Cost Center:843
Title:Valuation and Development Study of Conteira Products
Start-End:26-02-2019 - 31-03-2021
Beneficiary Entity:Fundação Gaspar Frutuoso
Gestores da FGF: Bruno Machado, Fábio Sousa
Responsible Researcher:Helena Cristina de Sousa Pereira Meneses e Vasconcelos
Organic Units:FCAA - Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e do Ambiente
R&D Units:IITAA - Instituto de Investigação em Tecnologias Agrárias e do Ambiente
Total Financing:54.400,00
Outras Fontes de Financiamento:54.400,00 (100.0 %)
Service Provision Description:

This provision of services aims to:

  1. Study of the Chemical, Physical, Mechanical and Thermal properties of the leaves and stems of the conda;
  2. Preparation of technical-scientific and/or dissemination articles/reports;
  3. Organization/participation in national or international meetings/meetings within the scope of valorization and development of container products (Hedychium_gardnerianum).