of S. Miguel
On December 4, 2023, at Anf VIII of the University of the Azores, five Cooperation Protocols were signed between the Gaspar Frutuoso Foundation and the five Municipal Councils of the island of S. Miguel, namely Ponta Delgada, Lagoa, Povoação, Ribeira Grande and Vila Franca do Campo.
Education has a vital and structuring importance for the improvement of societies and economies and is the only true "social springboard", which is why it is essential to support the next generation of Azoreans to qualify. Considering the essential role of the University of the Azores in the training and qualification of Azoreans and the importance of public and private partnerships to achieve this goal of educational success, the Gaspar Frutuoso Foundation and the five Municipal Councils of the island of S. Miguel, namely, Municipal Council of Ponta Delgada, Lagoa, Povoação, Ribeira Grande and Vila Franca do Campo, agreed to conclude Cooperation Protocols for the attribution of a "Merit Award for Entry to Higher Education at the University of the Azores" to the best student in each municipality who enters a degree from the University of the Azores, worth €1000.00 (one thousand euros), with this Academy being his first option when applying for higher education.
The Gaspar Frutuoso Foundation thanks the respective Mayors (Dr. Pedro Nascimento Cabral, Dr. Cristina Calisto, Dr. Pedro Melo, Dr. Alexandre Gaudêncio and Dr. Ricardo Rodrigues) for this excellent aggregation of synergies, vision and dedication to the public good, instilling in future generations of Azoreans the appreciation of what is ours.

Cooperation Protocol between Caixa de Crédito Agrícola Mútuo dos Açores and Fundação Gasp…
Cooperation Protocol between Caixa de Crédito Agrícola Mútuo dos Açores and Fundação Gaspar Frutuoso for the award of a scientific merit award
On October 31st at 10:30am, at Anf. VIII of the University of the Azores and in the presence of the Magnificent Rector of the University of the Azores, Professor Susana Mira Leal, the President of the Caixa de Crédito Agrícola Mútuo dos Açores, Dr. António Manuel Melo Gomes de Sousa, the Administrator of the Caixa de Crédito Agrícola Mútuo dos Açores, Dr. Ana Sofia Medeiros Cordeiro, the former rector and founder of the FGF, Professor Vasco Manuel Verdasca da Silva Garcia, the President of the Board of Directors of the Gaspar Frutuoso Foundation, Prof. Doctor José Noronha Rodrigues, Member of the Board of Directors, Prof. Doctor Vítor Manuel da Costa Gonçalves and Master Carla Cristina Soares Ramalho, as well as FGF collaborators and other guests, the symbolic session of signing the Cooperation Protocol between Caixa de Crédito Agrícola Mútuo dos Açores and Fundação Gaspar Frutuoso took place for attribution of a scientific merit award in the amount of €2500.00 (two thousand and five hundred euros).
The scientific merit award will recognize, annually, a scientific article from all UAc scientific areas, set out in the competition notice, which describes the results of research carried out by a teacher or researcher from the University of the Azores or FGF.

SeaThings project awarded by the Atlantic Project Award
SeaThings project awarded by the Atlantic Project Award
The project SeaThings, which includes the repository Re-Mar as an integral part, and whose main objective is to be used by teachers, trainers and educators to introduce the theme of the sea in their activities of teaching, was awarded the Atlantic Project Award in the blue skills development and ocean literacy category.
The award will be presented during the 10th conference of the Atlantic Stakeholder Platform, which takes place in the city of Porto on the 18th and 19th of October.
This project, financed by the PO2020 program, had already been distinguished by the 'Europe in My Region' program and gave rise to the digital book 'Show me the sea!', which It has already been translated into three languages and won the 2022 Casa das Ciências Prize, and is currently included in the National Reading Plan list.
The success of this project resulted from the work of a comprehensive team, which involved science dissemination centers and research centers based at the University of the Azores, including the Research Center Sistemas Laboratory Intelligence, Science and Engineering (IS2E), the Center for Research and Development in e-Health (NIDEeS), the Center for Research in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources – Azores (CIBIO-Açores) and the Interdisciplinary Center for Children and Adolescents (NICA ). In addition, it also had the contribution of a vast team of consultants from different locations, including Portuguese-speaking countries.

PubhD Açores returns at Macaronight 2023!
PubhD Açores returns at Macaronight 2023!
After the success of the first two editions in 2022, PubhD Açores returns on September 29th, at 9:30 pm, at Baía dos Anjos, during Macaronight '23, an event that will be held at Portas do Mar, in São Miguel, the European Researchers' Night.
With this 3rd edition of PubhD Açores, the Azorean version of this international event is consolidated as a regular event and hopes to continue to bring academia closer to the general public, making bars a stage for PhD students in the Azores to present their research in a relaxed way in an informal environment and with accessible language, making science reach new audiences.
During the European Researchers' Night, the stage at Baía dos Anjos bar will be attended by two PhD students in Biology from the Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of the Azores: Rúben Luz, from CIBIO Açores - Research Center for Biodiversity and Resources Genetics, will talk about the diversity of cyanobacteria in the Azores and their possible biotechnological application, followed by Hugo Renato Calado, from GBA/cE3c - Azores Biodiversity Group, who will talk about his study of the adaptation of pests and control agents biological to different environmental conditions.
Pedro Garcia, member of the PubhD Açores organization, hopes that "this will be another science communication initiative that helps bring the public closer to science in the Azores, growing as they have, in number and quality, a whole set of events and science activities, about science or with science in recent years". PubhD Açores arises naturally as a result of a growing science communication environment in the Azores, with a direct partnership with doctoral students from the University of the Azores through the support of the Gaspar Frutuoso Foundation.
This edition of PubhD Açores takes place as part of the Macaronight Science festival, which will take place in Portas do Mar, on the night of September 29th, between 6pm and midnight, organized by Expolab - Centro Ciência Viva, with the support of the Vice-Presidency of the Government of the Azores, through the Regional Directorate of Science and Technology, of the University of the Azores and with the Science Centers of the Azores as partners.

1st Pedagogical Manual "The World of Gaspar Frutuoso"
1st Pedagogical Manual "The World of Gaspar Frutuoso"
Last Thursday, August 24th, in the São Miguel city of Ribeira Grande, a cultural, academic and scientific dissemination event took place in the well-conceived facilities of the Arquipélago/Centro de Artes Contemporâneas, which deserves to be highlighted, not only at regional as well as national level. It was the public presentation of a pedagogical work, aimed at teachers of the 2nd and 3rd cycles of Basic Education. The event was divided into two parts: The first on the institutional component, with the ceremony opened by Prof. José Noronha Rodrigues, who chaired the Board of Directors of the FGF, followed by Prof. Susana Mira Leal as President of the General Council of the Gaspar Frutuoso Foundation. , representing the President of the Regional Government of the Azores at the event.
The second part began with the vice-president of the Gaspar Frutuoso Foundation, Drª. Carla Ramalho, who was in charge of the audiovisual presentation of the book “O mundo de Gaspar Frutuoso”, accompanied by Dr. Inês Camara, representative of Mapa de Ideias, the company responsible for the edition, which had the scientific supervision of several members of the University of the Azores.
“The world of Gaspar” consists of 3 parts, the first focusing on the author of “saudades da Terra” and his rich life path; the second, intended to serve the students' work, presents 12 proposals for individual activities that the teacher can make available, after they are printed; the third is a compilation of reading resources, chronologically arranged, to be visited and explored by teachers. There's not a chapter missing on Gaspar Frutuoso's masterpiece, with the 6 volumes of “Saudades da Terra” piled up in an illustrative photo, each with a brief explanatory summary, appealing to subsequent reading.
It is the intention of the Gaspar Frutuoso Foundation that this 1st Manual on the life and work of Gaspar Frutuoso can be adapted by all schools in the Autonomous Region of the Azores, as well as by other “Archipelagos” of Gaspar Frutuoso.

The World of Gaspar Frutuoso
The World of Gaspar Frutuoso
The Fundação Gaspar Frutuoso is delighted to invite you, for the public launch of O Mundo de Gaspar Frutuoso, a publication dedicated to the school community, as part of the Commemorations of the 500th anniversary of the birth of our patron. Grant us the honor of your
presence, making your registration here:

Symbolic session for the formal execution of the Cooperation Protocol between the School …
Symbolic session for the formal execution of the Cooperation Protocol between the School Social Action Services of the University of the Azores and the Gaspar Frutuoso Foundation
On the 13th of July at 12:00h, at the facilities of the Gaspar Frutuoso Foundation and in the presence of the Magnificent Rector of the University of the Azores, Professor Susana Mira Leal, the Director of the School Social Action Service, Dr. Andrea Mota, of the President of the Monitoring Commission for Students with Special Educational Needs, Professor Maria José Garoupa Albergaria Bicudo and the Members of the Board of Directors and collaborators of the FGF, the symbolic session for the formal execution of the Protocol of Cooperation between the School Social Action Services of the University of the Azores and the Gaspar Frutuoso Foundation, dated June 2, 2023.

The book “Practical Guide to Marine Fauna and Flora of the Azores”,
The book “Practical Guide to Marine Fauna and Flora of the Azores”,
The Board of Directors of the Gaspar Frutuoso Foundation authorized, in a CD meeting, dated 12-06-2023, the concession of support for the production of 2,000 copies of the book “Practical Guide to Marine Fauna and Flora of the Azores”, in the amount of €2,250.00.
Fulfilling our mission!

The book "Origin, present and future of the Gaspar Frutuoso Foundation"
The book "Origin, present and future of the Gaspar Frutuoso Foundation"
The Board of Directors of the Gaspar Frutuoso Foundation decided to invite Professor Vasco Garcia to be the author and scientific coordinator of the book "Origin, present and future of the Gaspar Frutuoso Foundation", to be launched on March 4, 2024 (date which marks the 25th anniversary of the FGF).
Thank you very much, Professor Doctor Vasco Garcia for immediately accepting this task.

Gaspar Frutuoso Foundation fulfilling its mission!
Gaspar Frutuoso Foundation fulfilling its mission!

Study for the creation of a new tea from the Azores with a strong impact on reducing the …
Study for the creation of a new tea from the Azores with a strong impact on reducing the infectivity of SARS-COV-2
Signing of the contract between the Regional Government of the Azores and the Gaspar Frutuoso Foundation for the acquisition of “Study for the creation of a new tea from the Azores with a strong impact on reducing the infectivity of SARS-COV-2”
Congratulations to Prof. Doctor José António Bettencourt Baptista from the University of the Azores who will develop the project.
Congratulations to Prof. Doctor José António Bettencourt Baptista from the University of the Azores who will develop the project.

UAc students bring together medicine, biotechnology and biomedical engineering at Azores …
UAc students bring together medicine, biotechnology and biomedical engineering at Azores Biomedical Talks
Students of the Basic Cycle of Medicine at the University of the Azores (UAc) will hold on the 5th and 6th of May, on the Ponta Delgada campus, a cycle of conferences called Azores Biomedical Talks, a proposal for dialogue between Medicine, Biotechnology and Biomedical Engineering.
For this first edition, the theme “The eternal search to prolong life” was chosen, which will feature, among others, speakers Dr. Rodrigo Val d'Oleiros e Silva, founder of Orgavalue, a start-up dedicated to the development of pioneering biotechnology that promises to revolutionize human organ transplantation, creating personalized organs for each patient with their own cells, and Dr. Filipe Quinaz, founder of the start-up Nuada, responsible for development of a patented system to help people regain hand function through an exoskeleton, which has been highlighted at multiple international fairs.
This proposal is in line with the work that has been carried out over the last few years to bring students, the UAc and the Autonomous Region of the Azores opportunities for multidisciplinary dialogue on health. Last year, at an event also organized by medical students, one of the first initiatives in the region took place on the “One Health” approach to health, establishing bridges between human health, animal health and environmental health.
This conference is open to the entire academic community, health professionals and anyone interested.
This event has the support of Grupo Germano de Sousa, Bensaúde Hotels Collection and Azores Airlines, as well as institutional support from UAc and Fundação Gaspar Frutuoso.

Interview with the President of the FGF Board of Directors to the newspaper Correio dos A…
Interview with the President of the FGF Board of Directors to the newspaper Correio dos Açores
In the interview that the President of the Board of Directors of the Fundação Gaspar Frutuoso (FGF), José Noronha Rodrigues, gave to Jornal Correio dos Açores on April 13th, in addition to listing the new members of the Board of Directors elected in February 2023 (the President and Members Vítor Gonçalves and Carla Ramalho), lists the objectives and competencies of the FGF, and characterizes the existing staff at the Institution, clarifying the need to conclude new contracts in various areas to reinforce human resources.
José Noronha Rodrigues also highlights the forms of financing and projects that FGF manages as a main entity and in partnership with other research entities, describing some of these projects and listing various support granted, namely, the Ano Neto award and logistical support for student athletes at the University of the Azores. It also addresses future projects, in particular, the patron attraction program.
At the end of the interview, the President of the FGF Board of Directors warns of the public's lack of knowledge about the role of Foundations, even stating that the main challenge that foundations face is the public's lack of knowledge of the true social impact of them, making it necessary to draw attention and create a common effort for the work carried out by the foundations, thus giving visibility to the work carried out by them, within civil society.
he ends by saying that the interview also had this purpose, that is, to make the Gaspar Frutuoso Foundation known to society.
© UAc Source

Registration open for the Summer School in Marine Robotics
Registration open for the Summer School in Marine Robotics
The Marine Robotics Summer School is back with a new edition that will take place from the 10th to the 21st of July 2023 on Faial Island, Azores.
The Summer School is a joint organization of the MIT Portugal Program, the Laboratory of Underwater Systems and Technologies (LSTS) of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP), and the Institute for Research in Marine Sciences of the University of Porto. Azores (OKEANOS). The course will also have the participation of the Collaborative Laboratory for the Atlantic (CoLab +ATLANTIC), the Gaspar Frutuoso Foundation, the Escola do Mar dos Açores, and has the support of the Regional Government of the Azores.
Participation is open to 12 students from Portuguese universities and 12 students from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) with a strong interest in marine robotics and oceanography, namely ocean observation, archeology and ecosystem mapping.
The course is aimed at master's and first-year PhD students in engineering areas (mechanical, electrical or similar); computer sciences and oceanography, although students from other scientific areas, such as bioengineering, geology, marine biology, geophysics, with a strong interest in marine robotics, can also apply.
The application period is now open and runs until April 24th.

Gaspar Frutuoso Foundation signs protocol with the Regional Secretariat for Agriculture a…
Gaspar Frutuoso Foundation signs protocol with the Regional Secretariat for Agriculture and Rural Development
On February 2, 2023, at Amphitheater VIII of the University of the Azores (UAc), a contract was signed between the Gaspar Frutuoso Foundation (FGF) and the Government of Azores, through the Regional Secretariat for Agriculture and Rural Development (SRADR).
This contract aims to acquire analysis services for assessing and diagnosing the fertility of agricultural soils in the Azores. The material and scientific execution of the provision of services is the responsibility of the Institute for Research in Agricultural and Environmental Technologies (IITAA), with the technical and financial management being the responsibility of the FGF.
The formal signing of the contract was carried out by the Regional Secretary for Agriculture and Rural Development, António Ventura, and the President of the FGF Board of Directors, Paulo Meneses. Afterwards, those involved in the event spoke briefly about the ceremony, with the closing ceremony being in charge of the Magnificent Rector of the UAc, Susana Mira Leal.
In addition to the general public and FGF employees, the Vice-Rector for Science, Innovation and Knowledge Transfer, Artur Gil, the President of IITAA, was also present. João Madruga, the Vice-President of the Board of Directors of the FGF, Carla Ramalho, and the President of the Agricultural Federation of the Azores, Jorge Rita.
© UAc Source
© UAc Photography

Endangered marine species receive national support
Endangered marine species receive national support
There are two winning projects in the 2nd edition of the "Ocean Conservation Fund".
The Oceanário de Lisboa and the Oceano Azul Foundation have selected the winners of the 2nd edition of the "Ocean Conservation Fund", which this year increased the amount to be awarded by 50 thousand euros, thus increasing the prize from 100 to 150 thousand euros.
Under the theme "Threatened Marine Species. From Science to Awareness", conservation projects dedicated to marine species classified as "Critically Endangered", "Endangered" and "Vulnerable", according to the so-called "Red List" of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN Red List of Threatened Species), were evaluated in this edition.
An international jury of conservation experts selected two projects as winners:
"Whale Tales Project"
Proposed by Arditi - Regional Agency for the Development of Research, Technology and Innovation, this project "Whale Tales Project" will receive a funding of 50 thousand euros. It is dedicated to the study of the sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus), whose conservation status is "Vulnerable". The focus of "Whale Tales" is on the Madeira archipelago, an area where there is little information on habitat use by this species.
"Eel Trek"
Developed by the Gaspar Frutuoso Foundation, the "Eel Trek" project will receive 100 thousand euros of funding. It aims to study the migration of the European eel (Anguilla anguilla), classified as "Critically Endangered", and that is fundamental for its conservation since its life cycle is complex, between ocean and rivers.
For João Falcato, CEO of the Lisbon Oceanarium and administrator of the Blue Ocean Foundation, "the funding of 150,000 euros from the Ocean Conservation Fund is a relevant support to projects dedicated to the conservation of a particular species, especially when we know in advance that their populations are threatened. Our commitment for the future is the conservation of the ocean without ever forgetting the species that need to be protected".

Azores approve EUR 2.2 million to study deep-sea habitats
Azores approve EUR 2.2 million to study deep-sea habitats
The characterization of deep sea habitats will be carried out by the Gaspar Frutuoso Foundation of the University of the Azores.
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The Azores Government authorised this Thursday the acquisition of services by direct award, in the amount of 2.2 million, to characterise the deep-sea marine habitats, to be carried out by the Gaspar Frutuoso Foundation.
Speaking to journalists after the meeting of the Council of Government (PSD/-CDS-PP/PPM), at the Conceição Palace, in Ponta Delgada, the leader of the Azorean executive, José Manuel Bolieiro, said that the hiring by direct award of a service for the "characterization of deep-sea habitats, with a view to its mapping to the outer limit of the sub-area of the Azores of the Portuguese Exclusive Economic Zone" was authorized.
The decision to carry out a direct award was taken, he explained, after the public tender published in the Official Journal of the European Union was deserted. "This Council of the Government, maintaining the need to ensure the service identified, decided to ratify the decision of the Secretary of the Sea and Fisheries of not awarding the public tender, because it was deserted, and now authorise the contracting, through the direct award procedure," José Manuel Bolieiro stressed.
According to the documentation to which Lusa had access, the contract will be signed with the Gaspar Frutuoso Foundation, of the University of the Azores.
The contract aims to "fill the gaps in knowledge that remain regarding the deep-sea benthic marine biodiversity in the Azores, namely at the level of species, biological communities and habitats" and to redefine the "concept of vulnerable marine ecosystems for the region", according to the specifications.
The Azores Government also authorised the signing of a contract-programme worth 437,000 euros with the Association for the Development and Training of the Sea of the Azores, to "support the operation of the association" and "ensure the effective implementation of the School of the Sea of the Azores", located in Faial.

Fibrenamics in Innovative Project to Protect the ...
Fibrenamics in Innovative Project to Protect the ...
Fibrenamics, one of the largest national technological centres of technical and scientific innovation in natural fibres and composite materials, in partnership with Açorgeo, CIMPA and the Gaspar Frutuoso Foundation of the University of the Azores, launched an innovative project aimed at protecting the biodiversity of the Azores.
Based on a multidisciplinary approach, this innovative project at European level aimed to develop a solution to regenerate and stabilize slopes of low/medium slope, in the area of construction and tourism, while promoting the germination of endemic species and the protection of biodiversity in the region.
It should be remembered that the materials used in the construction area are currently a strong threat to the biodiversity of the Azores. One of the main causes is in the protection and stabilization of slopes that enhance the development of invasive species, given the lack of control over the vegetation that establishes itself, or in the case of use of cement mixtures, such as concrete and mortar, making the soil inhospitable to the germination of any species.

Dean of UAc present at the opening session of the Infrasound Technology Workshop
Dean of UAc present at the opening session of the Infrasound Technology Workshop
The Magnificent Rector of the University of the Azores (UAc), Susana Mira Leal, was present at the Opening Session of the Infrasound Technology Workshop 2022, which took place on January 30th at the Hotel Marina Atlântico, in Ponta Delgada.
In a joint organization of the Preparatory Commission of the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO), the Government of Portugal, the Presidency of the Government of the Azores and the University of the Azores, through the Institute for Research in Volcanology and Risk Assessment (IVAR), the Infrasound Technology Workshop 2022 is taking place in Ponta Delgada, until February 3rd, an annual event taking place for the first time in Portugal.
Susana Mira Leal highlighted the relevance of the daily work carried out by IVAR in monitoring natural risks, a mission carried out in partnership with local organizations and the Regional Government, as well as with other universities and organizations around the world. Infrasound technology was an important tool to fulfill this mission, hence the importance of the IS42 station, located in the central area of Graciosa Island, as well as other monitoring structures installed in the Azores.
The Magnificent Rector ended her intervention by highlighting the importance of science and technological innovation and the moral and ethical obligation to use this knowledge for the benefit of Humanity. She defended, therefore, that this is a mission that we must embrace with determination and work together with a view to achieving it.
source: UAc