Cost Center:1224
Title:Migrations, Aging and Diasporas: Challenges and Perspectives
Start-End:29-07-2024 - 31-12-2024
Entidade Beneficiária Principal:Fundação Gaspar Frutuoso
Gestores da FGF: Gonçalo Goulart, Matilde Pereira
Responsible Researcher:Ana Cristina Pires Palos
Organic Units:FCSH - Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas
R&D Units:CICS.NOVA.UAc - Centro Interdisciplinar de Ciências Sociais
EntidadeFundação Gaspar Frutuoso
Total Financing2.000,00 €
Direção Regional da Ciência, Inovação e Desenvolvimento (100.0 %)2.000,00 €
Main Objectives:

1. Reflect on aging processes and migration in contemporary societies; 2. Discuss aging processes of Azorean emigrants in the diaspora, particularly in terms of social integration processes and social support in host societies; 3. Recognize the diversity of experiences and identities within the elderly emigrant population in the diaspora, considering issues such as gender, religion and socioeconomic status, among others; 4. Discuss international strategies and good practices designed to promote the active inclusion of migrant elderly people, encouraging their participation in cultural, educational, economic and community activities. 5. Promote the exchange of knowledge and experiences between scientists, professionals from different areas and members of the community interested in the topic.

Project Description:

The International seminar entitled “Migrations, Aging and Diasporas: Challenges and Perspectives” closes the research project “Identities and Life Trajectories of Azorean Emigrant Elderly People in Canada" (Identities 65+). The project's focus context was Toronto, a of the cities that have attracted the most Azorean emigrants since 1953, meaning that today there is a large concentration of first-generation Azorean emigrants who are in an advanced aging phase and who can convey the feeling of the migratory processes, based on their experiences. The main research objectives are aimed at characterizing the aging processes in people who, throughout their life trajectory, have experienced discontinuous socio-geographical (linguistic and cultural) contexts and understanding their representations about the process of social integration in the host country. In addition to the project team, the seminar also features the collaboration of prominent personalities from the Azorean diaspora, from Canada and the United States, and national experts who have reflected on migratory phenomena.

