Outras Fontes de Financiamento
Acronym:Centro de Exames DELF/DALF
Cost Center:728
Title:DELF/DALF Exam Center
Start-End:15-03-2018 - ---
Beneficiary Entity:Fundação Gaspar Frutuoso
Gestores da FGF: Bruno Machado, Matilde Pereira
Responsible Researcher:Dominique Almeida Rosa de Faria
Organic Units:FCSH - Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas
Total Financing:13.750,00
Outras Fontes de Financiamento:13.750,00 (100.0 %)
Outras Fontes de Financiamento (100.0 %)13.750,00 €
Service Provision Description:

Protocol for opening a university center for DELF/DALF exams, resulting from a partnership between the French Institute of Portugal, responsible for the Central Management of DELF and DALF for Portugal, and the University of the Azores.