Cost Center:969
Title:Characterization of the Recent Demographic Dynamics of the Azores and Strategies for Population Recovery by Island and "Evolution of Qualifications of the Active Population of the Azores
Start-End:06-02-2020 - 05-06-2020
Beneficiary Entity:Fundação Gaspar Frutuoso
Gestores da FGF: Bruno Machado, Matilde Pereira
Responsible Researcher:José António Cabral Vieira
Organic Units:FEG - Faculdade de Economia e Gestão
R&D Units:CEEAplA - Centro de Estudos de Economia Aplicada do Atlântico
Total Financing:30.000,00
DRQPE:30.000,00 (100.0 %)
Direção Regional de Qualificação Profissional e Emprego (100.0 %)30.000,00 €
Service Provision Description:

This provision of services aims to respond to the request of the Vice-Presidency of the Government, Employment and Business Competitiveness – Regional Directorate for Employment and Professional Qualification (DREQP), for the preparation of the study “Characterization of the Recent Demographic Dynamics of the Azores and Strategies for Population Recovery, by Island” and “Evolution of Qualifications of the Active Population in the Azores”.