Ana Maria Loureiro Seca
Perfis Externos
Financing Entities
Direção Regional da Ciência e da Tecnologia
cE3c- Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes/Azorean Biodiversity Group
Organic Chemistry, Natural Products and Food Stuffs Research Unit
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of 133 Publicações
Polyhydroxy Chalcones and Flavanones: Synthesis and Evaluation of Their Potential as Antioxidant and Anticholinesterasic Agents
New Phytol Derivatives with Increased Cosmeceutical Potential
Macaronesian Plants as Promising Biopesticides against the Crop Pest Ceratitis capitata
Tabela Periódica: a composição química do universo num quadro com 18 colunas e 7 linhas
Advances on Applications of Bioactive Natural Compounds
Asparagopsis Genus: What We Really Know About Its Biological Activities and Chemical Composition
Bio-Guided Optimization of Cystoseira abies-marina Cosmeceuticals Extraction by Advanced Technologies
Chemical composition and phytopharmaceuticals: An overview of the Caulerpa and Cystoseira Genera
Cosmeceutical Potential of the Green Macroalga Caulerpa Prolifera
Cystoseira abies-marina: Extraction of antiaging compounds by optimized green methodology.
GC- and UHPLC-MS Profiles as a Tool to Valorize the Red Alga Asparagopsis armata
Isolation and Identification of Bioactive Secondary Metabolites
Kaempferol Derivatives from Hedychium gardnerianum: Unveiling the Potential of an Invasive Plant
Laurus Azorica Leaves: Sesquiterpene Lactones and Antiaging Activity
Laurus azorica: Valorization through Its Phytochemical Study and Biological Activities
Moléculas de origem marinha: Interesse real ou académico?
Secondary Metabolites and Their Applications
Study of the lipophilic profile of Caulerpa prolifera.
Valorization of Macaronesia Beach-Cast Seaweeds: Secondary Metabolites and Antiaging Activity
Aqueous and Ethanolic Plant Extracts as Bio-Insecticides—Establishing a Bridge between Raw Scientific Data and Practical Reality
Isómeros: compostos iguais com diferenças
Secondary Metabolites in Edible Species: Looking beyond Nutritional Value
Secondary Metabolites in Edible Species: Looking beyond Nutritional Value. Foods 2021, 10, 1131
A Green and Simple Protocol for Extraction and Application of a Peroxidase-Rich Enzymatic Extract
Anti-aging activity of Lobophora variegata ethanolic and methanolic extracts and their fractions
Applications of Sesquiterpene Lactones: A Review of Some Potential Success Cases
Avaliação 2017-19-CQ–Ana Maria Loureiro da Seca–comprovativos
Biological activity and applications of natural compounds
GC- and UHPLC-MS Profiles as a Tool to Valorizate the Red Alga Asparagopsis armata
GC-and UHPLC-MS Profiles as a Tool to Valorizate the Red Alga Asparagopsis armata
Natural Compounds: A Dynamic Field of Applications
O maravilhoso mundo dos metais
Pharmacological and Cosmeceutical Potential of Seaweed Beach-Casts of Macaronesia
Phytochemicals with Added Value from Morella and Myrica Species
Produtos naturais como medicamentos de sucesso
Research Advances on Health Effects of Edible Artemisia Species and Some Sesquiterpene Lactones Constituents
Research Advances on Health Effects of Edible Artemisia Species and Some Sesquiterpene Lactones Constituents. Foods 2021, 10, 65
Seaweed Secondary Metabolites with Beneficial Health Effects: An Overview of Successes in In Vivo Studies and Clinical Trials
Uncharted Source of Medicinal Products: The Case of the Hedychium Genus
2019 é o Ano Internacional da Tabela Periódica dos Elementos Químicos
Biological Potential and Medical Use of Secondary Metabolites
Chalcones and Flavanones Bearing Hydroxyl and/or Methoxyl Groups: Synthesis and Biological Assessments
Current Trends on Seaweeds: Looking at Chemical Composition, Phytopharmacology, and Cosmetic Applications
Ethnobotanical Knowledge in Sete Cidades, Azores Archipelago: First Ethnomedicinal Report
Euphorbia-derived natural products with potential for use in health maintenance
Inula L. Secondary Metabolites against Oxidative Stress-Related Human Diseases
Pharmacological effects of Fucus spiralis extracts and phycochemicals: a comprehensive review
Searching for Molecules against Cancer in the Azores: Plants, Macroalgae, and Synthetic Compounds
Seaweed metabolites with benefit effects against cardiovascular diseases
Synthesis, Biological Activity and Structure/Activity Relationship of Hydroxy- and Methoxy- Chalcones and Derivatives
Asparagopsis armata da costa Açoriana: uma alga em estudo
Chemical profile of Portuguese natural resources: a tool to their valorisation as sustainable use
Comparative study by GC-MS and chemometrics on the chemical and nutritional profile of Fucus spiralis L. juvenile and mature life-cycle phases
Identification of organic compounds, beyond fatty acids, from terrestrial and aquatic species by GC-MS
Insight approaches of medicinal plants for the discovery of anticancer drugs
Overview on the Antihypertensive and Anti-Obesity Effects of Secondary Metabolites from Seaweeds
Plant Secondary Metabolites as Anticancer Agents: Successes in Clinical Trials and Therapeutic Application
Salicornia ramosissima: Secondary metabolites and protective effect against acute testicular toxicity
Seaweed secondary metabolites in vitro and in vivo anticancer activity
The Current Status of the Pharmaceutical Potential of Juniperus L. Metabolites
Chalcone: A Valuable Scaffold Upgrading by Green Methods
Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry profile of four Calendula L. taxa : A comparative analysis
Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry profile of four Calendula L. taxa: A comparative analysis
Olea europaea L.: Facts and Myths Regarding Cardiovascular Health
Parthenolide and Parthenolide-Like Sesquiterpene Lactones as Multiple Targets Drugs
Parthenolide and parthenolide-like sesquiterpene lactones as multiple targets drugs: current knowledge and new developments
Antitumor activities of invasive allien species from the Azores
Avaliação 2014-16-CQ: Ana Maria Loureiro da Seca: comprovativos
Cystoseira abies-marina life cycle : comparative study of its polar profile by RP-HPLC-DAD-MS
Cystoseira abies-marina life cycle: comparative study of its polar profile by RP-HPLC-DAD-MS
Determination and comparison of the chemical composition of Calendula L. species growing in Continental Portugal
GC-MS profile of Calendula L. species : a comparative analysis
Morella faya (Aiton) Wilbur leaves and bark: bioactivities and isolated compounds
Potencial Anti-inflamatory Effects of Artemisia Gorgonum on Rat Liver Injury Induced by CCl4
Potential Anti-inflammatory Effects of Artemisia Gorgonum on Rat Liver Injury Induced by CCl4
Potential anti‐inflammatory effects of Artemisia gorgonum on rat liver injury induced by CCl4–ERRATUM
Targeting human pathogenic bacteria by siderophores: A proteomics review
The edible Fucus spiralis life-cycle : GC-MS profile analysis
The edible Fucus spiralis life-cycle: GC-MS profile analysis
Anti-acetylcholinesterasic, antioxidant and antibacterial activities of Juniperus brevifolia extracts
Metabolomic Profile of the Genus Inula
Recent Breakthroughs in the Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Morella and Myrica Species
Salicornia ramosissima J. Woods: a gourmet product from the salt pans of Ria de Aveiro
Salicornia ramosissima an edible halophyte with nutritional value and a source of a unique natural compound
Saliramophenol, an unprecedented natural t-butylphenol derivative from Salicornia ramosissima J. Woods
Seaweeds as Preventive Agents for Cardiovascular Diseases: From Nutrients to Functional Foods
The Current Status of Bioactive Metabolites from the Genus Juniperus
An overview of Salicornia genus: the phytochemical and pharmacological profile
Antioxidant and anticholinesterasic activities of Morella faya (Aiton) Wilbur extracts
Biomedical applications of Inula species
Lipophilic profile of the edible halophyte Salicornia ramosissima
Potencial biotecnológico do mar dos Açores
The genus Inula and their metabolites: From ethnopharmacological to medicinal uses
Xanthenedione Derivatives, New Promising Antioxidant and Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitor Agents
Xanthenedione derivatives, new promising acetylcholinesterase inhibitor agents
Antioxidant activity evaluation from Artemisia gorgonum extracts
Chemical study and biological activity evaluation of two Azorean Macroalgae: Ulva rigida and Gelidium microdon.
Chemical study and biological activity evaluation of two Azorean macroalgae: Ulva rigida and Gelidium microdon
Cytotoxic meroterpenoids from the macroalga Cystoseira abies-marina
Di- and Sesquiterpenoids from Cystoseira Genus: Structure, Intra-molecular Transformations and Biological Activity
Di-and sesquiterpenoids from Cystoseira genus: structure, intra-molecular transformations and biological activity
Salicornia ramosissima: secondary metabolites and testicular protection induced by ethanol extract
Compounds identified on hexane and dichloromethane extracts of Salicornia ramosissima
Macroalgae from S. Miguel Island as a potential source of antiproliferative and antioxidant products
A Novel Short-Step Synthesis of New Xanthenedione Derivatives from the Cyclization of 3-Cinnamoyl-2-styrylchromones
A new natural spiro heterocyclic compound and the cytotoxic activity of the secondary metabolites from Juniperus brevifolia leaves
A new 4',7-epoxy-8,3'-oxyneolignan from the acetone extract of Juniperus brevifolia leaves
A new 4′, 7-epoxy-8, 3′-oxyneolignan from the acetone extract of Juniperus brevifolia leaves
Hedychium gardnerianum from Azores: a plant with potential application on Alzheimer’s treatment
Cytotoxic Activity of Diterpenes and Extracts of Juniperus brevifolia
Diterpene constituents of leaves from Juniperus brevifolia
Structural elucidation of pimarane and isopimarane diterpenoids: The 13C NMR contribution
The chemical composition of hexane extract from bark of Juniperus brevifolia
Cytotoxic activity of lignans from Hibiscus cannabinus
Basic density and pulp yield relationship with some chemical parameters in eucalyptus trees
Densidade e rendimento em polpa celulósica e sua relação com alguns parâmetros químicos no eucalipto
Recent progress in medicinal plants
The Chemical Composition of the Juniperus Genus (1970-2004)
The chemical composition of the Juniperus genus (1970–2004)
Chemical Composition of Artemisia campestris and Hibiscus cannabinus
Lignanamides and other phenolic constituents from the bark of kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus)
Phenolic constituents from the core of Kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus)
Chemical composition of the light petroleum extract of Hibiscus cannabinus bark and core
Structural Characterization of the Lignin from the Nodes and Internodes of Arundo donax Reed
Complementary structural information about kenaf bark and core lignins
Structural Characterization of the Bark and Core Lignins from Kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus)
Structural characteristics of the bark and core kenaf lignin
Structural characteristics of the bark and core kenaf lignin (variety Salvador)
Variations in chemical composition and structure of macromolecular components in different morphological regions and maturity stages of Arundo donax
Chemical composition and structural features of the macromolecular components of Hibiscus cannabinus grown in Portugal
Isolation and characterization of a lignin-like polymer of the cork of Quercus suber L.
1 Research Project
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2023/05 |
Título de Agregado Química Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal |
2021 - 2021 |
Other Da Química Orgânica aos Fármacos: teoria e prática laboratorial Especialização em Química Medicinal Universidade do Porto, Portugal |
2016 - 2016 |
Pós-Graduação Química farmacêutica e Medicinal Universidade do Porto, Portugal |
1995 - 2000 |
Doutoramento Doutoramento em Química Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal (TESE/DISSERTAÇÃO) "Kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus): extracção e caracterização estrutural de constituintes alifáticos, fenólicos simples e macromoleculares" |
1992 - 1994 |
Mestrado Pré-Bolonha Mestrado em Ciência e Tecnologia do Papel e Produtos Florestais Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal (TESE/DISSERTAÇÃO) "HPLC e produtos de oxidação de lenhinas pelo nitrobenzeno" |
1987 - 1991 |
Licenciatura Licenciatura em Química - ramo química analítica Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal (TESE/DISSERTAÇÃO) "Substancias Húmicas" |
cE3c- Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes/Azorean Biodiversity Group
Organic Chemistry, Natural Products and Food Stuffs Research Unit
Financing Entities