- Fertilidade dos Solos dos Açores
- Fechado
CC199Outras Fontes de FinanciamentoJoão da Silva MadrugaFCAAPromoting Knowledge of the Fertility of the Region's Soils, Proper Management, Optimization of It as a Main Agrarian Resource, and its Dissemination to Farmers and Technicians
- ICE2 - MAC/1/A029 - ESEnfAH
- Fechado
CC329Outras Fontes de Financiamento • Interreg MACESSICE2
- CabMedMac - MAC/3/a163 - DCA
- Fechado
CC330Outras Fontes de Financiamento • Interreg MACDavid João Horta LopesFCAA • GBA-cE3cCabMedMac
- XV Congresso AIL
- Fechado
CC176Outras Fontes de Financiamento • Direção Regional do TurismoVÍtor Manuel da Costa GonçalvesFCT • CIBIO-AXV AIL Limnology Congress
- PTMAC-MAC/3/C267
- Fechado
CC434Outras Fontes de Financiamento • Interreg MACDavid João Horta LopesFCAA • GBA-cE3cMultisectoral Technological Platform of Macaronesia
- MAC/3/C224
- Fechado
CC435Outras Fontes de Financiamento • Interreg MACNelson José de Oliveira SimõesFCAA • CBATransferencia de la investigación biotecnológica orientada a la rentabilidad empresarial y movilización de flujos de negocio - BIOTRANSFER
- Fechado
CC391Outras Fontes de Financiamento • Interreg MACEduardo Manuel Vieira De Brito AzevedoIITAAESTRAMAR - Marine-Maritime Strategy for R+D+i
- UNAMUNO - MAC/3/M126
- Fechado
CC332Outras Fontes de Financiamento • Interreg MACMaria do Carmo Roque Lino Felgueiras BarretoFCAA • GBA-cE3cUNAMUNO - MAC/3/M126
- Apoio a Estudantes com NEE
CC467Outras Fontes de FinanciamentoMaria José Garoupa Albergaria BicudoREITORIASupport for Students with Special Educational Needs
CC556Outras Fontes de FinanciamentoMagda Eugénia Pinheiro Brandão Costa Carvalho TeixeiraFCSH • NICAInterdisciplinary Center for Children and Adolescents (NICA)
- Centro de Custos IS2E
CC1196Outras Fontes de FinanciamentoArmando Brito MendesFCTManagement of the IS2E research nucleus in the LIACC context
- EGU/CoE - Landslides Geological Hazards
- Fechado
CC561Outras Fontes de FinanciamentoRui Tiago Fernandes MarquesIVAREGU/CoE FORM-OSE Post-graduate Training School 2016 - Landslides and other Geological Hazards in Ative Volcanic Enviroments"
- Workshop Machado Joseph Disease
- Fechado
CC164Outras Fontes de Financiamento • Direção Regional da Ciência e da TecnologiaMaria Manuela de Medeiros LimaFCTV Workshop Machado Joseph Disease
- Curso de Língua e Cultura Portuguesas e Temáticas
- Fechado
CC273Outras Fontes de FinanciamentoAna Teresa da Conceição Silva AlvesFCSHPortuguese Language and Culture and Azorean Themes Course - Eurodisseia Program
- Cursos Verão
- Fechado
CC200Outras Fontes de FinanciamentoLuís Manuel Vieira de AndradeREITORIASummer Courses
- Formação
- Fechado
CC202Outras Fontes de FinanciamentoMaria Teresa Pires de MedeirosREITORIATraining
- Centro Vulcanologia
CC111Outras Fontes de FinanciamentoJosé Manuel Rodrigues PachecoIVARSeismovolcanic Monitoring of the Geothermal Field of Ribeira Grande on Ilha de S.Miguel / Monitoring of the Geothermal Field of Pico Alto / Risk study for the new hospital in Angra do Heroísmo
- Designação de Sítios RAMSAR
CC134Outras Fontes de FinanciamentoJoão José Monteiro Mora PorteiroFCT • CIBIO-AElaboration of thematic cartography / Elaboration of the Manual of Indicators for the Monitoring of Spatial Planning in the Autonomous Region of the Azores
- EIA Proj Turíst. Campo Golfe Batalha Faial
CC155Outras Fontes de FinanciamentoTeresa de Jesus Lopes FerreiraIVARTourist Project Batalha and Faial Golf Course
CC191Outras Fontes de FinanciamentoAna Cristina Matos Ricardo da CostaFCT • CIBIO-AStudy Characterization of Coastal Water Bodies of Graciosa, São Jorge, Pico, Faial, Flores and Corvo Islands and Characterization of Transitional Water Bodies in the RAA Hydrographic Region
- Despesas Gerais CES
CC245Outras Fontes de FinanciamentoPilar Sousa Lima Damião MedeirosFCSH • CICS.NOVA.UAcCES General Expenses
CC522Outras Fontes de FinanciamentoSuzana Nunes CaldeiraFCSHSchool Psychology Office
- Gab-TCL
CC529Outras Fontes de FinanciamentoDominique Almeida Rosa de FariaFCSHOffice and Translation and Language Consulting
- Caracterização Molecular Pónei Terceira
CC701Outras Fontes de FinanciamentoArtur da Câmara MachadoFCAA • CBAThird Pony Molecular Characterization
- GeoHidro
CC918Outras Fontes de FinanciamentoFrancisco Cota RodriguesIITAAAnalysis of the Rehabilitation Works and Improvement of the Environmental Situation of the NE and SW Sectors of Ramo Grande
- Técnico Científico apoio a Candidatura
CC1028Outras Fontes de FinanciamentoMaria João Bornes Teixeira Pereira TrotaFCAA • CBAServices to support applications to the "Competir +" program
- CT 2018
CC727Outras Fontes de FinanciamentoMargarida de Jesus Silva RaposoFCTInternational Conference on Category Theory 2018
CC742Outras Fontes de FinanciamentoAntónio Onofre Costa Miranda SoaresFCT • GBA-cE3cBenefits and Risks of Exotic Biological Control Agents
CC719Outras Fontes de FinanciamentoJosé Virgílio de Matos Figueira CruzIVARPOTRAA review coordination
CC722Outras Fontes de FinanciamentoDavid João Horta LopesFCAA • GBA-cE3cTechnical consultancy specialized in the monitoring and control of fruit flies (Ceratitis capitata and Batrocera invadens).
- Centro de Exames DELF/DALF
CC728Outras Fontes de FinanciamentoDominique Almeida Rosa de FariaFCSHDELF/DALF Exam Center
CC189Outras Fontes de FinanciamentoAna Cristina Matos Ricardo da CostaFCT • CIBIO-APreparation of a Characterization Work on the Bathing Water Profiles of the 32 Study Areas, on the Islands of S.Miguel and Terceira.
- Sperm Bird Project
CC188Outras Fontes de FinanciamentoArmindo dos Santos RodriguesFCT • CIBIO-AMonitoring of the biological component to monitor Columba Palumbus Azorica (Azores Wood Pigeon) populations, Algarvia/Northeast, Northeast Axis - 2013
- Apicultura
CC1155Outras Fontes de FinanciamentoJoão da Silva MadrugaIITAAExecution of Pollen Analysis
CC1154Outras Fontes de FinanciamentoMaria Manuela de Medeiros LimaFCTESMI (European Initiative for Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 3/Machado-Joseph Disease)
- Teste Temperatura
CC185Outras Fontes de FinanciamentoPaulo Alexandre Vieira BorgesFCAA • GBA-cE3cInspection Recognition and Localization of Xylophage Attacks on all Floors and Roofs of the Palácio dos Capitães Generalais, Palácio da Conceição, Palácio de Santana and Igreja da Nossa Senhora do Carmo in PD. Indication of Prophylactic Measures to be Adopted and Treatments to be Performed
- Quantitative Ecology Courses
CC117Outras Fontes de FinanciamentoAna Isabel De Melo Azevedo NetoFCT • GBA-cE3cQuantitative Ecology Courses
- Curso Formação
CC142Outras Fontes de FinanciamentoAna Margarida Moura de Oliveira ArrozFCAA • GBA-cE3cTraining Course "Biology, Termite Detection and Management Techniques"
- Prestação Serviços diversos
CC166Outras Fontes de FinanciamentoHelena Maria Gregório Pina CaladoFCT • CIBIO-APublic Participation of the Island's Natural Parks / Elaboration of the "Parque Marinho dos Açores" / POEM - Maritime Spatial Planning Plan / Technical Support in the Elaboration of the Final Proposal for the VFC PDM review / Proposal for a technical solution for the preparation of a diploma adapting to RAA of the INSPIRE Directive / Elaboration of Draft Regulations relating to Licensing and Management Scientific Samples RAA / Elaboration of cartographic models for Territorial Management Instruments in the RAA - Completion of Phase II
CC175Outras Fontes de FinanciamentoDavid João Horta LopesFCAA • GBA-cE3cStudy of an Innovative System for Control of the Mediterranean Fly (Ceratitis capitata Wied) called ADRESS®
- Syngenta Fauna Auxiliar
CC187Outras Fontes de FinanciamentoDavid João Horta LopesFCAA • GBA-cE3cStudy of the Impact of the ADRESS Strategy in the Fight against Ceratitis Capitata Wied on Auxiliary Fauna in IIha Terceira
CC193Outras Fontes de FinanciamentoArtur da Câmara MachadoFCAA • CBAMolecular Characterization and Study of the Genetics of Endemic Plant Populations from Different Azorean Islands
- Serviços Psicologia Educacional
CC318Outras Fontes de FinanciamentoSuzana Nunes CaldeiraFCSHEducational Sciences Department Training Courses
- Fertilidade dos Solos dos Açores
CC552Outras Fontes de FinanciamentoJorge Alberto Vieira Ferraz PinheiroFCAASoil Fertility in the Azores
- Investigação tecnologia alimentar
CC207Outras Fontes de FinanciamentoEmiliana Leonilde Dinis Gil Soares da SilvaFCAA • IITAAMicrobiological analyzes
- Gestão do CMATI
CC251Outras Fontes de FinanciamentoJoão Manuel Gonçalves CabralFCTCMATI General Expenses
- Horticultura
CC410Outras Fontes de FinanciamentoJoão Guilherme Ferreira BatistaFCAAHorticultura
- Torymussinensis
CC655Outras Fontes de FinanciamentoMaria Luísa Melo OliveiraFCAA • CBAAssessment of environmental risks after the introduction of the exotic parasitoid Torymus sinensis Kamijo