Sandro Nuno Ferreira De Serpa
Entidades de I&D
FCSH - Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas
CICS.NOVA.UAc - Centro Interdisciplinar de Ciências Sociais
Perfis Externos
Áreas de Conhecimento
Entidades Financiadoras
Direção Regional da Ciência, Inovação e Desenvolvimento
Direção Regional da Ciência e da Tecnologia
Partilhar este perfil:
de 286 Publicações
The COVID-19 pandemic as an opportunity to foster the sustainable development of teaching in higher education
Caracterização da dinâmica demográfica recente dos Açores e das qualificações da população. Cenários de evolução até 2030 e estratégias para o desenvolvimento económico, social e recuperação populacional das ilhas açorianas [Characterization of the recent demographic dynamics of the Azores and population qualifications. Scenarios of evolution until 2030 and strategies for the economic, social...]
Síntese conclusiva [Conclusive synthesis]. In Caracterização da dinâmica demográfica recente dos Açores e cenários de evolução até 2030. Estratégias para o desenvolvimento económico, social e recuperação populacional das ilhas açorianas [Characterization of the recent demographic dynamics of the Azores and population qualifications. Scenarios of evolution until 2030 and strategies...]".
Artificial Intelligence as Author of Scientific Publications
Attraction policies for digital nomads: some emerging issues
Cultura organizacional e estabilidade do corpo docente na promoção do sucesso educativo. Estudo de caso numa escola dos Açores.
Education and Digital Societies for a Sustainable World
Education and digital societies for a sustainable world (Reprint of articles from the Topic)
The Lessons of Pandemics
Artificial Intelligence and Higher Education
Coesão social, cidadania e sustentabilidade
Metaverse as a Learning Environment: Some Considerations
Netnography and Nethnography: Challenges and Opportunities
Populações, desigualdades e ação pública
Sociological Portraits: A Heuristic Tool
Sociological portraits: a heuristic tool.
Water Symbolics: Fresh, Salty and Sour Waters in The Azores
Water symbolics: fresh, salty and sour waters in the Azores.
Challenges of Post-COVID-19 for a Sustainably Developed Society
Citizen Science in the Promotion of Sustainability
Citizen Science in the Promotion of Sustainability: The Importance of Smart Education for Smart Societies
Da empresa ao colaborador : análise das relações de trabalho, satisfação e motivação dos colaboradores da Empresa Eletricidade dos Açores, S.A. (EDA, S.A.)
Digitainability and smart education.
Digital Organizational Culture
Digital Organizational Culture: Contributions to a Definition and Future Challenges
Healthcare Management in a Digital Society
Higher Education as a Promoter of Soft Skills in a Sustainable Society 5.0
Metaverse as a learning environment
Social Sciences and Inequalities in the New Post-COVID-19 “Normal”
Trust in Higher Education Management and Organizational Culture
COVID-19 Stigma and Charismatic Social Relationship: A Legitimization Narrative of President Trump's Status as a Charismatic Leader following a SARS-CoV-2 Infection Reported by the Portuguese Media
COVID-19 Stigma and Charismatic Social Relationship: A Legitimization Narrative of President Trump’s Status as a Charismatic Leader following a SARS-CoV-2 Infection Reported by the Portuguese Media
COVID-19 and social sciences
Covid-19 and scientific literacy
Covid-19 and stigmatisation processes
Covid-19 stigma and charismatic social relationship
Digitainability-Digital Competences Post-COVID-19 for a Sustainable Society
Digital Literacy in Digital Society 5.0
Digital Literacy in Digital Society 5.0: Some Challenges.
Digital Society and Digital Sociology
Digital literacy in digital society 5.0: Some challenges
Enquadramento Normativo na Organização
Future anticipation in sociology
Future of scholarly publishing
Interdependencies between COVID-19, mental illness and living uneasiness
Pestis: The Collective Challenges of Epidemics
Science represented in newspapers in the Constitutional Monarchy and the 1st Republic. A study in Faial island, the Azores, Portugal
Science represented in newspapers in the constitutional monarchy and the 1st republic
Sociological portraits: Some considerations.
Sociology and Education in an Academic Career
The COVID-19 contagion-pandemic dyad: A view from social sciences
The Informal in the Formal of Organizations
The Informal in the Formal of Organizations: The Organizational Structure in Sociological Analysis
The Relationship between Basic Education and Higher Education in a Pandemic Context: The Portuguese Situation
The academic supervisor of higher education students' final projects: A gatekeeper of quality?
Tourism and Cultural Interaction: A Paradoxical Relationship
Tourism and Human Rights
Tourism and cultural interaction
Tourism and human rights: a complex relationship
Uma análise econômica do contencioso tributário brasileiro
"New" normal: A Covid-19 paradox
20 years in the academia: A selection of works
A high-quality journal for a digital society
Academic profession and digital communication
Arts and social studies research
Blended learning: The flexibility of distance learning
COVID-19 and higher education institutions
COVID-19 and the promotion of digital competences in education
COVID-19 and trust in organizations". Trabalho apresentado em 23rd International Conference on Multidisciplinary Studies: "Resilience for Survival
COVID-19 as a booster of the digital society
COVID-19. New and old social inequalities
COVID-19: Physical distance and not social distance
Challenges for the academic editor in the scientific publication
Comparison in Sociology
Contagions and Social Sustainability: Domains, Challenges and Sanitary Devices
Contagions: Domains, challenges and health devices
Contributions of Ivan Illich to education in a digital society
Contributions of Ivan Illich to education in a digital society: Advanced study
Contributions to an organisational analysis: The Disadvantaged Childhood's Asylum of Horta/O Asilo de Infância Desvalida da Horta.
Corona cool parties: A sociological look
Covid-19. Contagion and stigmatization
Critical literacy and literacies
Cultural dimension in internationalization of the curriculum in higher education
Desigualdades sociais. Educação. Territórios
Digital in organizations
Digital literacy and the fostering of development in the ultraperipheral regions
Digital society and social dynamics
Digitalisation of organisations and COVID-19
Dissemination of knowledge in the digital society
Educational processes and social analysis
Flipped classroom for an active learning
From schooling to education: the contemporary potential of Ivan Illich's proposal
Heuristic potentials of the sociological imagination
Higher education and COVID-19
Higher education in times of change
Higher education in times of change: An overview
Illich, Ivan
Impacts of COVID-19 on higher education
Improvement of the effectiveness and efficiency of the school by mobilizing digital tools
Industry 4.0
Inequalities in the digital society and sociology
International Conference on Challenges & Opportunities in the post-COVID-19 Era (CO-PCE: 2020)
Ivan Illich: Contributions to education in a digital society
Leadership in the formation of an organization
Leadership in the formation of an organization: An overview
Learning transversal competences in the digital society
Literacies, critical literacy and sociology
Literacy: Promoting sustainability in a digital society
Memórias fotográficas do Asilo de Infância Desvalida da Horta. Portugal
Mobile applications and Covid-19 pandemic control
Mobility in the internationalisation of higher education institutions
Mobilization of the classics in sociology
Organizational culture leadership
Organizational culture trending and resolution
Organizational learning culture in effective improvement of educational organizations
Pandemics: A sociological look
Personal argumention in the scholarly publication
Photographic memories of Asilo de Infância Desvalida da Horta. Portugal
Photography in social science research
População ativa nos Açores - Qualificações e emprego. Contexto europeu e nacional [Active population in the Azores - Qualifications and employment. European and national context]".
Post COVID-19 and digital consolidation
Process of accelerating academic publications on COVID-19: Advantages and limitations
Prospective in social sciences
Publishing at any cost?
Publishing at any cost? The need for the improvement of the quality of scholarly publications
Qualificações da população ativa dos Açores: Fomentar um desenvolvimento regional sustentável
Scholar's online organizational engagement and its consequences for higher education sustainability
Scholar’s Online Organizational Engagement and its Consequences for Higher Education Sustainability
Science communication and online social networks: Challenges and opportunities
Scientific research and dissemination
Social Media Centrality in Identity (Re)construction in Higher Education
Social Representations of the Disadvantaged Childhood's Asylum of Horta in the Press (Azores, Portugal)
Social Space of Health and Health Tourism
Social order and social networks
Social representations of the Disadvantaged Childhood's Asylum of Horta in the press (Azores, Portugal): From the Constitutional Monarchy to the First Republic
Social sciences, digital and COVID-19
Social space of health and health tourism: The children's bathing colony O Século
Society 5.0 and social sciences
Society 5.0 and sociology
Society 5.0: A political-ideological concept". Trabalho apresentado em 23rd International Conference on Multidisciplinary Studies: "Resilience for Survival
Sociological imagination
Sociological readings of social dynamics
Sociology and COVID-19: Scholarship of teaching and teaching of sociology
Sociology and digital inequalities
Sociology and digital literacy
Sociology of organizations, challenges and opportunities
Sociology, society and open access
Sociology: Challenges and reflections
Sociology: Tension between science and militant activism?
Some issues on the funding of the scientific publication in open access
Special Issue "COVID-19 and Social Sciences"
Special Issue "Challenges of post-COVID-19 for a sustainable development society"
Special Issue "The academic profession: Potentials and constraints"
Special Issue "The role of sociology in evaluating the impact of scientific production"
Specialization or fragmentation of sociology: Scientific, academic, and professional challenges
Stigmatization processes in SARS-CoV-2 infected patients
Sustainability and digital as challenges of sociology
Sustainability digital innovations
Sustainability literacy
Teaching and learning sociology in higher education
Teaching sociology in a digital world
Teaching sustainability competences through participatory action-research
The COVID-19 Contagion-Pandemic Dyad
The evaluation in distance education
The generational effect on coronavirus representations
The global crisis brought about by SARS-CoV-2 and its impacts on education: An overview of the Portuguese panorama
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in the Portuguese school
The potential of organisations' SWOT diagnostic assessment
Topical collection "Digital processes in social, cultural and ecological conservation"
What is an internship report?
What is an internship report? Contributions to the construction of its meaning.
Writing in science
(Un)professionalisation or (Re)professionalisation of the Academic in the Brave New World?
Alienation on social media
Authentizotic organizations and digital societies
Consolidation and challenges
Dialogues between sociology and history
Digital literacy
Evaluating the flipped classroom approach in Asian higher education: Perspectives from students and teachers
Exploring open space: A self-directed learning approach for higher education
Exploring sociology of education in the promotion of sustainability literacy in higher education
Micro, meso and macro levels of social analysis
Organizational culture
Rationalization and bureaucracy: Ideal-type bureacracy by Max Weber
Reading on paper and scrolling text on a screen in academic learning
Scientific publication and preprint
Socialization: A key concept in social sciences
Society 5.0
Society 5.0 and sustainability digital innovations: A social process
Sociology and history
Sociology as Scientific Knowledge
Sociology of organizations
Sociology of organizations: Potential and challenges
Special Issue "Citizen science in digital societies"
Special Issue "Tourism, human rights, social responsibility and sustainability"
The Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Journal Collection
The concept of bureaucracy by Max Weber
The sociologist's professional identity: Contributions to its analysis
Virtual and Face-To-Face Academic Conferences
Virtual and face-to-face academic conferences: Comparison and potentials
A Literacia Digital
A formação em competências transversais e a empregabilidade
A literacia digital [Digital literacy]
A reflection on sociology of education
Anomie in the sociological perspective of Émile Durkheim
Contemporary challenges for the academic
Electronic slideshow presentations in the higher education teaching and learning process
Goffman's backstage revisited: Conceptual relevance in contemporary social interactions
Ideal type in sociological research
Imitation in socialization processes. A perspective about Gabriel Tarde
Imitation in socialization processes. A perspective about Gabriel Tarde.
Informed consent in social sciences research: Ethical challenges
Intervenção e novas realidades sociais : Atas do IX Encontro Internacional de Inovação Educacional
On the concept of Total Institution
Online visibility, social networks and glamorous scientific publications
Participatory action research in higher education training
Publicising the Identified Peer-Reviewer: Legitimacy and Quality of the Scientific Publication
Quality and democraticity in scientific dissemination
Reflexivity in sociology
Society 5.0 and social development
Society 5.0 and social development: Contributions to a discussion
Sociological problem and social problem: Contributions to a discussion
Sociology of Education - Science Open Collection
Special Issue "Society 5.0: Innovation, uncertainty and social sciences"
Special Issue "The importance of sociology of education for a sustainable future"
The importance of preprint in scientific publication
The importance of preprint in scientific publication: Perspectives and challenges
Training models and practices in sociology
Transversal competences
Transversal competences: Their importance and learning processes by higher education students
Book review: Pensamento sociológico. Uma introdução didática às teorias clássicas [Sociological thought. A didactic introduction to classical theories]
Challenges in the teaching of sociology in higher education. Contributions to a discussion
Digital social network and legitimacy
Digital social network and legitimacy. The relevance of social visibility of scientific publications in the digital world
Fostering interdisciplinarity: Implications for social sciences
Memory in the celebration of organisational identity
Publicizing the peer reviewer: Legitimacy and quality of scientific publication.
Special Issue "Training Models and Practices in Sociology"
The Search for Financial Resources in the Establishment and Consolidation of an Institutionalised Organisation
The importance of promoting digital literacy in higher education
A sociological approach to institutional communication : the public image in organizational administration in education
An overview of the concept of organisational culture
Memory in the Celebration of Organizational Identity
Organization as an analytical level for investigation organizational culture
Religion in organizations : a study in a social organization in Portugal
Religion in organizations: A study of a social organization in Portugal
The International Journal of Diversity in Organizations, Communities and Nations: Annual Review
The International Journal of Organizational Diversity
The memory in the celebration of organizational identity
The mobilization of the formal normative rules in an educational institution : a sociological study in Portugal
The mobilization of the formal normative rules in an educational institution: A sociological study in Portugal
Action Learning and Action Research Journal
Autonomy in leadership : a case study of the founder's role in establishing an organization
Autonomy in leadership: A case study of the founder's role in establishing an organization
Evaluation of synergistic effect of kaurenoic acid derivatives with fluconazole a gainst strains of fluconazole-resistant Candida parapsilosis
Regulação e autonomia na procura de legitimidade na fundação do Asilo de Infância Desvalida da Horta
Special issue: Systems Thinking in Action Learning and Action Research
The Non-Sharing of Organizational Culture: A Case Study Examining the Management Perspective
The non-sharing of organizational culture : a case study examining the management perspective
A utilização de tipo ideal como estratégia metodológica na apreensão da cultura organizacional
Challenges of schooling : some questions about the role of school from the parental perspective
O contributo do conceito de instituição total para uma leitura empírica de um contexto educativo
Synergistic effect of the flavonoid catechin, quercetin, or epigallocatechin gallate with fluconazole induces apoptosis in Candida tropicalis resistant to fluconazole
Celebrações e linguagem na imagem do Asilo de Infância Desvalida da Horta, Portugal, 1858-1910 [Celebrations and language in the image of silo de Infância Desvalida da Horta, Portugal, 1858-1910]]
Dinâmicas nas (re)configurações da cultura organizacional : a Casa de Infância de Santo António (1858-2008)
The educational role of Irmãs Franciscanas Hospitaleiras da Imaculada Concepção [Hospitaller Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception] in Casa de Infância de Santo António [Santo António Childhood House] - Horta
Crescimento econômico no Estado do Maranhão: uma análise espacial dos dados para o período de 1991 a 2000
O género e a fratria nas estratégias educativas e investimento escolar de famílias desfavorecidas: um estudo com progenitores com a Doença de Machado-Joseph
As vivências dos doentes de Machado-Joseph: processos de socialização e de educação na gestão da identidade social
A doença de Machado-Joseph. Manipulação de uma identidade ameaçada num processo de erosão biográfica
A doença e a exclusão social. Um contributo para a compreensão da experimentação e das representações dos doentes de Machado-Joseph numa situação de ruptura das dinâmicas e processos de estruturação identitária
A doença e a exclusão social. Um contributo para a compreensão da experimentação e das representações dos doentes de Machado-Joseph numa situação de ruptura das dinâmicas e processos de estruturação identitária.
As práticas educativas e o investimento escolar das famílias com a Doença de Machado-Joseph num contexto de risco
Sociology of education for a sustainable future
4 Projetos de Investigação
Coesão social, cidadania e sustentabilidade
XIII Encontro de Sociologia dos Açores: Coesão social, cidadania e sustentabilidade
Sociology as Scientific Knowledge
XII Encontro de Sociologia dos Açores: Desigualdades Sociais - perspetivas e mudanças
0 Prestações de Serviço
Não existem prestações de serviço
2023 |
Mestrado Pré-Bolonha Ciências Económicas e Empresariais Especialização em Área de especialização: Recursos Humanos Universidade dos Açores Faculdade de Economia e Gestão, Portugal (TESE/DISSERTAÇÃO) "A beleza como elemento gerador de desigualdades no mercado de trabalho: uma análise empírica" |
2020 |
Outro Digital thinking International Business Management Institute, Alemanha |
2020 |
Outro Responses to Covid-19 – The lens from strategists British Academy of Management, Reino Unido |
2020 |
Outro Staying active and connected in research during the Covid-19 series British Academy of Management, Reino Unido |
2020 |
Outro Society 5.0, Entrepreneur 5.0, Investor 5.0, Wealth 5.0 Wealth Migrate, Global Wealth Group, Reino Unido |
2020 |
Outro Complexity and abundance – What higher education has learned from COVID19 IATED (International Academy of Technology, Education and Development), Espanha |
2020 |
Outro Plataforma edoclink: Funcionalidades básicas Universidade dos Açores, Portugal |
2020 |
Outro Understanding the societal impacts of COVID 19 University of Colorado Boulder Natural Hazards Center, Estados Unidos |
2020 |
Outro Back to school: Connecting students to scholarly research fast Web of Science Group, Estados Unidos |
2020 |
Outro What it means to be a highly cited researcher Web of Science Group, Estados Unidos |
2020 |
Outro Sustaining culture when everyone’s remote MIT Sloan Executive Education, Estados Unidos |
2020 |
Outro Demystifying demographic diversity in your organization MIT Sloan Executive Education, Estados Unidos |
2020 |
Outro How your research can make an impact on society Elsevier Researcher Academy, Alemanha |
2020 |
Outro Standing up for science Elsevier Researcher Academy, Alemanha |
2020 |
Outro Sociology on and beyond the COVID-19 crisis: An online symposium British Sociological Association, Reino Unido |
2020 |
Outro Responses from around the globe webinar American Anthropological Association, Estados Unidos |
2020 |
Outro How the social and behavioral sciences explain our reactions to COVID 19 American Psychological Association, Estados Unidos |
2020 |
Outro Managing teams through the Covid-19 crisis: Future of work, mental health and wellbeing British Academy of Management, Reino Unido |
2020 |
Outro Using social and behavioral science to support COVID 19 pandemic response American Psychological Association, Estados Unidos |
2020 |
Outro The future of education The Centre for Social Impact, Austrália |
2020 |
Outro The gendered effects of COVID-19 The Centre for Social Impact, Austrália |
2020 |
Outro Home learning during COVID 19 The Centre for Social Impact, Austrália |
2020 |
Outro Citizen science for social impact The Centre for Social Impact, Austrália |
2020 |
Outro Activating social connectedness - What, why and how during COVID-19 The Centre for Social Impact, Austrália |
2020 |
Outro Digital inclusion – Current challenges and future implications The Centre for Social Impact, Austrália |
2020 |
Outro As a sociologist, what strikes you the most about the COVID-19 crisis? Willamette University, Estados Unidos |
2020 |
Outro Make your organization a talent factory International Leadership Association, Estados Unidos |
2020 |
Outro Leadership perspectives International Leadership Association, Estados Unidos |
2020 |
Outro The new reality and impact of COVID-19 on higher education panel Coursera Virtual Conference, Estados Unidos |
2020 |
Outro Facebook and higher education partnerships Educause, Estados Unidos |
2020 |
Outro Getting beyond remote: Empowering ‘the next AI’ MIT Management Executive Education, Estados Unidos |
2020 |
Outro UC Berkeley executive education’s digital transformation: Leading people, data & technology University of California Berkeley Haas School of Business, Estados Unidos |
2020 |
Outro Overload and what we can do about it MIT Management Executive Education, Estados Unidos |
2020 |
Outro How not to manage in a crisis – And a few tips for managing better MIT Management Executive Education, Estados Unidos |
2020 |
Outro The world after COVID-19: Market trends under digital transformation IIoT Advantech, Taiwan |
2020 |
Outro OA editor conference - Plenary session Taylor & Francis Group, Reino Unido |
2020 |
Outro Combining IoT and augmented reality for business continuity and transformation MIT SMR Connections, Estados Unidos |
2020 |
Outro OA editor conference – Plenary session Taylor & Francis Group, Reino Unido |
2020 |
Outro Supporting international students through the Covid-19 crisis British Academy of Management, Reino Unido |
2020 |
Outro Transitioning to online teaching in the face of COVID-19 American Sociological Association, Estados Unidos |
2020 |
Outro Leadership and team development International Business Management Institute, Alemanha |
2020 |
Outro Innovation management program International Business Management Institute, Alemanha |
2020 |
Outro Change management International Business Management Institute, Alemanha |
2020 |
Outro Basics of innovation management International Business Management Institute, Alemanha |
2020 |
Outro Digital transformation International Business Management Institute, Alemanha |
2020 |
Outro What research are you missing? Tips for understanding the complete research landscape Web of Science Group, Estados Unidos |
2020 |
Outro Research data exposed Web of Science Group, Estados Unidos |
2019 |
Outro What’s new in APA style - Inside the Seventh Edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association American Psychological Association, Estados Unidos |
2019 |
Outro Publishing open access Elsevier Researcher Academy, Alemanha |
2019 |
Outro People-centered design principles for AI implementation MIT Sloan Management Review, Estados Unidos |
2019 |
Outro Rethinking ethics in the face of AI MERIT Leadership Community, Estados Unidos |
2019 |
Outro An editor’s guide to writing a review article Elsevier Researcher Academy, Alemanha |
2019 |
Outro How researchers benefit from citing data Elsevier Researcher Academy, Alemanha |
2019 |
Outro How researchers & publishers can collaborate in the move towards open science Elsevier BV, Países Baixos |
2019 |
Outro Beyond open access: Exciting new strategies for science communication Editage Insights Webinars, Estados Unidos |
2019 |
Outro How to conduct evidence-based research Elsevier Researcher Academy, Alemanha |
2018 |
Outro Conference skills for researchers Elsevier Researcher Academy, Alemanha |
2018 |
Outro How to produce highly visible research: Useful tips for researchers Elsevier Researcher Academy, Alemanha |
2018 |
Outro Diversity and inclusivity in peer review COPE - Committee on Publication Ethics, Reino Unido |
2018 |
Outro Quantitative text analysis for social scientists SAGE Campus: Online Learning for Skills and Research Methods, Estados Unidos |
2018 |
Outro The key to successful academic collaborations Elsevier Researcher Academy, Alemanha |
2018 |
Outro Investing in peer review so your journals succeed Publons, Estados Unidos |
2018 |
Outro The editors’ guide to finding peer reviewers Publons, Estados Unidos |
2018 |
Outro II Seminário Virtual Turnitin: Pressão por publicação e produtividade acadêmica Turnitin Europe Ltd, Reino Unido |
2018 |
Outro University-business alliances leading to societal impact Elsevier BV, Países Baixos |
2018 |
Outro Social media for researchers Elsevier Researcher Academy, Alemanha |
2017 |
Outro The past, present, and future of the digital university International Leadership Association, Estados Unidos |
2017 |
Outro Understanding and utilising publication metrics to enhance research performance BrightTALK, Estados Unidos |
2017 |
Outro How PlumX Metrics on Scopus help tell the story of your research BrightTALK, Estados Unidos |
2017 |
Outro 10 tips for writing a truly terrible review Elsevier Publishing Campus, Países Baixos |
2017 |
Outro Gender bias in academic publishing Elsevier Publishing Campus, Países Baixos |
2017 |
Outro 5 diseases ailing research – and how to cure them Elsevier Publishing Campus, Países Baixos |
2017 |
Outro Recognizing peer reviewers: A webinar to celebrate editors and researchers Elsevier Publishing Campus, Países Baixos |
2017 |
Outro Transparency in peer review Elsevier Publishing Campus, Países Baixos |
2017 |
Outro Engaging with the media: Reaching beyond academia Taylor & Francis Group, Reino Unido |
2017 |
Outro A generation apart — The changing expectations of modern researchers ProQuest Germany, Alemanha |
2017 |
Outro Closing the gap between open access and subscription content ProQuest Germany, Alemanha |
2016 |
Outro Why you can't afford to ignore research and publication ethics Elsevier Publishing Campus, Países Baixos |
2016 |
Outro How to identify the right journal to publish in. Elsevier Publishing Campus, Países Baixos |
2016 |
Outro Data citation: How can you as a researcher benefit from citing data? Elsevier Publishing Campus, Países Baixos |
2016 |
Outro Trends in teaching information literacy BrightTALK, Estados Unidos |
2016 |
Outro Fostering a scientifically informed populace SAGE Publishing, Estados Unidos |
2016 |
Outro 20 years of the social change model of leadership: Reflections and projections International Leadership Association, Estados Unidos |
2016 |
Outro Debate on academic freedom Methodspace – SAGE, Estados Unidos |
2016 |
Outro Objectivity and subjectivity in social research SAGE Campus: Online Learning for Skills and Research Methods, Estados Unidos |
2016 |
Outro Write with style: APA Style® Showcase Association of College and Research Libraries, Estados Unidos |
2016 |
Outro The power of video testimonies: The visual history archive Association of College and Research Libraries, Estados Unidos |
2016 |
Outro How to turn researchers into research managers Methodspace – SAGE, Estados Unidos |
2016 |
Outro Creating a good research data management plan Elsevier Publishing Campus, Países Baixos |
2016 |
Outro The changing role of leadership and the need for humble leadership International Leadership Association, Estados Unidos |
2016 |
Outro Getting started: Online qualitative research design basics Methodspace – SAGE, Estados Unidos |
2016 |
Outro The Impact Factor and other bibliometric indicators Elsevier Publishing Campus, Países Baixos |
2016 |
Outro Getting your paper noticed Elsevier Publishing Campus, Países Baixos |
2016 |
Outro Training Course in Academic English Bristol School – Instituto de Línguas, Portugal |
2016 |
Outro The journal publishing cycle Elsevier Publishing Campus, Países Baixos |
2016 |
Outro Preparing your manuscript Elsevier Publishing Campus, Países Baixos |
2016 |
Outro How to review a manuscript Elsevier Publishing Campus, Países Baixos |
2016 |
Outro Structuring your article Elsevier Publishing Campus, Países Baixos |
2016 |
Outro Using proper scientific language Elsevier Publishing Campus, Países Baixos |
2016 |
Outro How do Editors look at your paper? Elsevier Publishing Campus, Países Baixos |
2016 |
Outro How Reviewers become Editors. Elsevier Publishing Campus, Países Baixos |
2016 |
Outro What is open science?. Elsevier Publishing Campus, Países Baixos |
2016 |
Outro Open access and navigating the journal landscape. Elsevier Publishing Campus, Países Baixos |
2016 |
Outro Discover how metrics can boost funding and networking opportunities. Elsevier Publishing Campus, Países Baixos |
2016 |
Outro Author rights: Content ownership. Elsevier Publishing Campus, Países Baixos |
2015 |
Outro Faculty perspectives on publishing open access Association of College and Research Libraries, Estados Unidos |
2013 |
Doutoramento Educação - Sociologia da Educação Especialização em Especialidade: Sociologia da Educação Universidade dos Açores, Portugal |
2013 |
Doutoramento Doutoramento em Educação, especialidade Sociologia da Educação Universidade dos Açores, Portugal (TESE/DISSERTAÇÃO) "As dinâmicas nas (re)configurações da cultura organizacional. A Casa de Infância de Santo António (1858-2008)" |
2013 |
Outro Oficina em elearning Universidade dos Açores, Portugal |
2007 |
Doutoramento Educação Especialização em Especialidade: Sociologia da Educação Universidade dos Açores, Portugal (TESE/DISSERTAÇÃO) "A Casa de Infância de Santo António. Processos de Reconfiguração da Cultura Organizacional" |
2004 |
Mestrado Pré-Bolonha Mestrado em Sociologia Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal (TESE/DISSERTAÇÃO) "As estratégias educativas e o investimento escolar das famílias de Machado-Joseph, num contexto de risco." |
2001 |
Pós-Graduação Sociologia da Educação Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Portugal |
2000 |
Pós-Graduação Pós-Graduação em Sociologia das Religiões Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal |
1999 |
Licenciatura Licenciatura em Sociologia Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias, Portugal |
Áreas de Conhecimento
Prof. Dr. Sandro Serpa is an Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of the University of the Azores since 2024. He has been a higher education faculty member since 2000. He received his Master’s in Sociology from the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of the Nova University of Lisbon in 2004, and his PhD in Education, with the speciality in Sociology of Education in 2013, from the University of the Azores. He is an integrated researcher at the Interdisciplinary Centre of Social Sciences of the Azores Centre (CICS.NOVA.UAçores) (
Senior Editor (Sociology section) of Social Sciences & Humanities Open. He has served the Cogent Social Sciences journal as Senior Editor - Sociology section (2020-2022).
He has more than 350 publications in international journals, books and other scientific outlets ( in Brazil, Canada, China, United Arab Emirates, Germany, India, Kazakhstan, Netherlands, Pakistan, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States of America.
He has teaching experience in areas such as Research, Sociology of Education, Introduction to Sociology, General Sociology, Sociology of Organisations, Psycho-sociology of Educational Organisations, and Human Resources, among others.
His research interests are Teaching Sociology; Sociology of Education; Sociology of Organisations; Organisational Culture; Scientific Communication, Digital Society; Digital Literacy, Society 5.0 and Sociology of Artificial Intelligence.