Cost Center:1150
Operation Code:M3.3.C/Edições/107/2022
Title:Atlantic Outermost Regions: bridge(s) between the EU and the USA.
Start-End:07-11-2022 - 07-01-2023
Entidade Beneficiária Principal:Fundação Gaspar Frutuoso
Gestores da FGF: Gonçalo Goulart, Paula Oliveira
Responsible Researcher:Miguel de Oliveira Estanqueiro Rocha
Organic Units:FCSH - Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas
R&D Units:CEHu - Centro de Estudos Humanísticos
Main Objectives:

There is a story behind the concept of the European Ultraperiphery, which it is important to keep alive and active. Negotiations for Portugal's entry into the European Communities made it clear that there was a need for a specific statute for the Atlantic Islands Portuguese companies, in order to prevent their integration into the Common Market from resulting in practice in wrecking their economies and the way of life of their inhabitants. O problem was also posed to other European Islands, only it had not become visible in public space. The Azorean initiative for the convening of the Conference of Regions European Islanders was part of the Council of Europe's commitment to promoting of respect for human rights throughout its political space, through the specialized on regional issues, which today goes by the name of Congress of Local and Regional Authorities. The Conferences of European Island Regions were held in 1981, 1984 and 1991, successively in the Canaries, Azores and Aland Islands. In the respective conclusions it was made clear that the island peoples Europeans aspired to an integral development comparable to that of which enjoyed by the other citizens of Europe and that this was after all a matter of respect for their human rights. Later, the situation of the regions became autonomous remote areas in Europe, as a result of the territorial expansion of member countries historically involved in the great oceanic discovery voyages. At national authorities from Portugal, Spain and France were involved in the process of definition of a statute appropriate to the peculiarities of these regions, which culminated in the inclusion of its own provisions in the Treaty of Lisbon. The contribution of Outermost Regions for the affirmation of European interests in the Oceans Atlantic and Indian Ocean is today recognized by the High European Entities and there is a dialogue permanent and fruitful relationship between them and those responsible for them, as well as between them, in a great maritime space with an auspicious future.

Project Description:

There is a story behind the concept of the European Ultraperiphery, which it is important to keep alive and active. Negotiations for Portugal's entry into the European Communities made it clear that there was a need for a specific statute for the Atlantic Islands Portuguese companies, in order to prevent their integration into the Common Market from resulting in practice in wrecking their economies and the way of life of their inhabitants. O problem was also posed to other European Islands, only it had not become visible in public space. The Azorean initiative for the convening of the Conference of Regions European Islanders was part of the Council of Europe's commitment to promoting of respect for human rights throughout its political space, through the specialized on regional issues, which today goes by the name of Congress of Local and Regional Authorities. The Conferences of European Island Regions were held in 1981, 1984 and 1991, successively in the Canaries, Azores and Aland Islands. In the respective conclusions it was made clear that the island peoples Europeans aspired to an integral development comparable to that of which enjoyed by the other citizens of Europe and that this was after all a matter of respect for their human rights. Later, the situation of the regions became autonomous remote areas in Europe, as a result of the territorial expansion of member countries historically involved in the great oceanic discovery voyages. At national authorities from Portugal, Spain and France were involved in the process of definition of a statute appropriate to the peculiarities of these regions, which culminated in the inclusion of its own provisions in the Treaty of Lisbon. The contribution of Outermost Regions for the affirmation of European interests in the Oceans Atlantic and Indian Ocean is today recognized by the High European Entities and there is a dialogue permanent and fruitful relationship between them and those responsible for them, as well as between them, in a great maritime space with an auspicious future.

