Comissão Europeia
Acronym:PO ACORES2020-2015-SIMSEA
Cost Center:639
Operation Code:ACORES-01-0145-FEDER-000049
Title:Agent-based Modelling and Simulation for Conservation and Resource Management in Azorean Seamounts
Start-End:20-12-2016 - 28-05-2020
Entidade Beneficiária Principal:Fundação Gaspar Frutuoso
Gestores da FGF: Lúcia Cláudio
Responsible Researcher:José Manuel Veiga Ribeiro Cascalho
Organic Units:FCT - Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
R&D Units:NIDeS - Núcleo de Investigação e Desenvolvimento em e-Saúde
EntidadeFundação Gaspar Frutuoso
Total Financing65.251,60 €
Comissão Europeia (85.0 %)55.463,86 €
Direção Regional da Ciência e da Tecnologia (15.0 %)9.787,74 €
Main Objectives:

The project aims to create scenarios for the conservation and management of marine ecosystems using the Agent-Based Modeling Systems (ABMS) simulation and modeling technology and to increase the Scientific Production of Quality and Oriented to the Smart Specialization.

It will include: 

1)  Use of geo-referenced data, aggregating information from different databases, including data from the SIG-MAR-AÇORES platform;

2) Modeling scenarios for the conservation and management of marine ecosystems using ABMS;

3) Validation of these models by researchers and stakeholders.

Project Description:

This project is composed of a multidisciplinary team that aims to address issues related to the management and conservation of resources in marine ecosystems, using software tools based on the paradigm of multi-agent systems (Agent-based Modeling Simulation – ABMS). Based on seamount data, focusing on the Condor seamount area, an area that has been something of intensive scientific study in recent years, models will be created for marine ecosystems and the socio-cultural component. economy following the ABMS paradigm, generating different scenarios for its management and conservation.


SIMSEA will contribute to the creation of a tool to help the decision process. The societal challenges related to resource management require efficiency and must comply with the political guidelines assumed by the country. SIMSEA is an attempt to find innovative ways to analyze data and provide new knowledge for resource management, involving stakeholders. The software prototypes produced are expected to provide clues to dealing with resource divestment. Stakeholder participation in validating the models created will contribute to producing new knowledge through dialogue, providing more data on how stakeholders see problems and what solutions are available to accept.

