Acronym:LIFE CWR - Monit. Comunidades Briófitos
Cost Center:608
Title:Ecological Restoration and Conservation of the Wet Green Coastal Infrastructure of Praia da Vitória within the scope of the LIFE project - Monitoring of Bryophyte Communities
Start-End:22-07-2016 - 22-07-2019
Beneficiary Entity:Fundação Gaspar Frutuoso
Gestores da FGF: Bruno Machado, Fábio Sousa
Responsible Researcher:Rosalina Maria De Almeida Gabriel
Organic Units:FCAA - Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e do Ambiente
R&D Units:GBA-cE3c - Grupo de Biodiversidade dos Açores
Total Financing:5.508,47
Outras Fontes de Financiamento:5.508,47 (100.0 %)
Service Provision Description:

The purpose of this provision of services is the “Ecological Restoration and Conservation of the Coastal Humid Green Infrastructure of Praia da Vitória within the scope of the LIFE Project – Monitoring of Bryophyte Communities” requested by the Praia da Vitória City Council.