Direção Regional da Ciência e da Tecnologia
Cost Center:1063
Operation Code:M3.3.B/ORG.R.C./024/2021
Title:International Meeting of Children's Literature and Literary Education
Start-End:27-07-2021 - 27-01-2022
Entidade Beneficiária Principal:Fundação Gaspar Frutuoso
Gestores da FGF: Gonçalo Goulart, Paula Oliveira
Responsible Researcher:Maria Madalena Marcos Carlos Teixeira Silva
Organic Units:FCSH - Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas
R&D Units:NICA - Núcleo Interdisciplinar da Criança e do Adolescente
Total Financing2.957,30 €
Direção Regional da Ciência e da Tecnologia (100.0 %)2.957,30 €
Direção Regional da Ciência e da Tecnologia (100.0 %)2.957,30 €
Main Objectives:

Given the importance that it seems necessary to give, at different levels of education, to the development of the abilities of reading the verbal text and the iconic text, as well as the written production and its transcription to other forms of art, this scientific-pedagogical event with the objective of facilitating the role of intermediaries with an essential role in this task. Thus, this event is aimed at educators and teachers of all levels of education, as well as librarians, ATL promoters, psychologists and parents, all those who are interested in stimulating the aforementioned skills. The event will be held at different times, with the aim of not overloading those who register for it: on September 12, an online conference will be held, in which three researchers of recognized merit in teaching and research in the field of children's and youth literature and literary education, including the area of ​​image reading. There will also be space for debate and questioning. There will be three face-to-face workshops, with a duration of 3 hours, the first to be held on September 18th, dedicated to the Promotion of Reading, the second, to be held on September 28th, by the well-known illustrator Rachel Caiano , dedicated to the activity of illustration, and the third, on October 2nd, dedicated to written production. The guests invited to carry out these workshops, respectively the storyteller Margarida (Bru) Junça, the well-known illustrator Rachel Caiano and the Professor of Children's and Youth Literature and Literary Education Ana Cristina Vasconcelos, are recognized for their participation and value in these areas.

Project Description:

The proposed budget includes travel, in the amount of 1,664 euros, for a ticket Lisbon/Ponta Delgada/Lisbon (17th to 19th of September) - 552.73; one ticket Lisbon/Ponta Delgada/Lisbon (24th to 26th of September) - 552.73; and a ticket Porto/Ponta Delgada/Porto (October 1st to 3rd) - 559.07) of the three participants who will hold three face-to-face workshops, as well as their accommodation in a hotel unit (Thomas Place), from 17-09-2021 / 09-19-2021, in the amount of 140.00; from 2021-09-24 / 2021-09-26, in the amount of 140; and from 01-10-2021 / 03-10-2021, in the amount of 118.00, making a total of 398 euros. The remaining expenses relate to the creation/design of a poster by 2EasyPlay, in the amount of 135.30 euros, in the purchase of consumables (pencil and paper) from the firm Digital Office, totaling 38.35 euros and the printing of a poster , in Accional, in the amount of 32.28 euros. Since the workshops will take place on three Saturday mornings, we intend to offer a Coffee Break to the participants, which will be provided by the company Genosso, in the amount of 420 euros (3.5 euros x 40 participants x 3 Saturdays).