Acronym: | M3.4.B/ORG EVENTOS/075/2020 |
Cost Center: | 1012 |
Operation Code: | M3.4.B/ORG EVENTOS/075/2020 |
Title: | Speak Science? Communicating Science in the Azores - 4th edition |
Start-End: | 01-07-2020 - 31-12-2021 |
Entidade Beneficiária Principal: | Fundação Gaspar Frutuoso |
Gestores da FGF: | Gonçalo Goulart, Paula Oliveira |
Responsible Researcher: | Isabel Maria Amorim do Rosário |
Organic Units: | FCAA - Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e do Ambiente |
R&D Units: | GBA-cE3c - Grupo de Biodiversidade dos Açores |
Entidade | Montante |
Total Financing | 2.496,94 € |
Direção Regional da Ciência e da Tecnologia (100.0 %) | 2.496,94 € |
Direção Regional da Ciência e da Tecnologia (100.0 %) | 2.496,94 € |
Main Objectives:
With this project we intend to hold the 4th edition of the science communication event “Fala Ciência? Communicating Science in the Azores”, composed of a competition for science and technology presentations, a Masterclass in science communication and several parallel lectures. Thus, it is hoped to continue the success of the three previous editions, projecting a greater involvement of partners and participants in the dissemination of the various project initiatives and their results after the end of the activities. In addition to the competition, which will take place in an artistic communication space par excellence, in the Alpendre room – Grupo de Teatro, it is intended to take advantage of the guest speakers and members of the jury – Marta Massada, João Mesquita, Luís Reis and Joana Lobo Antunes to promote parallel science communication actions on Terceira Island, namely at the Angra do Heroísmo Science Center, at the University of the Azores, at Secondary Schools and at the Luís da Silva Ribeiro Public Library, where lectures and conversations with the guests. A Masterclass in science communication is also planned for competitors, but open to the general public, at the University of the Azores, as in previous editions. The “Speak Science? Communicating Science in the Azores” (contest, Masterclass and parallel communication initiatives) are intended to contribute to combating scientific and technological illiteracy, and to provide skills in science communication. It is intended to take science and technology outside academia/research institutions, create learning opportunities in informal environments, challenging students and citizens in general to participate, as competitors sharing a science or technology theme, or as an audience, watching to communications. The event will be held during the National Science and Technology Week, at the end of November, and will integrate the fortnight/month celebrations of Science and Technology promoted by the Government of the Azores, through the Regional Directorate for Science and Technology and Network of Science Centers. of the Azores. This project requires financial support for the travel and accommodation of invited speakers/jury members, for the publicity of the event and for the acquisition of prizes for the four best classified in the competition (3 best presentations chosen by the jury and the best chosen by the public) . This year, given the COVID-19 pandemic situation, we will have an extra challenge in organizing the event, which will take place according to the indications of the national and regional health entities at the time of the event.
Project Description:
Like the previous editions, the following publicity of the event is planned: Local media (Diário Insular, Rádio Club de Angra, RDP-RTP-Azores, VITEC, Agenda Municipal Angrense; Agenda Cultural dos Açores); posters and flyers in public places on Terceira Island, Secondary Schools and the University of the Azores; billboard announcing the event at the entrance of the Alpendre theater where the contest takes place; mailinglists, newsletters and internet pages and social networks managed by the organizers and partners (Group of Biodiversity of the Azores, University of the Azores and Network of Science Centers of the Azores - Science Center of Angra do Heroísmo).