Fundação Luso-Americana para o Desenvolvimento
Acronym:Éticas Aplicadas
Cost Center:1199
Title:"Applied Ethics" collection with the publication of two new volumes, "Psychology" and "Nutrition"
Start-End:05-02-2024 - 30-06-2024
Entidade Beneficiária Principal:Fundação Gaspar Frutuoso
Gestores da FGF: Matilde Pereira
Responsible Researcher:Maria do Céu Patrão Neves de Frias Martins
Organic Units:FCSH - Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas
Fundação Luso-Americana para o Desenvolvimento (100.0 %)10.000,00 €
Main Objectives:

The editorial project "Éticas Aplicadas", constituted a first project that took place between 2016 and 2018, also financed by FLAD, under which 12 volumes were produced in the field of interface between technical-scientific progress, namely: "Ethics: dos Fundamentals practices"; "Ethics: Applied: Social Communication"; "International relations"; "Politics"; "Health"; "Animals"; "Environment"; "New technologies"; "Scientific Research"; "Economy"; "Social service"; "Education". This project now begins a new stage with the publication of two new volumes: one dedicated to Psychology and the other to Nutrition, two areas with a growing number of professionals (and students) and a thematic scope of transversal interest in educated Portuguese society, by which has the potential for wide reception. In fact, these two new volumes, in addition to their autonomous value, will also provide an opportunity to relaunch the other volumes in the collection.

Project Description:

The editorial project "Éticas Aplicadas", constituted a first project that took place between 2016 and 2018, also financed by FLAD, under which 12 volumes were produced in the field of interface between technical-scientific progress, namely: "Ethics: dos Fundamentals practices"; "Ethics: Applied: Social Communication"; "International relations"; "Politics"; "Health"; "Animals"; "Environment"; "New technologies"; "Scientific Research"; "Economy"; "Social service"; "Education". This project now begins a new stage with the publication of two new volumes: one dedicated to Psychology and the other to Nutrition, two areas with a growing number of professionals (and students) and a thematic scope of transversal interest in educated Portuguese society, by which has the potential for wide reception. In fact, these two new volumes, in addition to their autonomous value, will also provide an opportunity to relaunch the other volumes in the collection.