Direção Regional da Ciência e da Tecnologia
Cost Center:1068
Operation Code:M3.3.B/ORG.R.C./012/2021
Title:Thinking (with) alice: between philosophy, literature and artistic education
Start-End:17-08-2021 - 30-07-2022
Entidade Beneficiária Principal:Fundação Gaspar Frutuoso
Gestores da FGF: Gonçalo Goulart, Paula Oliveira
Responsible Researcher:Magda Eugénia Pinheiro Brandão Costa Carvalho Teixeira
Organic Units:FCSH - Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas
R&D Units:NICA - Núcleo Interdisciplinar da Criança e do Adolescente
Total Financing2.673,59 €
Direção Regional da Ciência e da Tecnologia (100.0 %)2.673,59 €
Direção Regional da Ciência e da Tecnologia (100.0 %)2.673,59 €
Main Objectives:

This meeting will be important for the training of students of the Masters in Philosophy for Children, who can travel to S. Miguel at this time, as well as for teachers, students from other courses and NICA researchers interested in the intersections between philosophy, literature and childhood.
It will also be relevant in terms of disseminating the knowledge produced by Uac and in particular by NICA in the area of ​​philosophy for/with children in schools with which we have carried out numerous initiatives in recent years.

Project Description:

From the initiatives carried out in partnership between the UAc-University of the Azores, the UERJ-University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), within the scope of the Masters in Philosophy for Children at the University of the Azores, as well as (more recently) the partnerships between these two universities and the Fábrica das Artes-Centro Cultural de Belém (Lisbon), within the scope of the Festa de Desaniversário Cycle (https://www.ccb.pt/evento/ciclo-festa-de-desaniversario/2021-05- 15/), it is intended to bring to the Azores some of the results of this joint work, detached in its scientific and academic aspects.
Based on the philosophical and literary dimension of the work of logician and writer Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland, a meeting was thought of bringing together specialists on the philosophical, literary and artistic dimensions of this work, promoting conferences and philosophical conversations with students and researchers from the University of the Azores, as well as between teachers and students from two primary and secondary schools in S. Miguel. This event comes within the scope of other initiatives carried out with the aforementioned schools, in the context of the philosophy for/with children, allowing opportunities for the dissemination of knowledge and social appreciation of the work carried out at the Interdisciplinary Center for Children and Adolescents.
Based on the Agreement established between UAc and Fábrica das Artes-CCB, a partnership strategy is being outlined with other cultural entities in the Region so that some of the portable theater shows produced for this "Desaniversário Festival" cycle can be held in S. Miguel.
At the same time, we intend to organize the event "to think (with) alice: between philosophy, literature and artistic education" to present and discuss some of the philosophical, literary and artistic perspectives underlying the work carried out, whether in the area of ​​philosophy for/with children, literature, education and artistic mediation. However, we intend to bring together in S. Miguel two specialists with whom we have been working - Prof. Walter Kohan (UERJ) and Dr. Madalena Wallenstein (Fábrica das ARTes-CCB) - together with colleagues from UAc, to debate the underlying themes of the work carried out.