Cost Center:946
Operation Code:MAC2/1.1b/350
Title:Anaerobic digestion of animal waste and by-products for renewable energy generation and protection of the natural environment in the Macaronesian Region
Start-End:01-10-2019 - 31-12-2023
Entidade Beneficiária Principal:Fundação Gaspar Frutuoso
Gestores da FGF: Fábio Sousa, Melissa Figueiredo
Responsible Researcher:Carlos Fernando Mimoso Vouzela
Organic Units:FCAA - Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e do Ambiente
R&D Units:GBA-cE3c - Grupo de Biodiversidade dos Açores
EntidadeFundação Gaspar Frutuoso
Total Financing132.093,81 €
INTERREG (85.0 %)112.279,74 €
Direção Regional da Ciência e da Tecnologia (15.0 %)19.814,07 €
Main Objectives:

The project falls within the priority thematic area of ​​Agriculture, Livestock and Agroindustry, in the Strategic Priority for the Promotion of Diversification and Sustainability of Production Systems, an area of ​​intervention of Animal Nutrition.
The project aims to identify and promote innovative production systems that contribute to environmental efficiency and the preservation of biodiversity. Explore the potential for using regional resources that allow import substitution for the Region. And identify new eco-products or eco-services, integrated into international value chains.

Project Description:

In Macaronesia there is an important production of animal by-products and derivatives, which are produced as a result of livestock activity and two related transformation processes. Currently, most of these by-products, corresponding to livestock, are inadequately managed by two producers, or that generate a significant environmental impact on the natural environment, affecting biodiversity, separately, groundwater and the atmosphere. Part of these by-products is managed through a temporary exception to European legislation. Therefore, it is necessary to find solutions for this situation, which also negatively affects the productive economy of two producers of these by-products.
This project aims to find methodologies that allow changing the current dynamics, resulting in better conservation and recovery of the Macaronesia natural environment and reducing the environmental impact of the primary sector, especially in the context of spectacular climate change.

