Acronym:Plano Áreas Florestais
Cost Center:167
Title:Plan to Promote the Multifunctionality of Forest Areas in the Azores and Support for New Management Models for the Promotion of Biodiversity and Environmental Services
Start-End:01-11-2011 - 31-12-2011
Beneficiary Entity:Fundação Gaspar Frutuoso
Gestores da FGF: Matilde Pereira
Responsible Researcher:Eduardo Manuel Ferreira Dias
Organic Units:FCAA - Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e do Ambiente
R&D Units:CBA - Centro de Biotecnologia dos Açores
Total Financing:74.900,00
DRRF:74.900,00 (100.0 %)
Service Provision Description:

Plan to Promote the Multifunctionality of Forest Areas in the Azores and Support for New Management Models for the Promotion of Biodiversity and Environmental Services  
