Cost Center:780
Title:Technical-scientific support in the coordination of the MOVE project (Facilitating MAES to support regional policy in OVerseas Europe: mobilizing stakeholders and pooling resources
Start-End:08-08-2018 - 31-03-2021
Beneficiary Entity:Fundação Gaspar Frutuoso
Gestores da FGF: Bruno Machado, Fábio Sousa
Responsible Researcher:Artur José Freire Gil
Organic Units:FCT - Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
R&D Units:GBA-cE3c - Grupo de Biodiversidade dos Açores
Total Financing:1.060.781,10
Outras Fontes de Financiamento:1.060.781,10 (100.0 %)
Service Provision Description:

This provision of services covers the scientific coordination of the project, which aims to (1) create a collaborative network of local agents in RUPs and PTUMs with continental teams in order to ( 2) mobilize stakeholders in identifying priorities for Ecosystem Services Mapping and (3) collaborate on the development of case studies to respond to these priorities.