Paulo Gonçalves Miranda Agria Torres
torres, paulo | paulo torres
My experience and knowledge on marine sciences, particularly in marine biology and ecology, conservation and biodiversity fields, is reflected in the dozens of publications, including scientific articles, published in international journals, book chapters, reports and other publications and general outreach presentations (non-scientific). Over the last 15 years, I have also had the opportunity to participate in various international, national and regional projects.
R&D Entities
CIBIO-A - Centro de Investigação em Biodiversidade e Recursos Genéticos
Perfis Externos
Áreas de Conhecimento
Financing Entities
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of 48 Publicações
Echoes of life: unveiling the cryptic legacy of Megabalanus azoricus dead shells on epibiont assemblages
Unveiling Microplastic Abundance and Distribution in an Oceanic Island: Offshore Depository or Local Pollution Indicator
Environmental Impact of Cadmium in a Volcanic Archipelago: Research Challenges Related to a Natural Pollution Source
Environmental coastal research: a systematic review for Azores and Cabo Verde, two peripherical Macaronesian archipelagos
Larrea, Ander; Torres, Paulo; Seijo, Cristina; Ventura, Maria Anunciação; Costa, Ana Cristina; Parente, Manuela Isabel; Lopes, Evandro; Castaño, Danko; Botelho, Andrea Zita
Frontiers in Marine Science
Human–Shark Interactions: Citizen Science Potential in Boosting Shark Research on Madeira Island
The potential of coasteering as a coastal touristic product: the case of the Azores
Torres, Paulo; Botelho, A
Nature-based Tourism and Wellbeing: Impacts and Future Outlook
Ciência Vitae
An approach to Seascape assessment: touristic, conservation and education perspectives
Botelho, A
Spring Seminar 2022 - BIOISLE
Ciência Vitae
Canyoning: uma Actividade Emergente de Turismo de Natureza com Grande Potencial nos Açores
Botelho, A
Turismo Náutico. A gestão sustentável dos recursos hídricos-fluviais, culturais e naturais
Ciência Vitae
Canyoning: uma Atividade Emergente de Turismo de Natureza com Grande Potencial nos Açores
Botelho, Andrea Zita; Torres, Paulo; Costa, Ana Cristina; Ventura, Maria Anunciação; Silva, Francisco
TURISMO NÁUTICO: a gestão sustentável dos recursos hídrico-fluviais, culturais e naturais
Ciência Vitae
Risk assessment of coastal fisheries in the Azores (north-eastern Atlantic)
Programa de Monitorização de Recursos e Ambientes Costeiros dos Açores
Torres, Paulo
Ciência Vitae
Risk assessment of coastal fisheries in the north-eastern Atlantic Azores
Torres, Paulo
Ciência Vitae
Coastal Fisheries Resources of the Azores: an X-Ray
Torres, Paulo
Ciência Vitae
Coastal Fisheries Resources of the Azores: an X-Ray. Technical Report 1.1 of the MoniCO Program
Torres, Paulo; Milla-Figueras, David; Diogo, Hugo; Afonso, Pedro
Ciência Vitae
Pliocene and Late Pleistocene actinopterygian fishes from Santa Maria Island, Azores (NE Atlantic Ocean): palaeoecological and palaeobiogeographical implications
Pliocene and Late-Pleistocene actinopterygian fishes from Santa Maria Island (Azores: NE Atlantic Ocean): systematics, palaeoecology and palaeobiogeography
The Azorean edible abalone Haliotis tuberculata, an alternative heavy metal-free marine resource?
The big five; Espécies costeiras emblemáticas com estatuto de proteção
Torres, Paulo
Açores magazine
Ciência Vitae
Bathoidea (raias e jamantas) Recursos vivos ao serviço do Homem e da saúde dos Oceanos
Torres, Paulo
Açores magazine
Ciência Vitae
Dead or alive: The growing importance of shark diving in the Mid-Atlantic region
Elasmobranchii (sharks and rays), a potential resource to protect in the Azores?
Torres, Paulo
Ciência Vitae
Mergulho com tubarões nos Açores: uma alternativa sustentável?
Torres, Paulo
Açores magazine
Ciência Vitae
Mid-Atlantic elasmobranchs: Suitable metal scouts?
Bioaccumulation of metals and PCBs in Raja clavata
Heavy metal content in two commercially important tuna species from an active volcanic region in the Mid-Atlantic Ocean
Torres, Paulo; Rodrigues, Armindo dos Santos; Cabral L
Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology
Ciência Vitae
Metal Concentrations in Two Commercial Tuna Species from an Active Volcanic Region in the Mid-Atlantic Ocean
The elasmobranch fisheries of the Azores
Non-indigenous species in Portuguese coastal areas, coastal lagoons, estuaries and islands
Elasmobranchii (tubarões e raias): um recurso dos Açores a proteger
Rodrigues, Armindo dos Santos; Torres, Paulo; Rui Coelho; da Cunha, Regina Tristao
Livro de Atas - Jornadas "Ciência nos Açores. Que Futuro?
Ciência Vitae
Trophic ecology and bioindicator potential of the North Atlantic tope shark
Tubarões e raias Um recurso dos Açores a proteger?
Torres, Paulo
Açores magazine
Ciência Vitae
New alien barnacles in the Azores and some remarks on the invasive potential of Balanidae
Enhancing carcass removal trials at three wind energy facilities in Portugal
Torres, Paulo
Wildlife Biology in Practice
Ciência Vitae
Espécies exóticas e invasoras em meios aquáticos nos Açores
Costa, Ana Cristina; Pedro M
Prevenção e Controlo de Espécies Invasoras
Ciência Vitae
Monitoring anthropogenic sewage pollution on mangrove creeks in southern Mozambique: A test of Palaemon concinnus Dana, 1852 (Palaemonidae) as a biological indicator
Contributo para a Inventariação da Biodiversidade Marinha da Ilha de Santa Maria.
Torres, Paulo
Ciência Vitae
Espécies exóticas invasoras marinhas da ilha de Santa Maria, Açores
Espécies exóticas invasoras marinhas de Santa Maria, Açores
Torres, Paulo
Ciência Vitae
Invasões nos Açores a ameaça das espécies exóticas marinhas
Torres, Paulo
Açoriano Oriental
Ciência Vitae
List of coastal marine invertebrates
Torres, Paulo
List of terrestrial and marine Biota from the Azores
Ciência Vitae
Comparison of fecundity, embryo loss and fatty acid composition of mangrove crab species in sewage contaminated and pristine mangrove habitats in Mozambique
Fecundity and brood loss in four species of fiddler crabs, genus Uca (Brachyura: Ocypodidae), in the mangroves of Inhaca Island, Mozambique
Fatty acids dynamics during embryonic development in genus Uca (Brachyura: Ocypodidae), from the mangroves of Inhaca Island, Mozambique
Reproductive biology and egg quality in the genus Uca (Brachyura: Ocypodidade) in the mangroves of Inhaca Island, Mozambique
Torres, Paulo
Ciência Vitae
Species composition, comparative size and abundance of the genus Littoraria (Gastropoda: Littorinidae) from different mangrove strata along the East African coast
Population structure and egg production of the seagrass shrimp hippolyte kraussiana stimpson, 1860 (decapoda: Hippolytidae) at inhaca island, mozambique
Population structure, fecundity and embryo loss of the sea grass shrimp Latreutes pymoeus (Decapoda: Hippolytidae) at Inhaca Island, Mozambique
Penha-Lopes, G
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom
0 Research Projects
Não existem projetos
1 Service Provision
2021/12/06 - 2021/12/10 |
Outro Workshop on Multivariate Analysis in Ecology Plymouth Marine Laboratory, Reino Unido |
2016 - 2016 |
Outro Divemaster SSI - Scuba Schools International, Portugal |
2012/11/01 - 2017/10/02 |
Doutoramento Marine Biology and Ecology Universidade dos Açores Centro de Investigação em Biodiversidade e Recursos Genéticos, Portugal (TESE/DISSERTAÇÃO) "Elasmobranchii (sharks and rays), a potential resource to protect in the Azores?" |
2005/09/01 - 2008/03/12 |
Mestrado Pré-Bolonha Evaluation and Management of Marine Resources Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências, Portugal (TESE/DISSERTAÇÃO) "Reproductive biology and egg quality in the genus Uca (Brachyura: Ocypodidade) in the mangroves of Inhaca Island, Mozambique" |
2004 |
Outro Open Water Diver PADI: Professional Association of Diving Instructors, Portugal |
2000/09/09 - 2005/07/19 |
Licenciatura Marine Biology Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências, Portugal |
Áreas de Conhecimento
My experience and knowledge on marine sciences, particularly in marine biology and ecology, conservation and biodiversity fields, is reflected in the dozens of publications, including scientific articles, published in international journals, book chapters, reports and other publications and general outreach presentations (non-scientific). Over the last 15 years, I have also had the opportunity to participate in various international, national and regional projects. On a more personal level, I completed a Master's thesis and a PhD thesis successfully, worked as a scientific consultant for some companies and was the leading editor of an international journal focused on aquarium, marine biology and conservation. In addition to these qualifications, I have extensive diving experience, including participation in some scientific expeditions. My academic and scientific background has contributed to developing my knowledge and sensitivity regarding the importance of marine biodiversity and its conservation, coupled with the complexity of its sustainable management and the variety of marine ecosystems that support it. I also had the opportunity to participate actively in the international PUMPSEA project "Peri-urban mangrove forests as filters and potential phytoremediators of domestic sewage in East Africa", which addressed domestic pollution. Already in the Azores, I participated in the INSPECT project "Exotic marine species introduced in Portuguese estuaries and coastal zones: patterns of distribution and abundance, vectors and invasion potential", also linked to pollution and its biological consequences to marine ecosystems. Over the last years, I continued to focus my research in projects concerning human impacts on marine ecosystems, including pollution, fisheries, tourism, and more recently climate change.
R&D Entities
CIBIO-A - Centro de Investigação em Biodiversidade e Recursos Genéticos
Financing Entities