Cost Center:319
Title:Overseas History Center_UAc
Start-End:11-06-2012 - ---
Beneficiary Entity:Fundação Gaspar Frutuoso
Gestores da FGF: Bruno Machado, Matilde Pereira
Responsible Researcher:Susana Paula Franco Serpa Silva
Organic Units:FCSH - Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas
R&D Units:CHAM - Centro de História d' Aquém e d' Além Mar
Total Financing:921,51
MPDL:921,51 (100.0 %)
Município de Ponta Delgada (100.0 %)921,51 €
Service Provision Description:

The present provision of services is based on the Overseas History Center (CHAM) so that they can issue receipts for subsidies and registration in activities promoted by the centre.
