Cost Center:744
Title:INFOÁGUA_6 - Survey of information for the study of sources of water for public supply in several islands of the Azores in order to optimize the quality of water for human consumption
Start-End:12-06-2018 - 31-12-2021
Beneficiary Entity:Fundação Gaspar Frutuoso
Gestores da FGF: Bruno Machado, Fábio Sousa
Responsible Researcher:Sílvia Alexandra Bettencourt de Sousa de Quadros
R&D Units:IITAA - Instituto de Investigação em Tecnologias Agrárias e do Ambiente
Total Financing:16.486,00
Outras Fontes de Financiamento:16.486,00 (100.0 %)
Service Provision Description:

The Provision of Services integrated in the study “Analysis of water sources for public supply in several islands of the Azores in order to optimize the quality of water intended for human consumption”, will be developed by the Team from the University of the Azores (through the Gaspar Frutuoso Foundation) and will encompass the following work carried out within the scope of each of the Actions:

Action A. Information gathering

A global survey of available information was carried out, between 2009 and 2017, in order to know: (a) the location of the affected catchments, (b) their main characteristics , especially those that may affect water quality, (c) the characteristics of water quality and its variation over time and (d) the description of the elements of the supply systems of the municipalities involved. Namely, this action will involve:

a) Georeferencing of catchments, with geographic coordinates, topography and height of catchments;

b) Analysis of the origin in terms of the body of water to which it belongs, even if not in use for public supply, based on the analysis of the lithological profile of the catchment and the position/ depth of the drains. Information on the depth of each hole and the respective extraction pump, piezometric levels, volumes captured, recommended operating flow rates and transmissivity.

c) Analysis of water quality, namely on the concentrations of fluoride, chloride and sodium in the abstractions affected/signaled by ERSARA. This analysis will be carried out on the analytical results that ERSARA makes available for this purpose, for the period 2009-2017. Information on water quality should also be collected from abstractions not used for the supply of water intended for human consumption, but which have been constructed. If this information does not exist, a summary analysis of the relevant parameter(s) for the study must be carried out, in two water samples per catchment. The collection of samples will be carried out by the FGF; transport and analysis will be the responsibility of ERSARA.

d) Description of the supply areas affected - location in GIS and summary description of system components (catchments, reservoirs, pipelines, distribution networks), water losses (estimated or calculated by the Management Entity), as well as the resident population in each supply zone and its percentage in relation to the municipality.

Action B. Collaboration in the preliminary analysis of proposed solutions

Collaboration with LNEC in the preliminary assessment of the most viable solutions for the public supply of water intended for human consumption on the four islands, which will include the following options, individually or together : management of abstraction depths; mix of origins (with existing or new abstractions); complete replacement of origin; dedicated treatment in some origin(s). Being preliminary, this evaluation does not include the technical-economic analysis of the effectiveness and efficiency of the identified hypotheses and the eventual necessary treatment.

Action C. Reporting

• production of the summary report of the global survey of available information 2009-2017;

• production of the final report of action A;

• collaboration with LNEC in the production of the final report of the study.