Acronym: | MONITAIA |
Cost Center: | 998 |
Title: | Operational Monitoring of Inland and Transitional Water Bodies in the Azores Hydrographic Region |
Start-End: | 09-06-2020 - 08-06-2023 |
Beneficiary Entity: | Fundação Gaspar Frutuoso |
Gestores da FGF: | Bruno Machado, Matilde Pereira |
Responsible Researcher: | VÍtor Manuel da Costa Gonçalves |
Organic Units: | FCT - Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia |
R&D Units: | CIBIO-A - Centro de Investigação em Biodiversidade e Recursos Genéticos |
Total Financing: | 169.921,68 |
INOVA: | 169.921,68 (100.0 %) |
Service Provision Description:
This provision of services aims to carry out the physical-chemical, biological and microbiological monitoring of the relevant inland and transitional water bodies that make up the Hydrographic Region of the Azores, as well as in the toxicological monitoring of Lagoa do Fogo, Lagoa do Canário and the lagoons designated as Vulnerable in the Azores Hydrographic Region, including research, identification and quantification of toxins associated with the development of cyanobacteria.
The FGF/UAc team will be responsible for biological and toxicological monitoring, including participation in sampling (mission costs will be borne by INOVA), carrying out the analysis of the quality biological and toxicological elements and data analysis to determine the status of water bodies.