Gustavo Oliveira de Meneses Martins
m. martins, gustavo | gustavo m. martins
I am currently head of the LABALGAE research lab at AQUAZOR, S.A.
R&D Entities
CIBIO-A - Centro de Investigação em Biodiversidade e Recursos Genéticos
Perfis Externos
Áreas de Conhecimento
Financing Entities
Direção Regional da Ciência e da Tecnologia
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of 59 Publicações
The ecological value of fully enforced, no-entry, marine protected areas: A case study of harvested limpets
Faria, João; Vale, Maria; Ribeiro, Pedro; Hawkins, Stephen J
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems
Dramatic changes in the structure of shallow-water marine benthic communities following the invasion by Rugulopteryx okamurae (Dictyotales, Ochrophyta) in Azores (NE Atlantic)
Arrival and proliferation of the invasive seaweed Rugulopteryx okamurae in NE Atlantic islands
Ervilia castanea (Mollusca, Bivalvia) populations adversely affected at CO2 seeps in the North Atlantic
Martins, Marta; Carreiro-Silva, Marina; Martins, Gustavo M
Science of The Total Environment
Gastropods with different development modes respond differently to habitat fragmentation
Lapas: pequenas "ilhas" de diversidade
Faria, Joao ; M
UAciência - Ciências Naturais e do Ambiente 2012-2019
Ciência Vitae
Macaronesia as a Fruitful Arena for Ecology, Evolution, and Conservation Biology
Florencio, Margarita; Patiño, Jairo; Nogué, Sandra; Traveset, Anna; Borges, Paulo A
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution
Predicting the ecological impact of a recent range expansion in the structure of intertidal biofilms
A guide for harvesting practices of macroalgae in Azores (NE Atlantic): The project ASPAZOR and the case study of Asparagopsis spp.
João Faria Santos; navas, David; Afonso CL Prestes; Ignácio Moreu; M
A guide for harvesting practices of macroalgae in Azores (NE Atlantic): The project ASPAZOR and the case study of Asparagopsis spp.
Ciência Vitae
Frondose and turf-dominated marine habitats support distinct trophic pathways: evidence from 15N and 13C stable isotope analyses
Cláudia Hipólito; Raúl Neto; Tarso Costa; Maria Ana Dionísio; Afonso CL Prestes; José MN Azevedo; M
Arquipelago - Life and Marine Sciences
Ciência Vitae
Guia de boas práticas para a apanha de algas nos Açores - O projeto ASPAZOR e o caso-estudo de Asparagopsis spp.
Faria, Joao ; Daniel Navas Noguera; Prestes, Afonso Costa Lucas; Moreu-Badia, Ignacio; Cacabelos, Eva; M
Guia de boas práticas para a apanha de algas nos Açores - O projeto ASPAZOR e o caso-estudo de Asparagopsis spp.
Ciência Vitae
The Azorean edible abalone Haliotis tuberculata, an alternative heavy metal-free marine resource?
Chapter 2 - The Intertidal Zone of the North-East Atlantic Region
Interactions in the Marine Benthos: global patterns and processes
Ciência Vitae
Direct and indirect effects of climate change squeeze the local distribution of a habitat-forming seaweed
First record of Caulerpa prolifera in the Azores (NE Atlantic)
Limited effects of marine protected areas on the distribution of invasive species, despite positive effects on diversity in shallow-water marine communities
Macroalgal responses to coastal urbanization: relative abundance of indicator species
Patchiness in habitat distribution can enhance biological diversity of coastal engineering structures
Patterns of distribution of the invasive alga Asparagopsis armata Harvey: A multi-scaled approach
Inbreeding in the exploited limpet Patella aspera across the Macaronesia archipelagos (NE Atlantic): Implications for conservation
Shallow subtidal macroalgae in the North-eastern Atlantic archipelagos (Macaronesian region): a spatial approach to community structure
Successional convergence in experimentally disturbed intertidal communities
Disentangling the genetic and morphological structure of Patella candei complex in Macaronesia (NE Atlantic)
Exploitation promotes earlier sex change in a protandrous patellid limpet, Patella aspera Röding, 1798
Leaf litter decomposition on insular lentic systems: effects of macroinvertebrate presence, leaf species, and environmental conditions
Nowhere safe? Exploring the influence of urbanization across mainland and insular seashores in continental Portugal and the Azorean Archipelago
Post-settlement dispersal ability determines structure of marine benthic metacommunities
Temporal stability in macroalgal assemblage standing stock despite high species turnover
Threats to large brown algal forests in temperate seas: the overlooked role of native herbivorous fish
Fabrizio Gianni; Fabrizio Bartolini; Alexis Pey; Mathieu Laurent; Gustavo M
Scientific Reports
Ciência Vitae
A multiplex microsatellite tool for conservation genetics of the endemic limpet Patella candei in the Macaronesian archipelagos
A urbanização nos ecossistemas costeiros: Implicações para a biodiversidade.
Açores Magazine
Ciência Vitae
Differences in the structure and functioning of two communities: Frondose and turf-forming macroalgal dominated habitats
Ecology of a key ecosystem engineer on hard coastal infrastructure and natural rocky shores
Factors limiting the establishment of canopy-forming algae on artificial structures
Fisheries stocks from an ecological perspective: Disentangling ecological connectivity from genetic interchange
Long-term modifications of coastal defences enhance marine biodiversity
Material type and roughness influence structure of inter-tidal communities on coastal defenses
A new multiplexed microsatellite tool for metapopulation studies in the overexploited endemic limpet Patella aspera (Röding, 1798)
Early patterns of recovery from disturbance in intertidal algal assemblages: Consistency across regions within a marine province
Invasion success and development of benthic assemblages: Effect of timing, duration of submersion and substrate type
Leaf litter decomposition in remote oceanic islands: The role of macroinvertebrates vs. microbial decomposition of native vs. exotic plant species
Shells of Patella aspera as 'islands' for epibionts
Effects of coastal orientation and depth on the distribution of subtidal benthic assemblages
Effects of density versus size on grazing by a key exploited herbivore
Linkages between rocky reefs and soft-bottom habitats: Effects of predation and granulometry on sandy macrofaunal assemblages
Effects of Fishing and Regional Species Pool on the Functional Diversity of Fish Communities
Illegal harvesting affects the success of fishing closure areas
Engenharia Biológica: Uma ferramenta para a conservação
Revista Açores
Ciência Vitae
Enhancing stocks of the exploited limpet Patella candei d'Orbigny via modifications in coastal engineering
Exploitation of intertidal grazers as a driver of community divergence
Succession on Hard Substrata
Jenkins, Stuart R
Ciência Vitae
Influence of a breakwater on nearby rocky intertidal community structure
A situação das populações de lapa (Patella spp.) nos Açores.
Açoriano Oriental
Ciência Vitae
Bioavailable metals and cellular effects in the digestive gland of marine limpets living close to shallow water hydrothermal vents
Exploitation of rocky intertidal grazers: Population status and potential impacts on community structure and functioning
Rocky intertidal community structure in oceanic islands: Scales of spatial variability
A case of simultaneous hermaphroditism in the azorean endemic limpet patella candei gomesii (mollusca: Patellogastropoda), a gonochoristic species
Community structure and functioning in intertidal rock pools: Effects of pool size and shore height at different successional stages
Sampling strategies for biotope definition: Minimal sampling area for selected groups of macroinvertebrates in the rocky subtidal of São Miguel, Azores
1 Research Project
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2009 |
Outro PhD in Biological Sciences Especialização em Marine Ecology University of Plymouth, Reino Unido (TESE/DISSERTAÇÃO) "Community structure and Dynamics of the Azorean rocky intertidal" |
2005/11/02 |
Outro Master of Research in Marine Biology Especialização em Ecology route University of Plymouth, Reino Unido (TESE/DISSERTAÇÃO) "Changes in the effects of patch size and shore height on the structure and functioning of rock pools with succession" |
1998 - 2003/12/04 |
Licenciatura Biologia Especialização em Biologia Marinha Universidade dos Açores, Portugal (TESE/DISSERTAÇÃO) "Padrões de colonização e sucessão em substratos artificiais no litoral de São Miguel" |
Áreas de Conhecimento
I am currently head of the LABALGAE research lab at AQUAZOR, S.A., where I lead a small research team focusing on macroalgal production for aquaculture. From 2010 to 2015 I was a post-doctoral researcher at the Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research (CIIMAR), and from 2016-2018 a post-doctoral researcher at the Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes (cE3c). I have a degree in Biology (University of Azores), a MRes in Marine Biology (University of Plymouth) and a PhD in Biological Sciences (University of Plymouth). I am an independent marine benthic ecologist with extensive research experience including (i) a multidisciplinary track record of publications in international peer-reviewed journals, (ii) a track record in securing competitive research fellowships and grants (€100 K as PI, + €700K in total), (iii) experience in supervision of undergraduate and postgraduate students, and (iv) a wide network of collaborators. I have a total of 50 papers in international peer reviewed journals (IF=143) (35 published in journals of the first quartile); 24 published over the last 5 years, 23 as first author, 7 as team leader (last author) and with an overall 702 citations (H=16). I co-authored 2 book chapters published by Wiley-Blackwell (Biofouling) and Cambridge University Press (Interactions in the marine benthos: global patterns and processes) and I presented 24 oral and 31 post communications in renewed symposia. The international network, exposure and collaborations are stated by +80 co-authors including top European researchers. Since the completion of my PhD I was involved in a total of 9 research projects: 2 as principal investigators, 1 as co-PI and 1 as a consultant securing over €800K in funds. I was part of the scientific committee of the 43rd European Marine Biology Symposium, I have completed the supervision of 1 PHD student (University of Southampton). I have also supervised 7 BSc, 11 MSc both at the University of the Azores or in collaboration (Imperial College of London). From 2015 to 2018, I was appointed as invited lecturer in experimental design at the 3CBIO doctoral program (University of the Azores) and in 2021, I was invited as a reviewer for the 2022 FONDECYT Regular Competition by the National Research and Development Agency of Chile. I have been invited referee of a PhD thesis and I am regular reviewer for 27 scientific journals spanning a variety of topics. I am also an academic editor for PLoS One. My background includes a strong preparation in multivariate and univariate statistics and a critical knowledge about the design of complex experiments. Collectively, this diverse suite of experiences and training, plus my last year experience as head of a lab gives me considerable skills in project management, initiative, independent thinking, as well as collaborative and leadership skills.
R&D Entities
CIBIO-A - Centro de Investigação em Biodiversidade e Recursos Genéticos
Financing Entities