Gualter Manuel Medeiros do Couto
R&D Entities
FEG - Faculdade de Economia e Gestão
CEEAplA - Centro de Estudos de Economia Aplicada do Atlântico
Perfis Externos
Áreas de Conhecimento
Financing Entities
Direção Regional da Ciência, Inovação e Desenvolvimento
Direção Regional da Ciência e da Tecnologia
Câmara do Comércio e Indústria dos Açores
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of 186 Publicações
The Impacts of COVID-19 Crisis over the Tourism Expectations of the Azores Archipelago Residents
Territorial Management and Governance, Regional Public Policies and their Relationship with Tourism. A Case Study of the Azores Autonomous Region
Avaliação de Investimentos
Is air transport sustainable in remote regions? A socio-environmental perspective
Exploring the Geo-Tourism Potential and Its Accessibility in Danube Region Serbia: A Geo-Statistical Approach
How risky are cryptocurrencies?
Proposal for a Directive on Internal Control in a Public Institution
Similarities of the Latin Countries in Relation to Customer Expectations about Service Dimensions of the Hotel Service
The Territorial Cohesion through Interisland Transport: An In-Depth Analysis of the Azores Autonomous Region
Working capital and performance: Europe’s challenge to crises
Assessing Rural Tourism Experiences: What Can We Learn from the Azores Region?
Creative Tourism in Islands and Regional Sustainable Development: What Can We Learn from the Pilot Projects Implemented in the Azores Territory?
Creative and Rural Tourism, Public Policies and Land Use Changes: A Multi-Method Approach towards Regional Sustainable Development in Azores Islands
Desarrollo Compatible: Experiencias En Europa E Iberoamérica
Effects of COVID-19 on the Tourism Sector: Learning from the Azores Islands
Financial Risk and Environmental Sustainability in Poland: Evidence from Novel Fourier-Based Estimators
How SARS-CoV-2 crisis could influence the tourism intentions of Azores Archipelago residents? A study based on the assessment of the public perceptions
Impact of COVID-19 in the Tourism Industry in the Azores
Meeting the Rural Tourists’ Expectations in the Azores Destination: A Preliminary Study-Based on the Perceptions of the Entrepreneurs
Pandemic Effect on Company Sustainability and Debt Policy: The Case of Portugal
Refugees, traditional energy consumption, environmental pollution, and deforestation: Fourier BARDL method
Socio-Economic and Environmental Value of Air Transport in the Azores
Sustainable Development Planning and Governance of Ultra-Peripheral Territories and Low-Density Regions
Sustainable creative tourism on islands and the pandemic: The Creatour Azores project
The Asymmetric and Symmetric Effect of Energy Productivity on Environmental Quality in the Era of Industry 4.0: Empirical Evidence from Portugal
The Fundamentals of Cryptocurrencies
The Impact of the COVID-19 on the Tourism in Serbia
The Perception of the Impact of Land-Use on Small and Large Cities by Tourists Using p2p Platforms
A Análise de Opções Reais em Investimentos Infraestruturais
A Preliminary Approach About the Perceptions of Decision Makers versus Entrepreneurs About Rural Tourism Development in the Azores Autonomous Region
Alterações Climáticas e Decisões Urbanísticas e Territoriais - Um Guia Teórico-Prático
Analyzing COVID-19 Post-Pandemic Recovery Process in Azores Archipelago
Analyzing Pilot Projects of Creative Tourism in an Ultra-Peripheral Region: Which Guidelines Can Be Extracted for Sustainable Regional Development?
Aplicação dos fundos europeus na Região Autónoma dos Açores
Dynamic relationship between international tourism, economic growth and environmental pollution in the OECD countries: evidence from panel VAR model
EUR/USD Exchange Rate Characterization: Study of Events
Energy Productivity and Environmental Degradation in Germany: Evidence from Novel Fourier Approaches
Expansão do Porto de Ponta Delgada - Análise de Opções Reais
Finanças Empresariais Teoria e Prática
Internal Control and Its Application in Public Management: a Literature Review
Manufacturing Productivity and FDI Externalities: is Small Beautiful?
Maritime Transportation Dynamics in the Azores Region: Analyzing the Period 1998–2019
Misuse of Deferred Taxes in Portugal
Planning Peripheral and Ultra-Peripheral Infrastructures
Post-Covid tourism planning: based on the Azores residents’ perceptions about the development of regional tourism
Proposta de um Guia do Alojamento Local de Sucesso: O Caso de Estudo da Região Autónoma dos Açores
SmartDest: Converting the Azores Into a Smart Tourist Destination
The Advantage of Being A Small Country on Economic Growth Spillovers: A Review on Spain and Portugal With ARDL Approach
The Asymmetric and Long-Run Effect of Financial Stability on Environmental Degradation in Norway
The Azorean Rural Tourism Entrepreneurs Perception of This Activity Development Potential: A Preliminary Research
The Challenge of drought in Costa Rica: A Preliminary Research with Economic Implications
The Digital Brand Marketing in the Azores Archipelago: New Paths for the Enhancement of Sustainable Regional Development
The Extraordinary Adventure Tourism Experience: Idealizing Supreme Excellence
The Impact of Contracting on the Portuguese National Health System
The Opinions of Decision-Makers Regarding the Rural Tourism Development Potential in the Azores Region
The Rural and Nature Tourism Development Potential in Islands
Understanding Creative Tourism as a Potential Catalyst for Regional Economic Development in Ultra-Peripheral Territories: Highlighting Pilot-Projects in the Azores Islands
Using GIS Tools to Assess the Land-Use Changes in Artificial and Agriculture Areas in the Azores Region: Studying the Period of 1990 to 2018
Accessibility in European Peripheral Territories: Analyzing the Portuguese Mainland Connectivity Patterns from 1985 to 2020
Analysing the Public Administration and Decision-Makers Perceptions Regarding the Potential of Rural Tourism Development in the Azores Region
Analyzing the Patterns, Trends and Dynamics of the Land-Use Changes in Azores Region: From 1990 to 2018
Assessing Transportation Patterns in the Azores Archipelago
Assessing the Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic over the Azores Region's Touristic Companies
Boas Práticas de Sustentabilidade Turística na Região Autónoma dos Açores: Um Estudo Baseado na Análise das Empresas Turísticas Regionais
Challenges for Sustainable Tourism in the Azores
Equilíbrio financeiro nas sociedades anónimas desportivas : estudo de caso comparativo de quatro sociedades - SCP, SLB, FCP e SCB
Evolutionary Dynamics in Azorean Landscapes: The Land-Use Changes in Forests and Semi-natural Areas in the Archipelago from 1990 to 2018
Framing the "Romantic Blur": How Tourists' Idealize Adventure Experiences
Guia do alojamento local de sucesso
Guidelines for Tourism Sustainability in Ultra-Peripheral Territories: A Research Based on the Azores Region's Touristic Companies' Analysis
How SARS-CoV-2 crisis could influence the tourism intentions of Azores Archipelago residents A study based on the assessment of the public perceptions
How an Infectious Disease Could Influence the Development of a Region: The Evidence of the SARS-CoV-2 Outbreak over the Tourism Intentions in Azores Archipelago
Idealizing adventure tourism experiences: tourists' self-assessment and expectations
Incentivos à produção de energia a partir de fontes renováveis : análise do programa PROENERGIA
Introductory Chapter: Rural Tourism as a Catalyst for Sustainable Regional Development of Peripheral Territories
Investments on urban land valuation by real options - The Portuguese case
Islandscapes and Sustainable Creative Tourism: A Conceptual Framework and Guidelines for Best Practices
Os Impactos do Novo Coronavírus sobre o Turismo nos Territórios Ultraperiféricos: O Caso da Região Autónoma dos Açores
Os impactos da crise sanitária de COVID-19 sobre os Territórios Ultraperiféricos: O caso de estudo do Arquipélago dos Açores (Portugal)
Peripheral Territories, Tourism, and Regional Development
Recuperação das empresas em dificuldades económico-financeiras : o caso dos clientes da empresa 9TM
SARS-COV-2, um Território Insular e as consequências sobre as escolhas turísticas: Um estudo preliminar baseado no Arquipélago dos Açores
Sustainability in Tourism Activities and the Low-Density and Peripheral Territories
The Impact of Terrorism on Capital Markets
The Land-Use Change Dynamics Based on the CORINE Data in the Period 1990–2018 in the European Archipelagos of the Macaronesia Region: Azores, Canary Islands, and Madeira
The Level of Diversification on the Firms of the Iberian Market
The Month-of-the-Year Effect in the European, American, Australian and Asian Markets
The Potential of Adventure Tourism in the Azores: Focusing on the Regional Strategic Planning
The Potential of Rural Tourism Development in the Azores Islands from the Perspective of Public Administration and Decision-Makers
The optimal time to invest in the new Montijo airport in Portugal
Time-Varying Convergences of Environmental Footprint Levels between European Countries
Tourism planning in the Azores and feedback from visitors
Transportation and Infrastructures' Sustainability in Ultra-peripheral Territories: Studies Over the Azores Region
A exposição ao risco de taxa de câmbio no Mercado Bolsista Português
Análise financeira da empresa AFSA : estudo de caso
Assessing the Impacts of Public Policies Over Tourism in Azores Islands. A Research Based on Tourists and Residents Perceptions
Controlo de gestão : estudo de caso: EDA
Creative Tourism on Islands: A Review of the Literature
Equity Risk Premium and Investors Preferences Towards Reward-to-Risk from Europe, USA, and Asia
Gestão financeira, estudo de um caso prático : Manuel Francisco Simas Rainha
Municipal Tourism Planning in an Island Territory: The Case of Ribeira Grande in the Azores
Organização e administração de recursos humanos
Os determinantes da taxa do câmbio Euro-Dólar
Principles of Sustainable Tourism and Cultural Management in Rural and Ultra-peripheral Territories: Extracting Guidelines for Application in the Azores Archipelago
Princípios de Planeamento Estratégico e Gestão de Turismo Rural em Territórios Ultraperiféricos: O Caso de Estudo do Arquipélago dos Açores
The Azores Archipelago as a Region with Vast Potential for the Development of Adventure and Slow Tourism
The Impact of SARS-CoV-2 Outbreak on the Accommodation Selection of Azorean Tourists. A Study Based on the Assessment of the Azores Population’s Attitudes
The extraordinary adventure tourism experience : idealizing supreme excellence
The impacts of real options analysis on EU co-financing policy: the case of Ponta Delgada Port in the Azores
Uncertainty and flexibility in infrastructure investments: Application of real options analysis to the Ponta Delgada airport expansion
Utilização da análise de Opções Reais : valorização da expansão do porto de Ponta Delgada
Valuation of The Portuguese Real Estate Market: An Empirical Analysis
Financial Products in Portugal
Futebol, apostas e arbitragem : uma perspetiva financeira
Modelo de organização de um gabinete de contabilidade
O impacto da contratualização no Sistema Nacional de Saúde
O impacto do terrorismo no mercado de capitais
Perfis de estudantes no contexto do Empreendedorismo : Análise de Correspondências Múltiplas e Análise de Clusters
Tourist satisfaction with the Municipality of Ponta Delgada (Azores)
Avaliação de investimentos imobiliários através da análise de opções reais
Açores Guia do Investidor para o Turismo Sustentável/ Azores Investor’s Guide to Sustainable Tourism
Banking Products In Portugal
Desenvolvimento de um modelo de Credit Scoring
Gestão financeira de curto prazo : um estudo de caso : Dinarte Dâmaso e Filhos, Lda
Investimento em infraestruturas : aplicação da análise de opções reais na expansão do aeroporto de Ponta Delgada
Tourism activities and companies in a sustainable adventure tourism destination: the Azores
Açores na Europa - Impacto dos Fundos Estruturais
Caraterização da oferta de produtos financeiros em Portugal
Correlation Of The Portuguese Stock Market With Major Global Capital Markets
Entrepreneurship Promotion in Higher Education Institutions
Estratégia de Desenvolvimento Turístico da Ribeira Grande
Estratégia de Desenvolvimento Turístico de Ponta Delgada
High-speed rail transport valuation with stochastic demand and investment cost
Tourism Development Potential in an Insular Territory: The Case of Ribeira Grande in the Azores
A divulgação de alterações das políticas contabilísticas das IFRS na União Europeia
Prémio de risco de mercado : análise e comparação entre a Europa, E.U.A. e Ásia
Entrepreneurship Education : The role of the Higher Education Institutions in the Entrepreneurial Attitudes of the Students
High-speed rail transport valuation and conjecture shocks
Grau de diversificação nas empresas do mercado de capitais ibérico
Previsão da vulnerabilidade financeira no setor sem fins lucrativos
The Month-of-the Year Effect nos mercados europeu, americano, australiano e asiático
Gestão orçamental: estudo de caso no setor retalho
O impacto dos anúncios de dividendos nos preços das ações do mercado ibérico
Propensão empreendedora dos estudantes de ensino superior na Região Autónoma dos Açores
Some results on relocation policies
Entrepreneurial Potential in the Younger Generation
High-speed rail transport valuation
Introducing random investment in high speed rail transport valuation
The Satisfaction of the Nordic tourist with the Azores as a destination
Caracterização do green business no sector do turismo na Região Autónoma dos Açores
Efeito do novo acordo de capital de Basileia II nas Pequenas e Médias Empresas
Formação em Empreendedorismo: Uma Aposta para o Sucesso Empresarial
High Speed rail transport valuation and conjuncture shocks
Avaliação de Projetos e Finanças Empresariais
Empreendedorismo, Gestão e Espírito Empresarial
Os determinantes da estrutura de capital de empresas do PSI 20
PSI-20 fluctuation : correlation of the portuguese stock market with major global capital markets
Prediction of entrepreneurship : an ordered regression approach
Quality of the Azores destination in the perspective of tourists
Avaliação do investimento na alta velocidade ferroviária
Basel II : operational risk measurement in the portuguese banking sector
Dinâmicas de empreendedorismo e microcrédito nos Açores
Forecasting Hotel Overnights in the Autonomous Region of the Azores
Opções Reais
Opções Reais - Decisão de Investimento sob Incerteza
Os determinantes da estrutura de capital de empresas do PSI-20
Portfolio performance evaluation : the case of the portuguese mutual funds market
Basel II : operational risk measurement in the portuguese Banking sector and an evaluation of the quantitive impacts
Expected time to invest in a new location
Future entrepreneur’s profile
High speed rail transport valuation
High speed rail transport valuation and policy decisions
O estado da arte na convergência contabilística internacional
Real Options Valuation : an application to the portuguese real estate market
Some general results about the optimal timing of relocation
Measuring the impact of international financial reporting standards (ifrs) in firm reporting : The case of Portugal
Optimal timing of relocation
Forecast of hotel overnights in the autonomous region of the Azores
Opções reais e decisão sob incerteza no processo de relocalização
The impact of IFRS in the financial information of the portuguese companies
Avaliação de Projetos. Da Análise Tradicional às Opções Reais
Análise da volatilidade do prémio de risco do mercado de capitais português
Estimação Temporal dos Betas. Uma Aplicação ao Mercado de Capitais Português
Estimação temporal dos Betas : um teste ao modelo de Blume e de Vasicek : uma aplicação ao mercado de capitais português
12 Research Projects
Factors Determining the Price of Cryptocurrencies
Socio-Economic Value of Public Service Obligations on Air Transport in the Azores
IV International Congress on Sustainable Development - Planning and Governance of Ultra-Peripheral Territories and Low-Density Regions
The Extraordinary Adventure Tourism Experience: Idealizing Supreme Excellence
Ponta Delgada Port Expansion - Real Options Analysis
Workshop and Rural Tourism in the Autonomous Region of the Azores: Vox populi to Entrepreneurs and Specialists
Adventure Tourism in the Azores & the Potential for Slow Adventure
EFMA 2019 - European Financial Management Association, 2019 Annual Meeting
GREAT - Genuine Rural Experiences in Tourism in the Azores
Ribeira Grande Strategic Tourism Development Plan 2015-2020
3rd and 4th edition of the Entrepreneurial Education Program: The Path to Success!
Entrepreneurship Course in Santa Maria
2 Services Provisions
2010 |
Título de Agregado n/a Universidade dos Açores, Portugal |
2006 |
Doutoramento Ph.D em Gestão Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal (TESE/DISSERTAÇÃO) "." |
1999 |
Outro Gestão/ MBA Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal (TESE/DISSERTAÇÃO) "." |
1995 |
Licenciatura Organização e Gestão de Empresas Universidade dos Açores, Portugal |
Áreas de Conhecimento
Gualter Manuel Medeiros do Couto. Concluiu o(a) Título de Agregado em n/a em 2010 pelo(a) Universidade dos Açores, Doutoramento em Ph.D em Gestão em 2006 pelo(a) Universidade de Lisboa, Mestrado em Gestão/ MBA (Master Bussiness Administration) em 1999 pelo(a) Universidade de Lisboa e Licenciatura em Organização e Gestão de Empresas em 1995 pelo(a) Universidade dos Açores. Participa e/ou participou como Investigador em vários projetos e Investigador responsável em 1 projeto. Publicou mais de 70 artigos em revistas com arbitragem científica. É também autor único de 2 livros, coautor de 12 livros, 20 capítulos em livros e editor de 11 livros. É coautor de várias dezenas de resumos de trabalhos apresentados em congressos e publicados nos livros de resumos. Esteve também associado à produção de vários relatórios técnicos. Foi revisor de mais de 30 artigos em revistas e em congressos científicos da área de especialidade.