Teresa de Jesus Lopes Ferreira
ferreira, teresa | teresa ferreira
R&D Entities
FCT - Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
IVAR - Instituto de Investigação em Vulcanologia e Avaliação de Riscos
Perfis Externos
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Financing Entities
Direção Regional da Ciência e da Tecnologia
Direção Regional do Ordenamento do Território e dos Recursos Hídricos
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of 42 Publicações
Safety Evaluation of Fluoride Content in Tea Infusions Consumed in the Azores—a Volcanic Region with Water Springs naturally Enriched in Fluoride
Soil CO2degassing path along volcano-tectonic structures in the Pico-Faial-São Jorge Islands (Azores Archipelago, Portugal)
DNA damage in oral epithelial cells of individuals chronically exposed to indoor radon (222Rn) in a hydrothermal area
Hazardous indoor CO2concentrations in volcanic environments
Sensitivity of two biomarkers for biomonitoring exposure to fluoride in children and women: A study in a volcanic area
Air Pollution by Hydrothermal Volcanism and Human Pulmonary Function
Diffuse soil emanations of radon and hazard implications at Furnas Volcano, São Miguel Island (Azores)
Silva, C
Ciência Vitae
Distribution and significance of basaltic eruptive centres: São Miguel, Azores
Ferreira, T
Ciência Vitae
Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions in the Azores region: Geodynamic implications from major historical events and instrumental seismicity
Gaspar, J
Ciência Vitae
Eruptive frequency and volcanic hazards zonation in São Miguel Island, Azores
Gaspar, J
Ciência Vitae
Exploring lava-flow hazards at Pico Island, Azores Archipelago (Portugal)
Gas geochemistry of hydrothermal fluids of the S. Miguel and Terceira Islands, Azores
Iodine environmental availability and human intake in oceanic islands: Azores as a case-study
Mapping of soil CO2 diffuse degassing at São Miguel Island and its public health implications
Viveiros, F
Ciência Vitae
Permanent monitoring of soil CO2degassing at Furnas and Fogo volcanoes (São Miguel Island, Azores)
Viveiros, F
Ciência Vitae
Seismic activity on São Miguel Island volcano-tectonic structures (Azores archipelago)
Silva, R
Ciência Vitae
Soil radon (<sup> 222</sup>Rn) monitoring at Furnas Volcano (São Miguel, Azores): Applications and challenges
Tectonic and volcanic deformation at São Miguel Island, Azores, observed by continuous GPS analysis 2008-13
Okada, J
Ciência Vitae
The volcanic history of furnas volcano, São Miguel, Azores
Guest, J
Ciência Vitae
Total (fumarolic¿+¿diffuse soil) CO2 output from Furnas volcano
Volcano-tectonic structures of São Miguel Island, Azores
Carmo, R
Ciência Vitae
Indoor radon (<sup>222</sup>Rn) monitoring in some buildings at Furnas and Ribeira Quente villages (Furnas Volcano, Azores): Public health risk assessment | Monitorização dos teores de radão (<sup>222</sup>Rn) no ar interior de edifícios das freguesias das Furnas e Ribeira Quente (Vulcão das Furnas, Açores): Avaliação do risco para a saúde pública
Integration of European Volcano Infrastructures
Puglisi, G
Ciência Vitae
Periodic behavior of soil CO2 emissions in diffuse degassing areas of the Azores archipelago: Application to seismovolcanic monitoring
Basaltic Lava Balloons Produced During the 1998–2001 Serreta Submarine Ridge Eruption (Azores)
Gaspar, João L
Ciência Vitae
Paleoseismological evidence for historical surface faulting in São Miguel island (Azores)
Contribution of CO2 emitted to the atmosphere by diffuse degassing from volcanoes: The furnas volcano case study
Soil CO2 emissions at Furnas volcano, São Miguel Island, Azores archipelago: Volcano monitoring perspectives, geomorphologic studies, and land use planning application
Helium isotopes in hydrothermal volcanic fluids of the Azores archipelago
Meteorological factors controlling soil gases and indoor CO2 concentration: A permanent risk in degassing areas
Environmental influences on soil CO2 degassing at Furnas and Fogo volcanoes (São Miguel Island, Azores archipelago)
Impact of lightning on organic matter-rich soils: Influence of soil grain size and organic matter content on underground fires
The last 5000 years of activity at Sete Cidades volcano (São Miguel Island, Azores): Implications for hazard assessment
Geological hazards at the Azores region
Gaspar, J
Volcanic Rocks - Proceedings of the International Workshop on Volcanic Rocks, Workshop W2 - 11th Congress ISRM
Monitoring of fumarole discharge and CO2 soil degassing in the Azores: Contribution to volcanic surveillance and public health risk assessment
Reassessment of the historical seismic activity with major impact on S. Miguel Island (Azores)
Landslides density map of S. Miguel Island, Azores archipelago
Chemistry and isotopic composition of fumarole discharges of Furnas caldera
Experimental monitoring of carbon dioxide by low power IR-sensors: Soil degassing in the Furnas Volcanic Centre, Azores
Magma-derived CO2 emissions recorded in 14C and 13C content of plants growing in Furnas caldera, Azores
Styles of volcanism and volcanic hazards on Furnas volcano; Sao Miguel, Azores
Volcanic geology of Furnas Volcano, Sao Miguel, Azores
2 Research Projects
2 Services Provisions
2000/11/07 |
Doutoramento Doutoramento em Geologia Especialização em Outra:Vulcanologia Universidade dos Açores, Portugal (TESE/DISSERTAÇÃO) "Caracterização da Actividade Vulcânica da Ilha de S. Miguel (açores): Vulcanismo Basáltico Recente e Zonas de Desgaseificação. Avaliação de Riscos" |
1980 - 1985 |
Mestrado Integrado Geologia Especialização em Ramo científico Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências, Portugal |
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