Joana Barcelos e Ramos
ramos, joana | barcelos e ramos, joana
Joana Barcelos e Ramos completed her Licenciatura in Marine Biology in 2003 by the University of the Azores and later her PhD in 2009/12/15 by the Christian-Albrechts-Universität / GEOMAR (Kiel). She is involved in the management of IITAA (Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Research and Technology) since 2014, being presently the Institute's Sub-director.
R&D Entities
IITAA - Instituto de Investigação em Tecnologias Agrárias e do Ambiente
Perfis Externos
Áreas de Conhecimento
Financing Entities
Comissão Europeia - Comunidade Europeia da Energia Atómica
Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia
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of 34 Publicações
The effect of naturally acidified CO2 seep seawater on mollusc assemblages of the macroalga Halopteris scoparia
Marine Environmental Research
Ciência Vitae
Brachybacterium atlanticum sp. nov., a novel marine bacterium isolated from the Atlantic Ocean
Inês de Castro; Susana C
International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology
Emiliania huxleyi _ bacteria interactions in a changing ocean
Barcelos e Ramos, Joana; Barcelos e Ramos, Joana; Susana C
International Symposium on the Ocean in a High CO2 World
Ciência Vitae
Emiliania huxleyi-Bacteria Interactions under Increasing CO2 Concentrations
Phytoplankton - bacteria interactions in a changing ocean
Barcelos e Ramos, Joana; Susana Ribeiro; Kai G
Marine microbes in a changing climate
Ciência Vitae
Ervilia castanea (Mollusca, Bivalvia) populations adversely affected at CO2 seeps in the North Atlantic
Martins, Marta; Carreiro-Silva, Marina; Martins, Gustavo M
Science of The Total Environment
Global variability in seawater Mg:Ca and Sr:Ca ratios in the modern ocean
Lebrato, Mario; Garbe-Schönberg, Dieter; Müller, Marius N
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Ocean acidification impacts on zooplankton
Barcelos e Ramos, Joana
Zooplankton Ecology
Ciência Vitae
Responses of the diatom Asterionellopsis glacialis to increasing sea water CO2 concentrations and turbulence
Gallo, F; Schulz, KG; Azevedo, EB; Madruga, J; Barcelos e Ramos, J
Marine Ecology Progress Series
Nutrient-specific responses of a phytoplankton community: a case study of the North Atlantic Gyre, Azores
Phytoplankton interactions can alter species response to present and future CO2 concentrations
Growth and chemical composition of hydroponically cultivated Lactuca sativa using phytoplankton extract
Francesca Gallo; Alfredo Borba; Barcelos e Ramos, Joana; Azevedo, Eduardo Brito; João MAdruga
International Journal of Agronomy and Agricultural Research (IJAAR)
Ciência Vitae
Joana Barcelos e Ramos - A stubborn one, without a doubt.
Barcelos e Ramos, Joana
Ciência Vitae
Seasonal and interannual variations in coccolithophore abundance off Terceira Island, Azores (Central North Atlantic)
Narciso, Áurea; Gallo, Francesca; Valente, André; Cachão, Mário; Cros, Lluïsa; Azevedo, Eduardo B
Continental Shelf Research
Observational and manipulative experiments using planktonic assemblages in nearshore North Atlantic CO2 vents
Ana Campoy; Barcelos e Ramos, Joana; et al
Aslo Aquatic Sciences Meeting
Ciência Vitae
Phytoplankton calcification as an effective mechanism to alleviate cellular calcium poisoning
Alterações climácas podem alterar abundância e valor nutritivo dos peixes nos Açores
Community composition has greater impact on the functioning of marine phytoplankton communities than ocean acidification
Influence of temperature and CO2 on the strontium and magnesium composition of coccolithophore calcite
Asterionellopsis glacialis under rising seawater carbon dioxide concentrations: effects on chain formation
Barcelos e Ramos, Joana; et al
Eur-Oceans, Hot Topics Conference, A changing Ocean
Ciência Vitae
Effects of increasing seawater carbon dioxide concentrations on phytoplankton community structure and species physiology
Barcelos e Ramos, Joana; et al
Ciência nos Açores. Que futuro?
Ciência Vitae
Effects of increasing seawater carbon dioxide concentrations on chain formation of the diatom Asterionellopsis glacialis
Barcelos e Ramos, Joana
Third International Symposium on the Ocean in a High CO2 world – ocean acidification
Ciência Vitae
Photoacclimation to abrupt changes in light intensity by Phaeodactylum tricornutum and Emiliania huxleyi: The role of calcification
Short-term response of the coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi to an abrupt change in seawater carbon dioxide concentrations
CO2 perturbation experiments: Similarities and differences between dissolved inorganic carbon and total alkalinity manipulations
Chapter 3: Measurements of CO2 sensitive processes / Section 3.2 Organic and export production
Barcelos e Ramos, Joana
Guide for best practices in ocean acidification research
Ciência Vitae
Influence of elevated CO2 concentrations on cell division and nitrogen fixation rates in the bloom-forming cyanobacterium Nodularia spumigena
Czerny, J
SOLAS Open Science Conference
Ciência Vitae
Responses of selected species of marine phytoplankton to changes in CO2 and light.
Barcelos e Ramos, Joana
Ciência Vitae
Influence of future CO2 concentrations on growth and nitrogen fixation in the bloom-forming cyanobacterium Nodularia spumigena
Czerny, J
: 2nd Symposium on the Ocean in a High-CO2 World
Ciência Vitae
Short-term response of the coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi to an abrupt change in seawater pCO2
Barcelos e Ramos, Joana; et al
2nd Symposium on the Ocean in a High-CO2 World
Ciência Vitae
Effect of rising atmospheric carbon dioxide on the marine nitrogen fixer Trichodesmium
Viral activation and recruitment of metacaspases in the unicellular coccolithophore, Emiliania huxleyi
Bidle, K
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Effects of atmospheric carbon dioxide on nitrogen fixation by the marine cyanobacterium Trichodesmium spp.
Barcelos e Ramos, Joana; et al
European Geosciences Union General Assembly
Ciência Vitae
Preliminary work of phytoplankton in the near shore of São Miguel- Açores.
Barcelos e Ramos, Joana
Ciência Vitae
3 Research Projects
Comissão Europeia - Comunidade Europeia da Energia Atómica
Nuclear observations to improve Climate Research and GHG emission estimates
Direção Regional da Ciência e da Tecnologia
• PO Açores 2020 - FEDER
Phytoplankton-bacteria interactions: from coexistence to coevolution in a changing ocean
Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia
Response of phytoplankton communities in the Northeast Atlantic Subtropical Gyre to increased CO2 concentrations and consequent changes in the carbon system in the ocean - Azores (ROPICO2)
0 Services Provisions
Não existem prestações de serviço
2009/12/15 |
Outro PhD Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Alemanha (TESE/DISSERTAÇÃO) "Responses of selected species of marine phytoplankton to changes in CO2 and light" |
2003 |
Licenciatura Marine Biology Universidade dos Açores, Portugal (TESE/DISSERTAÇÃO) "Preliminary work of phytoplankton in the near shore of São Miguel - Azores" |
Áreas de Conhecimento
Joana Barcelos e Ramos completed her Licenciatura in Marine Biology in 2003 by the University of the Azores and later her PhD in 2009/12/15 by the Christian-Albrechts-Universität / GEOMAR (Kiel). She is involved in the management of IITAA (Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Research and Technology) since 2014, being presently the Institute's Sub-director. Contracted Researcher at the University of hte Azores, she is also the Vice-Presidente da Assembleia Geral of AEAI (Associação para o Estudo do Ambiente Insular). Published 17 articles in journals and 2 sections of books. She has organized 5 eventsand participated in 29. Co-supervised 2 PhD thesis, 3 MSc dissertations, supervised 1 work of course completion of LSc/BSc. Has received 4 awards and/or honors. Participates and/or participated as Other in 2 project(s), PhD Student Fellow in 1 project(s), Post-doc Fellow in 1 project(s), Principal investigator in 2 project(s), Researcher in 4 project(s) and Supervisor in 1 project(s). Works in the area(s) of Natural sciences with emphasis on Biological Sciences with emphasis on Marine Biology. In his curriculum Ciência Vitae the most frequent terms in the context of scientific, technological and artistic-cultural output are: Phytoplankton; Marine bacteria; Ocean acidification .